I know your suggestions are reasonable but I am not sure they are workable. The cheapest way to deport is the eliminate the ability to work here.
There's no bigger advocate for that than I am.
For instance, they must pay back taxes. Who figures what their earnings are on which to base the back taxes? Honor system?
The IRS would do it based on documentary evidence, just as they would for other taxpayers.
how many agents would we have to hire to monitor the at least 10 million more returns?
How many would we have to hire if the population expands by 10 million people? I'm sure we'd need to hire more.
Who helps these mostly low skill illegals figure out how to fill out an IRS form? There would have to be a new form created.
That's up to them. They can go to H&R Block if they want to or ask a bilingual person to help them out. Many of them do that already. Either way, it's not our problem.
Do they have to make penalty or back tax payments every year or can they wait until the end?
They can't get legal status until they pay them in full, no matter how long that takes. I could be talked into an installment plan that offers temporary legal status after 50 percent of the debt has been paid, so long as legal status is pulled if they fail to make their payments.
Think of the new market that will be created for fake docs to establish they have been here since , say 2010.
The fake docs only work now because nobody verifies. In fact, most of them look pretty fake. I'd verify.
10 Years? so for 10 years they get to stay here?
No, they don't get to stay for ten years unless they pay. I would make them pay 10 years of back taxes.
If they don't pay you say they don't get legal status? Who monitors that?
The IRS and ICE.
Who goes after them and deports them in 10 years?
Again, they don't get deported in 10 years. They're without legal documents until the amount is paid. They could be deported at any time until then.
What if they have had 6 anchor babies?
The "anchor babies" aren't anchors. They're citizens, and they stay unless their parents take them with them. The illegal immigrants get deported.
Yes there are some learn English classes now but not nearly enough.
There didn't used to be enough gas stations for the number of cars that would be on the road. Now there are. That's what markets are for.
Do you really think knowing the way we freely hand out entitlements we would leave it up to the illegal to be responsible to learn English or to file taxes?
If it's a condition of avoiding deportation, they probably will.
Someone ( and it may have been you) suggested the best way to deport is to go after employers. Start with the largest companies but take it all the way down to the smaller. Penalize them, even imprison a few CEOs. No jobs, most will self deport.
Yes, I do advocate that, but like I've also said, government enforcement isn't going to happen in significant numbers. As little as Obama has cared about enforcement, the Bush Administration cared even less. The federal government isn't going to enforce the law on employers, and the public is too scattered and stupid to hold them accountable. (If they weren't, then we wouldn't have this problem today.) Until we have private enforcement, nothing meaningful is going to happen on this front, and I'm not going to hold my breath on that happening anytime soon.