Refugee Caravan Heading For U.S.

Like many I always thought I would like to go back to Austin to live even maybe when I retired.

decision made for me.

I live in Austin and I just can't understand the logic of cities using public dollars to defend law breakers. Are Denver and Austin in the US, or are they in Mexico? What does the law even mean anymore?
Is it not possible that 1) Obama kept quiet because he didn't want to offend La Raza and LULAC's (he offended Ruben Navarrette Jr. who skewered Obama over his immigration policies)

Yes, it's also possible that Trump's rhetoric is being leveraged moreso to fire up his supporters than any actual effect.

2) Enough is enough; Trump said the border needs to be dealt with and we all know it's a sieve. He ran on that platform and he is going to take credit for keeping his pledge.

I don't have a problem with catching illegal border crossers. I do have an issue with absolute fiscal responsibility. Trump promised that too. Let's emphasize that maybe? $312M for 14 miles of new border fence? My issue all along was that building the wall as described hundreds of times does little more than assuage the egos of his supporters. Feel free to pass the hat around at his rallies. Using tax money on a boondoggle such as this is idiotic.

The U.S. government has awarded a $167 million contract to build 8 miles (13 kilometers) of border wall in south Texas.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced the contract Wednesday. Construction will begin in February. CBP already announced a $145 million award for another 6 miles (10 kilometers) in South Texas' Rio Grande Valley.
The U.S. government has awarded a $167 million contract to build 8 miles (13 kilometers) of border wall in south Texas.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced the contract Wednesday. Construction will begin in February. CBP already announced a $145 million award for another 6 miles (10 kilometers) in South Texas' Rio Grande Valley.
You know, we could save a lot of money on the wall's construction if they'd just use illegal labor.
I don't have a problem with catching illegal border crossers. I do have an issue with absolute fiscal responsibility. Trump promised that too. Let's emphasize that maybe? $312M for 14 miles of new border fence? My issue all along was that building the wall as described hundreds of times does little more than assuage the egos of his supporters. Feel free to pass the hat around at his rallies. Using tax money on a boondoggle such as this is idiotic.

According to every study not done by a liberal university illegals cost taxpayers about $100 billion a year. The wall will more than pay for itself.
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Fixed it for you.

Lack of economic knowledge will continue to plague ignorant libs such as yourself. When you can't figure out that the poor(no matter if legal or not) consumes more than it puts in you just don't need to be putting your uninformed opinion out there. Hell, I don't even know why I waste my time with someone who believes that Obama is partially responsible for this economy.
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I still can't understand how libs have gotten to be so damn stupid in this country. 20 years ago democrats understood illegal immigration was dangerous. They understood that a tax cut creates wealth(Clinton, JFK). They understood that globalism hurts American workers. What the hell happened to you guys?
Coopted by Cultural Marxists. The effort now is to continue adding grievance upon grievance. Today it makes them look like the good guys. I gives them an "other" to fight against. Someday they fundamentally change our political-economic order if allowed to continue down this path.
I still can't understand how libs have gotten to be so damn stupid in this country. 20 years ago democrats understood illegal immigration was dangerous. They understood that a tax cut creates wealth(Clinton, JFK). They understood that globalism hurts American workers. What the hell happened to you guys?
They went for voters who don’t believe in these things.
They went for voters who don’t believe in these things.

I use to vote democrat in the 90s. Back then the republicans were free traders which I didn't agree with. I eventually had to change parties because of the far left taking over the dems. This is the state of the two parties now. Republicans now represent common sense while the democrats represent far out ****. It's literally now a battle between reason and nuttiness in this country and I think the nutcases are winning.
It's literally now a battle between reason and nuttiness in this country and I think the nutcases are winning.

Yes, it seems that way. Kamala Harris, who a lot of folks think will be the Dem nominee for Pres., just this week compared ICE to the KKK!!! How ******* stupid can you be? And yet, that remark probably won't hurt her. With the MSM controlling the news input for many average Joes, those kind of remarks don't get out there to large numbers of Americans.
Yes, it seems that way. Kamala Harris, who a lot of folks think will be the Dem nominee for Pres., just this week compared ICE to the KKK!!! How ******* stupid can you be? And yet, that remark probably won't hurt her. With the MSM controlling the news input for many average Joes, those kind of remarks don't get out there to large numbers of Americans.

I guess Kamala didn't look at what the refugees have done to Europe. They are overburdening the social welfare system of their host countries and are increasing the crime rate. Does she want that here?
Naive it may be but I think limits would be a positive to enable those with ‘good’ intentions to have a shot at getting some positive action before they were totally corrupted as I now believe happens to all of them.
Voting should be a censure but ‘incumbent’ carries too much leverage.
Wait a minute. Garmel voted against free trade? Damn Communist. Free trade is a founding US principle and it has facilitated a huge build up of wealth (for everyone) over the last 200 years. Kill free trade and you kill wealth generation.
Nashhorn, term limits are at best neutral. It shortens the rule of both good and bad politicians. The trick is to kick out the bad ones and keep the good ones as long as possible.

Term limits and "money in politics" are the 2 biggest false issues brought up in the US today.
Wait a minute. Garmel voted against free trade? Damn Communist. Free trade is a founding US principle and it has facilitated a huge build up of wealth (for everyone) over the last 200 years. Kill free trade and you kill wealth generation.

The free trade that i'm talking about is the kind that Trump is currently fighting against. I'm for free trade when everyone is on a level playing field and we're not getting screwed.
Term Limits is weird. If you don't want to ever vote for an incumbent past a certain time, then don't. But changing the law to make everyone vote the way you want doesn't seem to be right.

I thought the same thing about the Austin City Council plan. We changed to districts because "all the members are from the same part of town" - but the people who voted to change to districts were the same people who were responsible for voting for all those people who were from the same part of town as each other!

Austin is no more. It's too crowded and will continue to grow and be paved over.

We're not all that paved over compared to most other places our size.
Free trade is free trade. Other countries are never going to play by our rules. Restricting trade based on what other countries do just US citizens. Even imperfect trade is a wealth builder. I think Trump is right to try to improve trade agreements but increasing tariffs hurts business.
But people overwhelmingly send back their incumbent because the system seems rigged to punish newbies.

Its public service, not a career.

Naive it may be but I think limits would be a positive to enable those with ‘good’ intentions to have a shot at getting some positive action before they were totally corrupted as I now believe happens to all of them.
Voting should be a censure but ‘incumbent’ carries too much leverage.

I used to be pro-term limits. Going to work for the Texas Legislature showed me some things that changed my mind.

First, your average freshman legislator is ignorant - even the "smart" ones. They know issues on a superficial level, but how many really understand school finance, insurance law, water management, or other complex issues? Virtually none, because they've never had to. It's veteran lawmakers who study these issues for years who actually know them in detail.

So what happens when nobody knows these issues? They become dependent on two sources for essential knowledge - the lobby and the bureaucracy. Of course, veteran lawmakers certainly listen to these people as well, but importantly, they can sniff out BS from them because they know the issues themselves and know the trustworthiness (or lack thereof) of individual bureaucrats and lobbyists. Inexperienced lawmakers generally can't do that, and when they're in charge, you often end up with a government on autopilot with the bureaucracy and lobby firmly in charge.

Second, term limits doesn't end career politics and doesn't create "citizen legislatures." The politicians simply move onto other politically-oriented jobs - in the bureaucracy, the lobby, or businesses that are in the sack with government. One of the things I noticed in Austin was how many lobbyists and agency "government relations liaisons" were former legislatirs who were defeated or simply wanted to make more than the $600 per month that the taxpayer gave them. The point is that there's always a system for shady people to exploit.

Third, I never saw any correlation between seniority and corruption. The guys with a lot of power had usually proven themselves to be reasonably honest people before they were handed power. (Keep in mind that legislative leaders don't seize power. Somebody with more power trusts them enough to give it to them). I didn't always agree with their politics, but they weren't crooks. The crooks were usually junior members who were drunk with a little power. Too many term limits supporters confuse perceived idealism (which is often associated with junior members) with integrity and associate pragmatism with sleaziness. Those impressions are largely false.

The bottom line is that we get the politicians we deserve. If we are ok with corruption, that's what we'll get, whether those politicians have been in office for 40 years or 40 days.

Consider California. They have term limits. Texas doesn't. What part of California politics is better than ours? Set aside ideology for a moment. Are California politicians more ethical? Is their legislature less "swampy?" Are they less beholden to special interests? I would argue that the answer to all of those questions is No.
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Amazing how quickly the voice of those in Tijuana upset with the caravan is being silenced by the mainstream media...but it is QUITE telling that even Mexicans are upset with the caravan. Those in TJ referred to it as a tsunami as opposed to an invasion, but it was abundantly clear that they don't like their government having to spend money on these deadbeats...
How many of the horde will rush to break into our country now?

Judge bars US from enforcing Trump administration’s asylum ban

Someone once said the rights in our Constitution are not supposed to be a suicide pact. The test of any law should be how it stands up if everyone asserts their legal rights. Clearly, if every person below the poverty level in Mexico (which is in the tens of millions) came over then we'd be F'd. These lawyers do not care. That is why we need some rational limits in the law (limits to asylum claims per year?).

From Wikipedia:

"While less than 2% of Mexico's population lives below the international poverty line set by the World Bank, as of 2013, Mexico's government estimates that 33% of Mexico's population lives in moderate poverty and 9% lives in extreme poverty,[3] which leads to 42% of Mexico's total population living below the national poverty line.[4]"

I think that's the same judge that halted Trump's terrorist ban (i.e. the muslim ban).

It's just a temporary ban, but I don't think Trump has much of a chance to get it over turned. The law is on their side in this case. We've legislated ourselves into a box which doesn't allow us to control our own borders.

Build the WALL. That'll force most of them (except those with tall ladders) to go to a P.O.E.