Random Off-Season News

The Arp Stock Market was taught in the Business School. When the New York Stock Exchange got into pissing match with the taxing authorities in NY (city & state) in the 60s, the City of Arp, went to the stock exchange and offered them no taxes (city, county state) for something like 50 years. The NYSE used it as leverage to the extent that it was front page stories in WSJ.

Would they ever have moved? I can't conceive any scenario under which that would have occurred, but it made an interesting paper in the business school. Also a standing joke for our investment banker friends.

I added on my paper that my dad's cousins in Apple Springs were fully supportive since they had the first liquor store and bar there. (All East Texas was dry except Apple Springs)
The Arp Stock Market was taught in the Business School. When the New York Stock Exchange got into pissing match with the taxing authorities in NY (city & state) in the 60s, the City of Arp, went to the stock exchange and offered them no taxes (city, county state) for something like 50 years. The NYSE used it as leverage to the extent that it was front page stories in WSJ.

Would they ever have moved? I can't conceive any scenario under which that would have occurred, but it made an interesting paper in the business school. Also a standing joke for our investment banker friends.

I added on my paper that my dad's cousins in Apple Springs were fully supportive since they had the first liquor store and bar there. (All East Texas was dry except Apple Springs)
What a marvelous sense of humor.
It was an Economics course and the paper was about the economic impact of thousands of people from NY being transplanted to Smith County. Let your imagination run wild.
It was an Economics course and the paper was about the economic impact of thousands of people from NY being transplanted to Smith County. Let your imagination run wild.
What incredible comic material. The possibilities are endless.... Green Acres is the place for me....
That bowl game should be a case study for true football fans. Two schools with multiple great recruiting classes, who are case studies in how to underachieve.
The Arp Stock Market was taught in the Business School. When the New York Stock Exchange got into pissing match with the taxing authorities in NY (city & state) in the 60s, the City of Arp, went to the stock exchange and offered them no taxes (city, county state) for something like 50 years. The NYSE used it as leverage to the extent that it was front page stories in WSJ.

Would they ever have moved? I can't conceive any scenario under which that would have occurred, but it made an interesting paper in the business school. Also a standing joke for our investment banker friends.

I added on my paper that my dad's cousins in Apple Springs were fully supportive since they had the first liquor store and bar there. (All East Texas was dry except Apple Springs)
Apple Springs-- home of free keg beer on select Thursdays. We had some very interesting rides from SFA with about 8 in the car running on retreads.
I sat the same SJ every away game. Then I find at halftime I can’t stand it. I either have to see if everyone has the same complaints or complements as I do. I like that assurance of others I reckon.
Kiffin trolling Elko because Arkansas CB Jaylon Braxton committed to the Ags, de-committed because he said it didn't feel right and then chose Ole Miss.
Braxton has that amazing 6th sense and trusts his “something’s weird here” instinct. Good call, dude. Like him already.
The improved secondary play has been astonishing to me. We had very good athletes back there last year, but the overall play was average at best. Now it’s a challenge for teams to complete a pass downfield.
One thing I find interesting is that you hardly hear Manny Muhammad’s name called during a game. I suspect that’s because teams don’t want to throw that way.
I recall he committed to the good guys early, but the had an involvement in some type of police investigation maybe even an arrest. My memory is hazy on the point. Eventually the facts came out and there was a positive outcome for him. Again I don’t recall the exact facts. The point is that I am delighted that he has developed not just as an athletic talent, but in maturity as well. I say the latter because he has be apparently become s leader on the team. I am truly happy for him. Way too many similar stories have opposite outcomes.