Rangers Magic Number

Good night Louise.

OK, Fellow Zealots,

I give up. This one started with a lot of promise and a 3-1 lead, but it has now fallen apart.

I'm going to bed. I have a 9:08 tee time tomorrow morning, so a little sleep would be in order. Let's try again tomorrow - looks like Derek Holland and C. J. Wilson.

It ended with a thud... 11-3 loss and Josh went out of the game. We need Holland to get R's back on track tonight vs. our friend CJ!
If you had to pick one game the Rangers were sure to lose it was last night against Weaver. Dempster was due for a bad game having pitched so well over his last several starts so hopefully this gets it out of his system.

The A's lose so this one doesnt hurt and as long as the Rangers take advantage of having the edge tonight with Holland v CJ and tomorrow with Yu v Greinke they can still take the series. I still think 3-3 on this road trip will be ok as the A's should lose at least two more on their 6 game trip too.
Seams like yesterday that this thread started with 96...now at 13...hope I get to see some good playoff games while I'm over in Texas!
Well, the Rangers' chances of winning this series take a hit. Hamilton and Beltre will not be in the lineup tonight. Let's hope the Tigers put another whuppin' on the A's and the Texas bats can put up a lot of runs for Holland against CJ.

Oh, yes. Almost forgot. I'm setting the over/under as to when Holland gives up his first HR tonight at 4 innings. I'm taking the under.
verlander, mowing them down like a tremendous machine!

4-0 Teaguers in the 6th...Verlander may not last long, pitch count is high
CJ Wilson is all over the place tonight (already over 40 pitches through 2 innings), but the Rangers haven't been able to get a hit so far and even left them loaded in the 1st. They need to get to him while the gettin' is good.
Yes! Rangers finally get to CJ. Score 3 runs on 4 hits in the 3rd, sending CJ to the showers for a 3-0 lead. Getting into the Angels bullpen is always a good thing.

C'mon, Holland. Don't pull a Dempster and blow the lead the bats just gave 'ya.
Into the 5th, the Dutch Oven hasn't stunk it up. Looking good so far.

A win here would be nice. Four game lead, and LAA having to dig into the Pen so soon in game 2 of the series.
Fat Albert meets Gentry's arm. What a defensive gem. Get to the ball quickly, strong throw, Elvis with a nice short hop pick and tag.

Gentry needs to stay put out there. If Leonys had any trade value, it might be the right move in the winter
Holland staying tough, 3-2 lead w/ one out in the 7th. Excellent game.

Jerome Williams pitches 4+ innings, excellent relief. From the look on the bench he's done for the night. Hopefully with 9 outs left we can dig into the soft Pen & add some runs on the board.......We just need good pitching here.
If I heard Greive correctly......Holland is done for the nite after 7 innings, this is the 4th consecutive start where he pitched 7 innings or more, gave up 2 or fewer earned runs....didn't know that. Showing big at the right time of year!
Very nice job. Efficient use of key hits and excellent pitching. Great W. Lead now back to 4 full games. A's play Detroit again tomorrow, then on to Yankee Stadium. Rangers need to get a W from Yu tomorrow.

Please don't call Holland the Dutch Oven. That's a horrible nickname.

And good job, Rangers -- we needed a little separation.
Story making the talk show rounds in SoCal is the Rangers ruined Wilson by "forcing" him to pitch to many innings while he was with the Rangers. A little buyers remorse I believe.
Big win and that makes today with Yu huge as it would all but eliminate the Angels from any playoff chance and after all the money they spent and a second wild card place that would have to be a gut shot for them.
That's kinda funny Viper. He pitched every 5 days just like everyone else in the majors. How many innings you pitch depends on how well/efficient you are. Obviously, he hasn't been either later.

Boy, the Rangers needed that win, esp. with Beltre and Hamilton out. Except for giving up his usual gopher ball in the 5th (I should've taken the over), Holland had good quality start. A "W" with Yu on the mound would sure be sweet for the reasons stated by FWHorn.
Oakland won this afternoon, so the lead is back to 3-1/2 games, pending the outcome of the Rangers vs. Angels. Hope Yu can come up with another masterpiece. A win tonight would just about slam the door on Anaheim.

A's are off to New York. I absolutely hate to root for the Yankees, but this time it will help the Rangers. It would really help for the Yanks to win two of the three games in the Bronx. Then the Rangers need to take care of business in Seattle - a sweep would be terrific, two of three as a minimum.

Yep, if Darvish gets us into the 9th tied, I like our chances in Pen vs Pen

Ross pitched 2 nites ago, looked solid, Hope he's back to being his old self

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