Random Off-Season News

Why would you give guaranteed semifinal spots to the ACC and Big 12? Isn’t that what everyone is bitching about now - the fact that the Big 12 and Boise got byes into the quarterfinal round when they supposedly should be much lower in the seedings? Not to mention that each P4 conference gets the same number of teams into the playoff? That’s been an even bigger b*tch fest this year with many arguing that some of those teams don’t even belong in the playoff to begin with.
I think that if we had 48 teams in the CFP, number one would ***** about being left out. Forget any notion of academics (BTW, that is why ND didnt play bowl games in forever) the simple wear and tear on players would be inhumane.
is right on! Couldn't have said it better and couldn't agree more. Will the players even be registered for classes anymore?

That report is ******** and only considers "simple costs". It cost me more money for my son to go to Texas, than it would have to send him to UVA or UNC if I had had to pay out of state tuition. Cost in Austin or Brazos County is greatly elevated by cost of housing (West campus), fraternity/sorority dues, and don't ask about the cost of him taking a girl on a date.

It may cost more for my grandson to go to Texas than TCU or SMU.

That report is ******** and only considers "simple costs". It cost me more money for my son to go to Texas, than it would have to send him to UVA or UNC if I had had to pay out of state tuition. Cost in Austin or Brazos County is greatly elevated by cost of housing (West campus), fraternity/sorority dues, and don't ask about the cost of him taking a girl on a date.

It may cost more for my grandson to go to Texas than TCU or SMU.
Vanderbilt was the first College to charge $100,000 per year (tuition, board, etc); and others followed. I think ND has hit 6 figures. Probably all the Ivy League colleges have. TCU is almost there.

The cost of a college education is NUTS.

That report is ******** and only considers "simple costs". It cost me more money for my son to go to Texas, than it would have to send him to UVA or UNC if I had had to pay out of state tuition. Cost in Austin or Brazos County is greatly elevated by cost of housing (West campus), fraternity/sorority dues, and don't ask about the cost of him taking a girl on a date.

It may cost more for my grandson to go to Texas than TCU or SMU.
One can live in a trailer in Snook very cheaply and have a decent commute to the aggy campus.
Vanderbilt was the first College to charge $100,000 per year (tuition, board, etc); and others followed. I think ND has hit 6 figures. Probably all the Ivy League colleges have. TCU is almost there.

The cost of a college education is NUTS.
SMU is now $92,000
The cost of a college education is NUTS.
A bunch of potential college students should consider trade schools instead - get specialized training to work in a field with steady demand, decent pay, and no horrific college loan debt. Electricians, HVAC, and auto mechanics will find steady work at good wages - without a college degree.

Excellent post. My young cousin had a 92 mph fastball, but not so great classroom performance. After a year in college, he was waiting tables in a national chain struggling to pay rent.

He went to a meeting of the "Electricians Union" board, except it turned out to be the owners of the five largest electrical contractors in the region. Next morning, he gets a call from one of the interviewers. Starting pay was like $15/hr plus overtime with raises every few months. He is now 26, no debt, working for a major corporation making $35/hr plus overtime, health insurance, 401K, retirement plan, annual bonus and stock options. I know we are old, and try to remember when we first made $100,000 in a year, but he will bring in $135,000 this year with no student loan debt.

Electricians, pipefitters, skilled labor all have massive shortages. One report says we are short 150,000 electricians on the Gulf Coast.

Our generation was taught we HAD to go to college or fail. No longer true.
Vanderbilt was the first College to charge $100,000 per year (tuition, board, etc); and others followed. I think ND has hit 6 figures. Probably all the Ivy League colleges have. TCU is almost there.

The cost of a college education is NUTS.

The crazy part if people willingly pay it and go hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt because they think their Masters degree in philosophy or literature will net them some awesome life job.
I just recently finished paying for my daughter’s college education. Fortunately she got a marketable degree, got high grades and got a great paying job even before she graduated. However, I would not recommend that for anyone. If a degree does not lead to a license that is and will always likely be in demand, college today is a waste of money.
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My classic example is a young man the church asked me to advise.

BBA/MBA from Private University with high GPA
Married with a 4 month old
$150,000 in student loans
Current job paying $38,000/year

We talked about interviewing, goals, needs (WHAT IS YOUR NUT)

By the Grace of God, and a few phone calls, he found a career starting him at $85,000 and health insurance.

There are many schools (particularly "trade schools" that get these kids $30,000 in student loans and a job at $10/hour) that don't give a damn about the kid or his future, just get their tuition & fees.
Bama and USC were NC games played in the Rose Bowl, not Rose Bowl games. In Rose Bowl games Texas is 2-0, the most recent one being the Michigan game.

From texaslonghorns.com.
It does not list the 2010 Bama game as a Rose Bowl, though for some reason 2006 SC is.