President Biden Accountability Thread

Trump was God's way of punishing the democrats for nominating Hillary and Biden is God punishing us for re nominating Trump

How long can this downward spiral continue. I thought we reached bottom with Bill Clinton and then we got W

This country started out with Washington, Adam, Jefferson, Madison and Monroe.

I point out that we got better executives when the population picking them was made up of white male property owners.
Trump was God's way of punishing the democrats for nominating Hillary and Biden is God punishing us for re nominating Trump
For whatever reason I find this statement very thought worthy. The rest of the message you present has entered my thoughts often as in “America you are showing obvious signs of your imminent demise, without any ‘climate change’ to even need in the conversation. As I have said before, the disintegration began with the removal of prayer from schools. From that point on the moral fabric as a nation has plummeted. Ok, ok, whatever you say but just my opinion. When you get to where you cannot tell (or not allowed to determine) a boy from a girl what more needs to be said.
For whatever reason I find this statement very thought worthy. The rest of the message you present has entered my thoughts often as in “America you are showing obvious signs of your imminent demise, without any ‘climate change’ to even need in the conversation. As I have said before, the disintegration began with the removal of prayer from schools. From that point on the moral fabric as a nation has plummeted. Ok, ok, whatever you say but just my opinion. When you get to where you cannot tell (or not allowed to determine) a boy from a girl what more needs to be said.
Don’t get it SH but whatever, lots of WM postings are above my head.

I love ya, Nash. Sometimes your posts come off as grumpy old man screaming get off my lawn. Things are different for each successive generation. I was chatting with my 45yr old BiL yesterday about Transgendered individuals, of which he is against and pointed out their high suicide rates. I countered with homosexuals had high suicide rates when they were still force to be in the closet too. He couldn't imagine anyone wanting to be married to a Transgendered person in their 60's. The younger generation (millienials?) could care less what gender someone is. Gender fluidity is an acceptable thing for them. Homosexual, Transexual, Bi, Cis...none of that matters from my experience to these younger generation.

You are a bit older than me (near retirement?). My belief is that we get more resistant to change the older we get. Society is constantly changing. My grandfather, a WWII vet and truck driver in Nebraska once asked if I realized that my girlfriend's father was a "wetback". Keep in mind, this guy was his friend in the same trucking company. We as a society are not as religious as we once were but if took indoctrination to be a "good" person then we were always doomed. Fortunately, each successive generation is less willing to use pejorative terms like my grandfather. That's not due to religion but rather empathy for others. These younger generations have that in spades.

I appreciate you.

Can I ask why this is an issue for you?

Your posts made me curious to find out how often presidents have press conferences. I found several articles about how often former presidents had press conferences...

It was interesting that in December 2017, USA Today had an article that Trump had only 1 press conference that year. A break with tradition.

Are you criticizing Biden because Trump was criticized for the same thing? I found another article where it said Trump had 1 press conference in his first 18 months.

Are you saying Biden is doing what Trump did, and Trump was criticized?

Your appreciation may truly be unjustified ....

Re: your question, yes. You can ask: why is this an issue for me?

1. Well, I'm obnoxious & combative enough lately to count the days.
2. I'm conspiratorial enough to still strongly believe the 2020 POTUS election was absolutely unconstitutionally stolen and Biden is an illegitimate President.
3. Primarily: I am not thinking of POTUS press conference timelines, I'm considering overall volume of press conferences Trump conducted while in office - ALWAYS with a very hostile & negative press..
4. Flame away.

Day 59....
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Gotcha SH.
Too much to go into your total response but on many things you’re correct, I am a grumpy old “I’m tired of discussing with you morons (not necessarily you) just get off my lawn” attitude type of guy.
I guess you never watched the news. Trump took questions from the media every single time he left the WH on a trip.
If those weren't technically presses they were the same as.
Can you say the same for Biden?
Worster-s point is Biden shuffles off from questions as fast as he can, let alone have an actual press conference.

I don't watch the type of news that watches for that with any of the Presidents over time. I don't spend my time that way.

But Worster's point was valid, so I wondered if they might be hiding health issues and how many all of the recent Presidents did.

That's why I went to research. There are several websites that actually track how many press conferences each president had during their Presidency. It was interesting to read who did more press conferences and who did fewer.


You can admit that can't you?

I don't know what the **** that means, but don't be a dick to me.

I was speaking to Worster in earnest asking him his thoughts. I'm a Republican who doesn't have to be a dick to make a point, and doesn't always agree with my own team. If you knew me in person you'd know I'm exactly the kind of person that admits when my team screws up.
Your appreciation may truly be unjustified ....

Re: your question, yes. You can ask: why is this an issue for me?

1. Well, I'm obnoxious & combative enough lately to count the days.
2. I'm conspiratorial enough to still strongly believe the 2020 POTUS election was absolutely stolen and Biden is an illegitimate President.
3. Primarily: I am not thinking of POTUS press conference timelines I'm considering overall volume of press conferences Trump conducted while in office - ALWAYS with a very hostile & NEGATIVE press..
4. Flame away.

Day 59....

Here were my his health an issue. is his age catching up to him. those seem valid.

tbh, I was less concerned with the Trump comparison and more concerned going back to LBJ.


This was interesting. To an earlier post, it's not just about "official press conferences" it's about interchanges of various degrees with the press.

Adding together the numbers of press conferences, short question and answer sessions, and interviews, there are similarities among the presidents during their first 18 months in office. With the exception of President Clinton who had more press interchanges than any modern President (506), the three most recent presidents have similar numbers for their sessions where they took questions. The numbers are: Trump 372; Obama 308; George W. Bush 318. Their differences lie in the type and balance of forums they favor. President Trump, for example, favors short question and answer sessions while President Obama chose interviews as his preferred forum

Edit: And I find the counting humorously cantankerous lol
I don't watch the type of news that watches for that with any of the Presidents over time. I don't spend my time that way.

But Worster's point was valid, so I wondered if they might be hiding health issues and how many all of the recent Presidents did.

That's why I went to research. There are several websites that actually track how many press conferences each president had during their Presidency. It was interesting to read who did more press conferences and who did fewer.

I don't know what the **** that means, but don't be a dick to me.

I was speaking to Worster in earnest asking him his thoughts. I'm a Republican who doesn't have to be a dick to make a point, and doesn't always agree with my own team. If you knew me in person you'd know I'm exactly the kind of person that admits when my team screws up.

IMO... uhh, yes, Biden is CLEARLY hiding health issues....
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Here were my his health an issue. is his age catching up to him. those seem valid.

tbh, I was less concerned with the Trump comparison and more concerned going back to LBJ.


This was interesting. To an earlier post, it's not just about "official press conferences" it's about interchanges of various degrees with the press.

Edit: And I find the counting humorously cantankerous lol

Yes, I readily accept the cantankerous label. Kind of like some of HIC old girlfriends being cantankerous! ;)
Hey, if you dont like how Kamala, I mean Biden governs, he will take you out behind the woodshed and show you what an old ex-pool lifeguard can do ! :tap:
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The point is made in your link that what some pay in taxes does not offset the cost of services paid.
Besides low-skill labor is even less of a need. And how much of these taxes were taken from other Americans who lost work? Obviously not 100%, but not less than 10%. Do liberals know how to think?
From the link provided by Bystander, I noticed this at the bottom - "In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting."

I wonder why Yahoo would do that?

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