Random Off-Season News

Any list that doesn't have San Francisco in the top 5 is a joke. And New Orleans not higher 5 is laughable.

I lived in the Marina almost 5 years. It was nice to be able to walk to spots like Einstein's bagels, movie theater, gym, grocery store, haircut, Marina Green (flat ground to jog on). But I dont particularly miss the restaurants. The food in Texas is better.

What part were you?
1. New Orleans
2. New York
3. Houston
4. San Francisco
5. Austin
Hon. Mention: Chicago, Dallas, Boston, Charleston, San Antonio
Not fit for any such list: Honolulu (loved that place overall, but it sucked for good non-sushi restaurants), Orlando, Detroit.
Apparently this is on a wall inside the WVU athletic complex

Apparently this is on a wall inside the WVU athletic complex

Time at Tech, and under Mark Stoops has new coach circling us on the schedule?
I hope we beat them by 50 up there.
I think he’s in for a culture shock, and not just off the field.
I lived in the Marina almost 5 years. It was nice to be able to walk to spots like Einstein's bagels, movie theater, gym, grocery store, haircut, Marina Green (flat ground to jog on). But I dont particularly miss the restaurants. The food in Texas is better.

What part were you?
Never lived there but my late brother lived in Antioch for many years and I visited him many times. Haven't been there since his funeral in 2011. Maybe it's changed.
Never lived there but my late brother lived in Antioch for many years and I visited him many times. Haven't been there since his funeral in 2011. Maybe it's changed.

I do miss the Stinking Rose sometimes, it was a unique place
Some great burritos in the Mission District
Some great sushi on the peninsula
But you cant any get any good Tex-Mex or BBQ there. So what are you gonna do?
I look at WVU like some little chubby younger brother of a group of older guys who let him tag along at times. And at times the little pup teases, jabs, tugs at the lead dog of the group hoping to get attention. Even if it means by doing so he's going to get popped hard ---- back with his real peer group, he'll lean back, with hands behind his neck and brag about how he got the black eye in a fight with Bruno, gave him a go, and Bruno knew he was in a fight alright.

Aside from Jerry West being "the Logo" for the NBA icon, WVU has done, uh, I'm trying to find something in the major sports they've done.
Is there some beef WVU has with us specifically? If so, I missed out on when that started and why. They're not a rival or anything.
Remember they got flagged for taunting for doing the upside down horns during last year's game. Maybe they remember that, and blame us for it.
I'm sorry guys (gender neutral), but Houston in the Top 3 in the country? I don't think they're Top 5. Probably Top 10.

Eating out in Houston has changed a lot in the last 20 years. I concede it used to be bad (chains only). But now there are chef-owned and operated spots all over the place. And new ones every day (that is not hyperbole). Houston is now a foodie mecca, something you will see reflected in national food mags/websites if you take the time to look. There is great variety, including a bunch of good ones by southern Louisianians who stayed after Katrina. Also reflected is that Houston is perhaps the most international city in the country and each tribe has its own food. Meaning, the variety can be staggering. I personally have native-Scottish, British and French neighbors all within a 7-house radius, all here for the energy sector. There are other parts of town closer to the Med Center that have a crazier mix. Oh, and we have more and better tacos than San Antonio and Laredo combined. That's just the way it is now. Continue to live in denial if you want. Or, stuff your pie hole and enjoy it. The choice is yours.
Eating out in Houston has changed a lot in the last 20 years. I concede it used to be bad (chains only). But now there are chef-owned and operated spots all over the place. And new ones every day (that is not hyperbole). Houston is now a foodie mecca, something you will see reflected in national food mags/websites if you take the time to look. There is great variety, including a bunch of good ones by southern Louisianians who stayed after Katrina. Also reflected is that Houston is perhaps the most international city in the country and each tribe has its own food. Meaning, the variety can be staggering. I personally have native-Scottish, British and French neighbors all within a 7-house radius, all here for the energy sector. There are other parts of town closer to the Med Center that have a crazier mix. Oh, and we have more and better tacos than San Antonio and Laredo combined. That's just the way it is now. Continue to live in denial if you want. Or, stuff your pie hole and enjoy it. The choice is yours.
Completely agree on the variety--which increases every few years. The Indian/sub-continental food in Houston IMHO beats anywhere outside of India or London. Excellent seafood town as well. Now if only Vargo's could re-open--I suppose they'd have to re-plant those multiple 100s of azaleas... Vargo's was a fine dining restaurant, where you could also order really good fried chicken!
.... Now if only Vargo's could re-open--I suppose they'd have to re-plant those multiple 100s of azaleas... Vargo's was a fine dining restaurant, where you could also order fried chicken!

Back in the day, that one one of the few great ones
Great setting too
Didnt it burn down?
I do miss the Stinking Rose sometimes, it was a unique place
Some great burritos in the Mission District
Some great sushi on the peninsula
But you cant any get any good Tex-Mex or BBQ there. So what are you gonna do?
IMHO Californians do tend to put way too much lettuce and fresh tomatoes on their Mexican food... I have no idea what they would barbeque out there: tofu? veggie ribs?
Back in the day, that one one of the few great ones
Great setting too
Didnt it burn down?
I don't know the story behind Vargo's demise. Of course, with the azalea gardens it set on many acres of prime West Houston real estate. Arguably a fancy restaurant with massive azalea gardens was not the 'highest and best use of' all that land, as an economist might say. I bet they sold that land for a fortune. Best Long Island Duck anywhere (if you like that sort of thing).
Back in the day, that one one of the few great ones
Great setting too
Didnt it burn down?
Aside from Vargo's, some other great 'classic' fine dining Houston restaurants from back in the day (some are still around): Brenner's, Brennan's, Charlie's 517, Tony's, Harry's Kenya. H-town can hold it's own with the other top foodie cities--especially with all the new variety.
Joe Fan: "Oh, and we [Houston] have more and better tacos than San Antonio and Laredo combined."

Watch out, I think you've just fired the opening salvo in a war.
Something from IT on upcoming positions --

Question: Where do DeMarvion Overshown and B.J. Foster fit?
Overshown's been hurt. Lots of minor injuries with the safeties: Brandon Jones, Caden Sterns, and Overshown. Heading into spring it will be Chris Brown at field safety, BJ Foster at boundary, Josh at nickel. They haven't really worked joker stuff yet. When everyone's healthy, I'm not sure how it will shake out because they still have the same issues -- more quality players than positions. Spring will be good for getting BJ comfortable playing from depth and getting Thompson ready without the crutch of Jones behind him.

Task: It’s time to turn Jeffrey McCulloch into an inside-backer.
Yes it is and the staff knows it. Orlando is investing a lot of time in McCulloch and McCulloch is responding and putting in a ton of extra work. They're demanding of him, he needs to learn everyone's job, not just his own or the other linebackers. He'll know what to do, the question will be putting it into action on the field.
Something from IT on upcoming positions --

Question: Where do DeMarvion Overshown and B.J. Foster fit?
Overshown's been hurt. Lots of minor injuries with the safeties: Brandon Jones, Caden Sterns, and Overshown. Heading into spring it will be Chris Brown at field safety, BJ Foster at boundary, Josh at nickel. They haven't really worked joker stuff yet. When everyone's healthy, I'm not sure how it will shake out because they still have the same issues -- more quality players than positions. Spring will be good for getting BJ comfortable playing from depth and getting Thompson ready without the crutch of Jones behind him.

Task: It’s time to turn Jeffrey McCulloch into an inside-backer.
Yes it is and the staff knows it. Orlando is investing a lot of time in McCulloch and McCulloch is responding and putting in a ton of extra work. They're demanding of him, he needs to learn everyone's job, not just his own or the other linebackers. He'll know what to do, the question will be putting it into action on the field.
B.J. Foster is my favorite defensive player. I'm sure our staff can find ways to get him on the field. Dude hits like a sledgehammer. It's rare indeed to find someone who 'punches above his weight class' to the degree Foster does.
B.J. Foster is my favorite defensive player. I'm sure our staff can find ways to get him on the field. Dude hits like a sledgehammer. It's rare indeed to find someone who 'punches above his weight class' to the degree Foster does.

I thought he might go to NB. We will see
Aside from Vargo's, some other great 'classic' fine dining Houston restaurants from back in the day (some are still around): Brenner's, Brennan's, Charlie's 517, Tony's, Harry's Kenya. H-town can hold it's own with the other top foodie cities--especially with all the new variety.

Cafe Annie was the tops, IMO (not counting specialty BBQ or steakhouses). Several great chefs trained under Robert Del Grande and spread out around town like weeds. Same for ex-chefs from Tony's.

FWIW, I grew up around the Italian clan that started D’Amico's (the best! IMHO), Carrabba's (Mandolas) and the various Petronella spots. So a shout out to them and all their restaurants.
Cafe Annie was the tops, IMO (not counting specialty BBQ or steakhouses). Several great chefs trained under Robert Del Grande and spread out around town like weeds. Same for ex-chefs from Tony's.

FWIW, I grew up around the Italian clan that started D’Amico's (the best! IMHO), Carrabba's (Mandolas) and the various Petronella spots. So a shout out to them and all their restaurants.
Love Carrabba's. They make a mean pork chop (and lots of other good food).
Houston definitely has more. Dont get mad at the math.
I'm not disputing your ranking, and definitely am not mad about it, just forewarning of the potential flame war.

Let me relate an experience. I remarked to a Longhorn lady I know who was from San Antonio that "Overall, I'd say the Mexican food in Austin is even better than that in San Antonio." Her reaction was a mix of amazement, rage, and fury. You'd think I just called her kids ugly or something. People were turning their heads and gawking at the 'crazy lady' who was yelling at me.

I'd say many San Antonio folks can be a bit defensive of their city's self-perceived status at the top of the pecking order for Mexican food in this great State. It's very good, no doubt, but there are other Texas towns with great Mexican food too...

[Warning: El Paso folks can also be like that.]