These are all things that Trump has actually done.
Actually no... these are things you have SAID he has done. As I mentioned, the hyperbole over Trump's statements has reached mammoth proportions. Everything is blown out of proportion, yanked out of context, and twisted into the worst possible interpretation. Trump says a lot of stupid stuff, he gets into ridiculous Twitter wars, and he gets distracted like a cat with a laser beam on stuff that shouldn't matter. So when those things are hammered home to people, you get things like "Trump is going to start a nuclear war," "Trump wants to deport all the brown people," "Trump wants to put gays in concentration camps." ALL THINGS I HAVE READ ON SOCIAL MEDIA IF NOT IN MAINSTREAM MEDIA SOURCES.
ICE and our POTUS have BOASTED about stepped up enforcement and deportation. Should we assume they are lying and that the fears of the immigrant communities are baseless?
Because you conflate "immigrant" with "illegal immigrant," in a deliberate attempt to scare minorities into thinking Trump hates them. And yes, it is deliberate. I don't know whether your wife is counseling kids who are here legally or illegally. If they're here legally, it's pretty simple to say "you're fine. Trump isn't interested in deporting anyone who's allowed to be here by law." I suspect that doesn't get told to anyone, though, does it?
If they're here illegally, I don't know what to tell you. I feel sorry for the kids, but I don't think you simply throw immigration law out the window because children don't like the rules.
The LGBTQ community has had to endure an ill-though out ban on transgender enlistment in the military, something not even the military was consulted on.
How was it ill thought out? Was the military (not a hand-picked liberal spokesperson, but the military population at large) really invested in bringing in transgenders? How has our military been damaged in any way by this ruling? And what does that have to do with gay rights in the civilian world?
Trump embraced an openly homophobic candidate in Roy Moore. The Trump administration has taken a "religious liberties" position that makes it acceptable to discriminate against them.
First part was just ridiculous, and Trump rolled right into the Steve Bannon clown show, no question about it. He got backed into a corner of choosing Roy Moore over the opposition because he thought Moore would do less damage in the Senate (I wouldn't have voted for the guy but I get why someone would make that calculation.)
Second part... well wow, I don't know why he'd want to do that considering you have activist gay couples literally targeting Christian establishments in order to force them to violate their conscience at the risk of destroying their business. I answered your issues on another thread and you never responded, so I'm assuming your justification for destroying the guys life was "because gay rights."
Blacks? Trump claimed moral equivalence between those protesting for White Supremacy and those against it.
This was probably the biggest lie of all. He was referring to protestors on both sides of the monument issue, he wasn't saying that there were good people in the Nazi camp. Since many liberals (especially in the North) interpreted the issue as "good people versus nazis", there IS no honor on the opposing side, ergo anyone who didn't want statues coming down must be a nazi. There WERE good and honest people who didn't want the statues to come down, and he undoubtedly assumed that not everyone protesting the statue removal was a nazi. You can fault Trump for plenty of things, but he's not a nazi sympathizer.
I have no patience for liberals who have created a mythology of evil out of a guy who simply has no filter on his mouth and disagrees with them politically, and now complain that they can't sleep at night because they're scared.