That is what I’m saying; nobody would want to be a cop without coverage for personal liability, and it’s not going to come from insurance.
Yes, the occasional sexual misconduct claim is probably more likely to be punished by a jury, and I’m 100% for horrendous punishment for such acts. You seem to be overlooking frequency and magnitude of potential claims. Insurers avoid companies with frequent claims issues. An occasional catastrophic claim is not frowned upon the same way as are frequency issues. Cops with weapons run to bad situations in order to stop those situations using force if necessary, and they do so hundreds of times everyday. Those actions create a frequency issue. I never saw a bouncer with a gun, and they are stationed at one establishment, not speeding all over town looking for trouble. Not sure why you added security guards to the mix but they are similar to bouncers in that trouble comes to them, not the other way around.
To be fair, you could insure cops just as you could buy fire insurance on a burning building. You may not want to after seeing how much the premium will be.
It may not come from normal private insurance. I'm just saying that I don't think they'd dump QI and then leave officers with no liability protection of any kind. I think the departments would indemnify them, and I think they'd use something comparable to the TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool, which often provides liability and workers compensation coverage for local governments.
Would the costs associated with it go up? I'm sure they would. I almost don't see how they couldn't. But not to worry. Those costs will get passed on to us, and we'll cover it with higher taxes so the woke can feel more righteous. TML has lobbyists (whom we pay for) to make sure our taxes never get too low.