Random Off-Season News

MH YOU are spoiled by the history of success. Great isn't it?
Proud Of You Yes GIF
The question is whether the SEC is Texas ready

Hey SEC, y'all should already know... there's a new Sheriff in town!!! It's a snarling angry and hungry steer, that will not only compete but will dominate and take Championships top to bottom in Men's and Women's sports!!


🤘 🤘 🤘
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Per OTF, spring practice will begin on March 25th right after the team returns from Spring Break.

The last day of spring practice on April 26th is being reported as some sort of "player appreciation" event.
The UTSA game went down in the locker room as the "perfect storm" of strange happenings against a poor team and the rest of our season was heavily impacted by it. We weren't privy to a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff, but the severity of QE's injuries (plural) in that game, combined with the chewing-out of a popular portal player, and the nonsense of a different guy who bailed on the program... it all hit the fan in a 3.5-hour span and altered the trajectory of what could have been a perfect season.

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