Rice, Rice, Rice!

Interesting response from Herman yesterday when asked why/if they had plans to get Dev and Jake on the filed at the same time. After his usual 2-3 second pause, his response was "why would we?"
IMO he was trying to take focus away from that tandem and a good ploy. However, I am sure all of the Big XII teams prepare for that.

I actually thought this was the original plan -- those 2 at the same time, with JWhitt. You would think that would keep opposing DCs busy every week
I actually thought this was the original plan -- those 2 at the same time, with JWhitt. You would think that would keep opposing DCs busy every week
I agree with TH. Why would he take Collin or Brennan off the field to put Jake on the field? Maybe if we go to 4 wide, but otherwise in a standard set, I don't see a good reason for it.
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Interesting response from Herman yesterday when asked why/if they had plans to get Dev and Jake on the filed at the same time. After his usual 2-3 second pause, his response was "why would we?"

IMO he was trying to take focus away from that tandem and a good ploy. However, I am sure all of the Big XII teams prepare for that.
I think JWhit was supposed to be the other tandem member so that it would be JWhit + Duv or Jake.

I will NEVER get tired of hearing Craig Way ."Say good night to it"

Notice how cool the flag run out is. First USA Flag, then the Texas flag then OUR flag
cool :usflag::texasflag::bevo:

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