Random Off-Season News

Glanville is the last person I'd want to be in a foxhole with. Stupid son of a ***** can't think on his feet, and sure as hell can't take orders. His action:

1) Panic
2) Make **** up
3) Force others to coverup his stupidity

If there hadn't been so many TV cameras in his front yard, I would have driven to Fort Bend County and beat the **** out of him in his front yard. I have more respect for Joe Biden than I do for him.
Could not agree more SH. Biggest egomaniac/narcissist this planet has known.
When you are implying that you don't respect said politician, yes it does.
Then I can NEVER mention any living politician anywhere but on West Mall

As I told the Senate Committee Chairman in DC when he told me he detected a note of disrespect and disdain in my voice. "Show me a politician I have an ounce of respect for, and I'll show you a dead man".

In my old age and memory losses, I couldn't think of a coach or former coach that would convey the message.

Suffice it to say, I don't appreciate a complete buffoon having me paged in terminalS "C, B, & A" at IAH to ask me what's he's supposed to say.
Then I can NEVER mention any living politician anywhere but on West Mall
Your post did not require you to mention ANY political figure. If you're desire is to show disrespect for a former coach, you could have just as easily inserted Art Briles, Jerrah or any other despicable human.
I respect you & I respect your right to hold any opinion you have about anyone (living or dead, myself included).
That said, there is a time & a place for everything. There is an entire format for you to express any opinion you may have regarding politics &/or politicians. Bringing politics on to this forum is devisive.
I believe Dion has been VERY clear about a rule against dragging this board down with politics.
Thank you in advance for your compliance with the rule & my sincere apology to Dion for any indigestion this issue may have caused him.
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The punishment should also be the disqualification of the player for the remainder of the quarter for the first offense (medical issue); the remainder of the half; and all of the next game for the third offense.

And like targeting the punishment follows the player until the entire punishment has been served.
I’m sure there is a back story. Coach shook his hand, firmly I’m sure, and moved on. That’s probably what Herman didn’t appreciate.
And I hate to defend Herman, it appears the other coach was the jerk there.
I was curious about it and found the article below. It appears that — surprise! — Herman was a jerk in this game last year, running up the score on USF. So Golesh returned the favor. I don’t blame him.
