Rebel Flag Reverence

The business model should certainly not over adjust production for a short term trend, but most assuredly can count on repeat customers and steady business for the foreseeable future. Especially in the southern markets.
Gun sales soar after each mass shooting in the US too so I'm not sure anything can be gleaned from that statistic other than it's good to be a confederate flag salesperson.
Now the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP calls for removing the magnificent sculture in Stone Mountain Park of Jeff Davis, Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson.

Doesn't that seem a little, o I don't know, Talibanish?

It is happening at Texas as well. UT President Fenves is removing the Confederate monuments from the UT campus.

A man called 911 because he saw nazi and confederate memorabilia being sold in a flea market.

The thing about the article is the quotes:
“I was shaking and almost vomiting,” he said. “I had to run."
^ How did this man make it through history class?
“It’s difficult because it’s on private property and it’s considered free speech”
“I had to check with the chief over what is actionable and what isn’t,” (the mayor) said. “Unless something violates state or federal law, there’s no jurisdiction for government to do anything. We had to ask, is it something controlled by law?”
He had to ask if there was a first amendment?
“It’s unfortunate that under the law people have the right to sell these things; but it doesn’t mean they should sell these things. It’s not a crime but I would call it hate."
It's unfortunate we live in a free country where you can sell items representing any ideological viewpoint from Che Guevara, to old Soviet stuff, to nazi stuff, to pro marijuana stuff, to republican stuff, to democrat stuff, to green party stuff, to confederate stuff, to another nation's stuff, etc.? I've never heard someone call freedom "unfortunate" before.

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