Random Breath Tests Planned 4 Motorists

This is a bit off topic from the current debate, but I thought I would mention it. I have lived in the UK for nearly 3 years now and am constantly amazed at how much the people here drink. On any given weekend night, people are falling over in the streets. Britian has a huge problem with binge drinking and as recently as 2006 was the only developed country with increasing rates of liver disease. I'm not sure if that is still true today, but I would guess that it is.

I have also been amazed at how drinking and driving is viewed here. The article in the Telegraph talks about it, but it really is socially unacceptable to drink and drive in Britain. I have been to countless work functions where people just have water or juice because they are driving. The peer pressure to drink if you are driving just doesn't exist over here. And the Brits are pretty disciplined about it. It's changed my perspective on things. Coming from Texas, I was guilty of drinking and driving all too many times. Now I just take a taxi whether I'm in the UK, back home in Houston or anywhere else in the world.
Sure, forcing people to actually stop their cars is a bit of a hassle, but I think drunk driving is a much bigger problem than speeding. I think it's not as big of a step as everyone here seems to think.

The reason we have laws to protect against unreasonable searches and seizures is not to protect us from each other. we have it to protect ourselves from government. our forefathers were wise old geasers. large governments are corrupt by nature, they can't help it, they get power and then they don't want to let go.
In Bangladesh they have an issue with arsenic in their groundwater supplies. So the wells were tested using hand held kits for arsenic content and then painted Red for non-drinkable and Green for safe. The locals took note that some wells were changing colors all to frequently. They took 2 water samples and had them tested, one failed one passed. They were both from the same well.

The issue was that the hand held kits are very unreliable at 'low' concentrations (but still large enough to be considered unsafe by the US EPA and WHO's guidelines). So what is the point of using a kit like this?

Texas Wahoo, the point is that the PBTs are equally worthless. They are bad enough that one can be arrested under suspicion of drunk driving, hauled to the station only to be retested and released. The owner's car was probably impounded as well. This will not save anyone. It is a ******** false sense of security.
Like I said in another thread, I just can't wrap my mind around people like Wahoo who enjoy government intrusion into our lives.

Does the 4th Amendment really mean nothing to you?
Wahoo, with all due respect, your answers in this thread make it clear that you have absolutely zero understanding of how the 4th Am. works. And despite being outside your zone of knowledge, you continue to try and extract yourself by espousing some Constitutional jurisprudential fiction that makes the already deep hole you've managed to dig for yourself even deeper.

In reply to:

*Knock Knock Knock*

Helo Mr. Wahoo, it's time for your monthly random home search by Homeland Security. Please step outside while we search for any contraband. Any weapons, alcohol, drugs, or firearms we should know about before we begin? No? Are you sure? You better tell me now........

Would that be OK Wahoo? I mean, they would only be serving the public interest because let's face it, any home with alcohol ,drugs, firearms, or weapons could pose a threat to other citizens. After all, it's for the greater good.
Thank you again for packing my thread with tons of raw meat, Wahoo.

You give me faith that no matter how bad I think it's gotten, it can still get worse.

Haven't seen you stop by to answer to the 'Monthly Home Inspection' by your friendly neighbourhood Homeland Security Team. There's another winner.

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