President Biden Accountability Thread

It’s always about the money. Not common sense or even what’s right.

Although related, I think its more specifically about power - making everyone else do what you want done. When you make everyone else agree with you, you are not buying their agreement, you are forcing it
True in the public ia but imo in Govt it’s the power of the office that gets the money, then the combination becomes absolute which equals corrupt.
My take on the political scene:

It's obvious the Liberal left are a bunch of liars. It didn't take long to see after the inauguration. So why do they get so many votes anyway? Snowflakiness, race baiting and vote buying.

I'm convinced of it.

The Republicans don't stand a chance because in general, they are more calloused about life for whatever reason (stupid responses to cops shooting black men) and they don't exactly hand money to the people who vote.
Really? I'm not seeing it, and I can see hotness in a Democrat if it's there. She's not super cute. Forget about the merits of Trump for the sake of discussion. Kayleigh McEnany was much, much cuter.

Kayleigh is "hotter" but Psaki is girl next door "cute." Both genres have their merits.
Liberals have turned the word "science" into meaningless mumbo jumbo


How many Trans people are out there? And whose banning them from sports? Do people forget there is such a thing as Special Olympics for those who fall into that category?

I'm all for Trans sports. Let them compete against eachother. Trans men versus Trans men and Trans women versus Trans women. What's so hard about that?
How many Trans people are out there? And whose banning them from sports? Do people forget there is such a thing as Special Olympics for those who fall into that category?

I'm all for Trans sports. Let them compete against eachother. Trans men versus Trans men and Trans women versus Trans women. What's so hard about that?
[Tom] Trans gender winning is hard. [/Herman]
Is Biden going to enact more science-based policies like lockdowns? You know, do the most harm possible?
How many Trans people are out there?
And whose banning them from sports?
Do people forget there is such a thing as Special Olympics for those who fall into that category?

1. I dont know but I expect many more in the near future since mediocre male athletes can now take college schollies from biological girls - think of the money their parents will save!
2. No one is banning them
3. While I sort of like the collision created by these men stealing from the feminists, I am 100% against them being allowed to compete against the Special Olympians. But Biden and Harris probably will want to send me to Gitmo just for saying this out loud
03 was I think advocating for a cnategory specifially for Transgender Athletes, apples to apples as it were.
Men who identify as female competing against other men who identify as female
Well, Biden really didn't suspend anything. That old senile fool is taking his morning nap by 9 am. Someone put a documents in front of him, had him scribble his name on it, then cleaned up the drool off it and ran off to use it to cripple the American energy sector.

The Democrat party would like to make us dependent on foreign oil again, all the better to cripple our country.
03 was I think advocating for a cnategory specifially for Transgender Athletes, apples to apples as it were.
Men who identify as female competing against other men who identify as female

Doctor Joe was doing his best Jen Psaki impersonation by only taking half of my quote and then misrepresenting it lol
The new red-headed love interest for some of you was asked if the WH had any concerned with the stock market?

She replied: ‘We have the first female treasury secretary’
This reminds me of an old joke --
Executive Orders:
Clinton—2 in his first week in office
Bush—2 in his first two weeks in office
Obama—5 in his first week in office
Trump—4 in his first week in office
Biden—30+ in his first five days in office
The joke goes like this --
What do you get when you cross a penis and a potato?
A dictator

If this is even addressed by the left and media, it will be spun as she is thoughtful and wants to make sure she has her facts straight as opposed to the lying Trump spokesperson.

SNL will not make fun of her.

Pretty sure they all just want to have sex with her
The "men" and the women
Even Eliott Page wants some red

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