Rangers - Yankees series

By my count, Jason Giambi got three bases off ****** calls--no strikeout in the first and two balks in the fifth.

I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a balk in a major league game. And I know I've never seen two in the same inning.

And I don't care about the technical rules of balking. If they're going to be called with that level of technicality, then Joba Chamberlain was balking every inning. But neither pitchers' movements were made to deceive the runner. And that's the touchstone of the balk rule.

Those were chickenshit calls that you might make in spring training, not in August in a game in which both teams are struggling toward the wild card.
My buddy who loves the Yankees (who also roots for the Steelers, Duke, and the Lakers) refused to admit the ******** of that 2-2 pitch to Giambi. I ******* hate Yankee fans
Just for a little point/counterpoint balance - Rangers were fortunate to get Kinsler's foul ball/Double Play reversed. Umps don't do that very often. If they hadn't done it, Young wouldn't have hit that 3-run HR.

So, then the bad calls that benefited Giambi didn't matter either.
Life really is grand especially with sweet daughters around.

Reading the posts about fathers and little daughters bonding with baseball makes me glad, and sad. My own dad taught me to keep a baseball scorebook when I was about 6. I remember going to minor league games in Arlington with him and mama, and him teaching me the position numbers and how to note on the scorecard how the out was made or how the run scored. He taught me that you never merely indicate that a batter advanced -- you also have to note HOW he advanced. To this day, it rankles the **** out of me when I look at someone else's scorecard and they don't account for all the bases.

My love for baseball, which has been well-documented on these boards, was instilled in me by my dad. He died 25 years ago and I still miss him, him and mama, every single day. I know he's up in Heaven enjoying the good run the Rangers are having right now, but I also know he's cussing because this team needs better starting pitching.
Oh, Uncle Rico, he was! He loved the ballclub and listened to every game on WBAP. We all did. He took us to the very first game the Rangers played, and he was very happy for me when I got a job working at the Stadium -- I got PAID to watch baseball! I usually worked the section by the visitor's bullpen and got to know every reliever in the AL, and dad enjoyed me telling the stories they'd tell me.

Sometimes I'd work the sections over the visitor's dugout, and I'd often seat Charlie Pride, and when the Yankees came to town, Mickey Mantle. Dad also liked hearing about that.
I have a bad feeling about this game. RW needs to remind the team that last night is over. To the Yanks, this is no big deal and they will be ready to play ball so the Rangers better not F around.

Matt Harrison needs to be aggressive and go after the Yankees. They will be patient and get ahead in the count or work walks which could spell disaster...and that would piss off Texanne's dad...which wouldn't sit well with me either.
Texanne's dad should be cautiously optimistic right now while happy about Matt Harrison.

All us dads should hope our daughters turn out like Texanne; and I can proudly say both my girls know how to keep a scorebook.

Washington is waaaaay more patient than I am. I would have jerked Rupe's *** out of there after walking Giambi. If you can't come out of the pen throwing stirikes, you're not going to change.
This is a great, young ballclub. They may not make the playoffs this year, but if the front office does not take advantage of the off-season and get 2 more starting pitchers, then they just plain suck.
Absolutely good news out of all this...C.J.Sux comes in and gives up a grand slam and yet the Rangers win by 2. Nice to have the cushion.

I love Eddie G.'s intensity. Gotta stick with him in the closer roll right now, no one else really reliable in the pen.

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