President Biden Accountability Thread

Beijing Biden may NEVER have a real press conference...

He and his handlers are going to run his presidency just like his campaign.... out of the basement (White House basement now).

He will avoid the press, speak to the American people in highly measured ways and only when he has practiced with teleprompters and is full of caffeine.
The last guy out and out mother ******* lied. 30,000 of them. These are "misleading" and "exaggerated". If your guy had only misled or exaggerated we'd have a few hundred thousand still with us and he'd have been re-elected. Trump lied more than 30,000 times in four years. No wonder we're still exhausted.

The fact is what Biden has repeatedly said is FALSE.


Trump: Kids in cages
Biden: Overflow humanitarian facility

Trump: Lies lies lies
Biden: Misleading exaggerations

We aren't stupid Bubba. The media says 6 months of firey assaults of police stations and courthouses and the destruction of property are mostly peaceful, but a single assault of the Capitol is a racist, white supremacist insurrection indicative of all Trump supporters.

It's plain as day for all to see unless your head is in the ground. That's why this thread exists. We gonna catalogue as much of Bidens bull**** as we can so there's a nice stable of facts coming directly from his, and Psakis, and everyone else in his administration's mouth.

You may not have liked Trump, but so far Biden hasn't proved himself a better choice at all.
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Beijing Biden may NEVER have a real press conference...

He and his handlers are going to run his presidency just like his campaign.... out of the basement (White House basement now).

He will avoid the press, speak to the American people in highly measured ways and only when he has practiced with teleprompters and is full of caffeine.

And yet Biden has an approval rating >60%. Maybe, just maybe, the American people wanted a POTUS that talked less and listened more then quietly went about governing.

I appreciate less 2nd grade behavior coming out of the Oval Office but that's just me.
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And yet has an approval rating >60%. Maybe, just maybe the American people wanted a POTUS that talked less and listened more then quietly went about governing.

Oh well nevermind then. Bidens approval rating turns turds into gold. He doesn't tweet or give press conferences. Hooray! :rolleyes1:

All that proves is Americans are idiots.
Hey at least he said we MAY get to celebrate Independence Day IF we obey him completely until then. And even then don't have too much fun folks.
Trump is gone, its time to focus on your guy for the next four years...or months...or however long he lasts. Enjoy!
I'm going to continue to highlight hypocrisy such as this. The GOP Congress went from "I didn't see the tweets you're referring to" to "we can't accept this nomination due to some hurtful tweets from this nominee". Irony lives!
I'm going to continue to highlight hypocrisy such as this. The GOP Congress went from "I didn't see the tweets you're referring to" to "we can't accept this nomination due to some hurtful tweets from this nominee". Irony lives!

See this is an endless cycle. Deflect from your candidates real problems by talking about someone else. At least you can't say Trump had dementia because he played the liberal press like a fiddle and they happily played along.

Biden can't even read a teleprompter without getting confused. There is no way he can have a complicated conversation with a foreign leader or with himself in the mirror. Biden being in office is significantly more dangerous than Trump lying to you.
I'm going to continue to highlight hypocrisy such as this. The GOP Congress went from "I didn't see the tweets you're referring to" to "we can't accept this nomination due to some hurtful tweets from this nominee". Irony lives!

All you can do is ***** about Trump while Biden dodders around, lies and enacts harmful policies. Come on man, you dog faced pony soldier!
See this is an endless cycle. Deflect from your candidates real problems by talking about someone else. At least you can't say Trump had dementia because he played the liberal press like a fiddle and they happily played along.

Biden can't even read a teleprompter without getting confused. There is no way he can have a complicated conversation with a foreign leader or with himself in the mirror. Biden being in office is significantly more dangerous than Trump lying to you.
It's kind of like stirring a culture war against Seuss and Potato Head issues when you should be debating the merits of a $1.9 trillion assistance package. Welcome folks, to the Post Trump/Pre-Trump 2.0 GOP!
It's kind of like stirring a culture war against Seuss and Potato Head issues when you should be debating the merits of a $1.9 trillion assistance package. Welcome folks, to the Post Trump/Pre-Trump 2.0 GOP!

No, canceling everything because maybe 1% find it offensive is a problem. In the short term it means not much, but in the long term after enough of this stuff gets cancelled we lose our history and identity and that is a WAY bigger problem than spending money. However, I'm pretty upset about the massive pork your folks dumped into this stupid bill.
he played the liberal press like a fiddle and they happily played along.

He played them right into a re-election loss, by 7.1M votes without the excuse of a strong 3rd party candidate. That's a popular vote loss for an incumbent in the neighborhood of Jimmy Carter. Could it be that he "played" too much and governed to little? His supporters got POTUS and Internet Troll confused. That's OK. He prompted more American's to say governing was more important than poking the eye of an opponent.

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Are Dems nuts?
Steve Scalise:
House Democrats just REJECTED an amendment that would have required ICE to be notified if an illegal immigrant tries to buy a gun. But they’re fine taking away the gun rights of law-abiding American citizens.

Dems> Any explanation?
He played them right into a re-election loss, by 7.1M votes without the excuse of a strong 3rd party candidate. That's a popular vote loss for an incumbent in the neighborhood of Jimmy Carter. Could it be that he "played" too much and governed to little? His supporters got POTUS and Internet Troll confused. That's OK. He prompted more American's to say governing was more important than poking the eye of an opponent.


We get it. Americans are dumb. Optics are more important than national security.
I'm going to continue to highlight hypocrisy such as this. The GOP Congress went from "I didn't see the tweets you're referring to" to "we can't accept this nomination due to some hurtful tweets from this nominee". Irony lives!

I think that's the wrong call.

I think WE should be holding our own more accountable. Pointing at the other guy is not what we need.

I got called a RINO for 4 years by friends because of it. But it's the only way we improve on this new current extreme, polarizing culture we live in.

Everyone knows that Trump lied. Everyon . Nobody thinks he's a boy scout.

Until we hold our own accountable, the culture stays the same.
The last guy out and out mother ******* lied. 30,000 of them. These are "misleading" and "exaggerated". If your guy had only misled or exaggerated we'd have a few hundred thousand still with us and he'd have been re-elected. Trump lied more than 30,000 times in four years. No wonder we're still exhausted.

Ridiculous article with zero facts and a phony graph with zero back up data. Trump exaggerates and gets his facts wrong sometimes. Biden has been known within Washington circles as a pathological liar his entire career. His entire life is a lie. He cheated his way through law school, plagiarized his speeches, cheated on his wife, lied about the driver who hit her being drunk, lied about his academic record, sold our country out to China, Russia, Iran, lied about his civil rights work, lied about knowing of Hunters payoffs.
If Biden approval numbers are real (which I doubt) they are the result of MSM misinformation. I don't like Trump being obnoxious but at least he has accomplished something in his life. Everything Biden has was stolen from the American people.

'Joe Biden is a pathological liar' - Washington Times
Biden flat lied to the public in their face during his speech. He said Trump did nothing. Trump immediately moved to ban travel from China to which Biden said it was xenophobic. Biden might actually help with unity if he said, “ I’m not a fan of my predecessor and I don’t like his policies, but we owe a debt of thanks for operation warp speed.”

He does not care about unity. He is a f’n democrat politician willing to say or do whatever his base wants regardless of right or wrong. Look at the disaster he has created on the border while putting kids in cages.
I just don't understand the defense of Biden lies by saying Trump lied. That doesn't in any way reverse the Biden lies, especially when it's about something so monumental as Covid.

The narrative was always that Trump did nothing but of course that isn't true, so in order to continue that narrative, the haters have to cover for Biden while he flat out lies.
I lied sorry, Bitcoin is at $61,500 now 6 minutes later. But don’t worry Biden has this under control! Two words.
Manchurian Candidate.
Perhaps the Dems / leftists on here an explain why HR 8 passed but the Dems REJECTED an amendment that would have required ICE to be notified if an illegal immigrant tries to buy a gun.??
Saying Trump lied is not an explanation on why ICE should not be informed if an illegal tries to buy a gun.
I think that's the wrong call.

I think WE should be holding our own more accountable. Pointing at the other guy is not what we need.

I got called a RINO for 4 years by friends because of it. But it's the only way we improve on this new current extreme, polarizing culture we live in.

Everyone knows that Trump lied. Everyon . Nobody thinks he's a boy scout.

Until we hold our own accountable, the culture stays the same.
I agree. In this space I’m going to point back as I’ve spent four years dealing with this ish. In the outside world I’m more moderate.
And yet Biden has an approval rating >60%. Maybe, just maybe, the American people wanted a POTUS that talked less and listened more then quietly went about governing.

I appreciate less 2nd grade behavior coming out of the Oval Office but that's just me.

Hmmm. I'm suspicious of this "approval rating" or poll you refer to. Approval according to whom? What organization took the poll? Were Dems oversampled as usual by 3:1?

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