President Biden Accountability Thread


Actually, I'd be all for this
I know you guys are poking fun and half serious but trust me this is real. They may not come for you tomorrow but I guarantee, no one is safe. I am an IRSphob, I admit it but this s*** is going to be soooo real. Their only control will be them.
I know you guys are poking fun and half serious but trust me this is real. They may not come for you tomorrow but I guarantee, no one is safe. I am an IRSphob, I admit it but this s*** is going to be soooo real. Their only control will be them.

Last time we had a recession in Austin, a guy flew his plane into the IRS building here. People are on edge and it could get ugly.
Sent from my cousin that works for the IRS. He is really pissed off!

The IRS currently has 11,000 agents of which only 2,000 carry guns. The IRS budget just went from $12.5 billion to $92.5 billion dollars. If people don’t see this as “real” take a deeper look. In the next ten years there will not be anywhere near even half of the number 87,000 qualified candidates for these jobs—especially not in the next six months. That means the IRS will have to change the job requirements for an IRS agent and will be hiring a hoard of goons that have little or no knowledge of accounting or tax law. Ethics and fairness in tax audits will be replaced by pressure to collect as much as can be shaken out of people. This is pure corruption, tyranny, and communism, with little regard to constitutional limits.
In the bill passed today, are several new ad valorem taxes in this bill that are as unconstitutional as income tax was prior to 1913 when the 16th amendment was ratified. If you think it’s good or righteous for everyone except a few to be poor, then you will be very happy with the economy about to come.
I think the 87,000 agents are for the impending audits from Venmo and PayPal users. That data will be provided to the IRS for any amounts paid or received of $600. That’s going to be lots of audits.
Well he has gotten legislation passed so either the bumbling fool is fooling us of his handlers are pretty darn good. We sit and say what is this s*** but nonetheless they’re getting it through. Feckless republicans!
Well he has gotten legislation passed so either the bumbling fool is fooling us of his handlers are pretty darn good. We sit and say what is this s*** but nonetheless they’re getting it through. Feckless republicans!
Tax and spend legislation, because that is the only thing you can pass without a threat of filibuster.
she can string together many words and say nothing.

If you think about it, most national Democratic figures are like this. If you listen to speeches from FDR, JRK, LBJ, Clinton, or Obama, the big thing you heard was political platitudes, and those were the selling points. They had agendas, but when they were actually appealing to voters, the platitudes were the selling point.

Willie Brown's ex-mistress is no different. She just isn't anywhere near as good at doing it as they were, so they sound like platitudes coming from her. She tries very hard, but that just makes her look fake.

Of course, before Switzer comes in and says how Republicans also use platitudes, it's true. They use them too. The big difference is that the media doesn't let Republicans rely on them. They will press them for specifics and make them answer for them. They do that to Democrats far, far less.
Didn’t say it was good legislation mc, in fact said it was s***, I just say that to his party (and credit) he has gotten some things through and when examined do you think we’d have predicted passage of such drastic legislation a few years ago? I mean 80,000+ new gestapo?

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