Random Off-Season News

Will be interesting to see what UT allows with regards to players being in jerseys, helmets, other UT gear, or if they do as I suspect and prevent a player from using any of those.

Let's be honest with the Name Image Likeness euphemism. Players aren't going to make money on a cross stitch of their face that their Grandma sewed up. It's all about ads and product endorsements. And without them being in uniform in an add, with just a few exceptions, who's going to recognize them or know their name well enough to be swayed by an ad with them in it?

Now if there's a highlight clip and they're in a Texas jersey whist talking about how wonderful Chico's Used Cars is, that's a different story. But without the uniform, you're talking just a few players that are likely to get deals. So the big decision for UT is do they allow the use of football gear in ads?

Will they get a cut/royalties of the sales of jerseys, etc. with their name and number on it?
My son reports that they were testing speakers from the S End Zone at the stadium today, and it was so loud it was hard to study from inside his house on 31st St, off Duval. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing!!

Yeah...And I just posted about a supposed QB competition earlier today. Probably was just smoke...but who knows...
Anyway...I believe we win the RRR. No matter how good he is suppose to be....hard to walk in there as a RS fresh and win
We will see if there is a rematch and if so who wins in a CCG
I find it kind of refreshing that OU has their "own" QB for the first time in 6 years. Lax transfer rules and portals have given them All American rentals going back to Snowflake. I mean, even Knight ended up bolting for A&M, so in a way, they haven't "finished" using a QB's homegrown eligibility going back to Landry Jones.
The transfer and portal rules have helped OU, but it's because they have been so successful at QB play that they've been the go-to stop for transient quarterbacks, drifting into town like a tumbleweed.

While it would be nice if this guy is a dud, it's doubtful based on QB play at OU the last 20 years.
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Will they get a cut/royalties of the sales of jerseys, etc. with their name and number on it?

Jerseys with numbers on them have been sold for years, but without names on the back. Are schools now going to sell them with names now I wonder? Would be more popular than without, but are the extra sales worth having to potentially pay the player?

You'd think they would have to pay the player for the right to use their name, but that would depend on the scholarship language.

Could end up in the uncharted waters of the school playing some players, and not others, and to varying amounts if based on royalties from sale numbers. And as before, if the QB makes a mint from product endorsements and jersey sales, does he kick back some of the funds to his linemen? If that isn't allowed but he does it anyway, does the school then need to investigate and put him / themselves on sanctions for it?

It's all going to be a strange new world. We all laugh at Eric Dickerson and the Trans Am photo, as the height of SMU/ATM corruption, but what this year, next (?), a local car dealer could just tell him or his family that if he comes to SMU or ATM, he'll get hired as the spokesman, and along with that job comes a Trans Am.
Dickerson may have been the SMU poster boy with his TransAm, but they had well over 35 Nissan Z cars from Warren Bankston Nissan on that team.

I remember being at a summer workout at Tom Wilson’s (???) place in Southwest Houston. I walked out with Earl and Tim Wilson. Kid was getting in a new Z car with an SMU sticker on it. Tim told him, “Damn, I make six figures a year and I don’t drive a car like that”. Kid just smiled and said, “you picked the wrong school”
So what's to prevent that right now? Warren Bankston Nissan or any other car dealer can just hire on any incoming player to do ads for them, pay them money and give / lease them a car.
Yeah, that's awesome. Now it needs to be mounted on the hood of a nice Caddy convertible, set up with either the Yellow Rose of Texas or Eyes of Texas as the horn sound.
Tom Herman added to Dodd Trophy watch list for coveted coaching award...
Tom Herman named to Dodd Trophy preseason watch list
They should have used this picture.
You guys need to chill w the SMU hype train. Their schedule is so weak....and barely getting it done vs Texas State today not a great look. I know we love Shane, but walk that back a bit. They play a dii schedule basically.
Give props to Spavital & his brother; they did a great job o disguising their defenses in the first half, but then that's not something we've done in Austin since Leon retired.
You guys need to chill w the SMU hype train. Their schedule is so weak....and barely getting it done vs Texas State today not a great look. I know we love Shane, but walk that back a bit. They play a dii schedule basically.
Smu played ok. Shane was still Shane (inconsistent), but I was really impressed with the grit and determination of Texas State.