Random Breath Tests Planned 4 Motorists


500+ Posts
Random Breath Tests Linky

Man, there is NOTHING I don't love about this story. Yeah, it's England but our Little Brother is tracking about 6 months behind their Big 'un. Shoot, we might just go with random blood tests to one-up 'em since you can't say 'no' to 'em anymore. What's wrong with random once the camel's nose is sniffing under the tent?


Maybe the DPS could re-sloganise their cruisers.

"Prove You're Not Guilty, Boy!"
I'll bite. What's wrong with randomly breathalizing drivers? The best way to prevent something is to enforce the laws against it. That's why speeding laws are so useless on many roads, lax enforcement.
Next they will want to take all our cars so no one could ever drin k and drive. WHile we're at it why not take all the guns so no one can shoot anyone else. Take the knives too before anyone gets stabbed. Take the matches and lighters so no one can commit arson....

Just another load of ******** and somehow the people sit by and let it happen. Absurd.
They certainly should be allowed to randomly inspect your homes, as well. You could be harboring illegal items in there.
And listen in to your phone conversations.
Uh, asking for ID and registration, insurance is designed to make sure the people are who they say they are and they meet the requirements to operate a vehicle legally. People are not pulled over and asked if they can establish this, until after they commit an infraction.

In other words, this is no way comparable.
give the test to drivers who aren't abiding traffic laws, signals and road rules.

not john smith who is driving 68 in a 65 while using his blinker to get in the middle lane.
heck, they already do those here in Dallas for NYE and some other holidays. DWI checkpoints where they roll out a trailer that is equipped with all the stuff needed to take breath and blood work.

there was a big deal about how they would also set up these mobile DWI centers next to these mega huge Latino clubs where 'cheap' drinks were advertised. Some say it is a good idea while others say they were targeting latinos.

All the gov really has to do is just is make random stops part of the contract associated with getting a license. Similar to software agreements. Click Yes if you want your license. Then in small print below you also agree to getting cavity search on an officers whim or official road block.

You could bring back prohibition and make first DWI offense (no accident) 1 year mandatory jail time and it would not stop people from driving drunk. There would just be more people in jail and the state would have to run the numbers to see if it made financial sense to actually house offenders in jail or just keep the money machine going with probation. I really think this is the major deterrent from stiffer first offense penalties.
there is one issue that is an "argument ender".

the portable breath tests administered in the field are so unreliable that they are INADMISSIBLE in court,
I'd just like to thank Wahoo for biting.

I thought with the lack of responses that I'd finally found something that even the aggy with children couldn't paint with a positive brush and that the thread was dead. Sadly, there still appears to be no depth Big Brother can't plumb that someone won't find acceptable if we can just get a little closer to that Safety Nirvana where all the children will finally be snug. Screw those pesky Civil Liberties if they get in the damned way.

I do wonder though if cavity searches were on the plate across the pond if THAT would have been enough? We'll wait about 6 weeks and check back...
Thanks. It's good to know that there is a limit for you.

Now, is there anyone that's OK with random cavity searches or have we finally reached the bottom?

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