Predict Roy Moore vs Doug Jones

And Trump doesn't? Even most rational conservatives would say he has an equal history of insane statements. Entire websites are devote to his outrageous tweets. The difference is, nobody listens to SJL.

It's not even close. Sure, Trump has gaffes but so did Obama and every president before them. SJL is in a class by herself.
It's not even close. Sure, Trump has gaffes but so did Obama and every president before them. SJL is in a class by herself.

We'll have to agree to disagree with a Trump/SJL comparison. I'm not saying other POTUS haven't made gaffes but talking only about twitter, Trump is legendary. So legendary that his Press Secretaries have to "translate" his tweets to the media.
I'm not saying other POTUS haven't made gaffes but talking only about twitter

How about talking about results of policies? You want to talk about everything but how great Trump is doing. Talking about scoops of ice cream and what is being tweeted can have all kinds of views or opinions. What can't be disputed is how great things are turning around from the last President that will go down in history as the worst we've ever had and it's not even close.
How about talking about results of policies? You want to talk about everything but how great Trump is doing. Talking about scoops of ice cream and what is being tweeted can have all kinds of views or opinions. What can't be disputed is how great things are turning around from the last President that will go down in history as the worst we've ever had and it's not even close.
Other than an economy that is continuing the trend set for the last 6 years by the last guy and sweet tax write offs for private jet owners and golf course owners, can you summarize all of these positives? The 2017 trends mirror those of 2016, yet Obama was "horrible". The value of the dollar is not doing well.
2016 saw more jobs added than in 2017. Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

The stock market added 9% more value during Obama's first year than it did in Trump's.

I think the problem is that DJT campaigned on "those positive numbers are fake". Then he gets elected and those same numbers are quoted as gospel. He uses numbers like Lt. Caffey uses as punchline's at cocktail parties.
How about talking about results of policies? You want to talk about everything but how great Trump is doing. Talking about scoops of ice cream and what is being tweeted can have all kinds of views or opinions. What can't be disputed is how great things are turning around from the last President that will go down in history as the worst we've ever had and it's not even close.

I'll give you credit and assume you hadn't had your coffee before posting this. The discussion was around SJL's twitter gaffe. To wit, Trump's twitter gaffes were referenced since the joke was to stop that sort of thing. Your post has nothing to with any of that conversation that I can discern.
They really don't.

I guess if you want to get specific, 2017 has trailed multiple quarters in 2014 but who's counting? I'm shocked we hit a quarterly GDP growth north of 4% for 2 consecutive quarters with so many regulations.

What this chart really shows is that crooning about Trump's economy at this point is risky. We are in a good economic cycle right now which is good but as you can see from the chart below things can change quickly, pretty dramatically.
GDP growth 5 years.PNG
2016 saw more jobs added than in 2017. Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

This is true. Since December numbers aren't out lets compare job growth numbers. Afterall, how often does Trump tout the labor statistics report of job growth? That's second only to the stock market as far as can tell. Maybe 3rd to his latest schoolyard insult but let's not digress.

From Jan to Nov of this year the economy has added 1.9M jobs. That's very good. During the same period in 2016? 2.1M jobs were added. Shift the numbers to Feb. to November to be more kind to Trump since he was inaugurated until late January and the difference is +296k for Obama. Both numbers are very good for all of us.
The stock market has been going up up and away for some time. YTD we've experienced 24.40% gain. In 2016 that increase was 13.42%. The promised tax cut is a large influence, without a doubt.

DJIA growth.PNG
I guess if you want to get specific, 2017 has trailed multiple quarters in 2014 but who's counting? I'm shocked we hit a quarterly GDP growth north of 4% for 2 consecutive quarters with so many regulations.

What this chart really shows is that crooning about Trump's economy at this point is risky. We are in a good economic cycle right now which is good but as you can see from the chart below things can change quickly, pretty dramatically.
GDP growth 5 years.PNG

Yes, but Obama's economy was propped up artificially by quantitative easing at the cost of our long term future. As the chart you have shows, as quantitative easing was being rolled back between 2014-2016 the economy got worse. In layman's terms, we were running this country on funny money. Obama was right for using QE to help get the economy going after Bush's blunders but you should stop after a year or two. His economy, while not bad, also contributed to us going from a 10 trillion debt to a 20 trillion debt. Trump's economy isn't being propped up. This is a real economy and I'm pretty excited about it. All QE stopped in September if my memory is correct. However, you are right that these things can change quickly. If Trump is in for the full 8 years I'm sure we'll hit a snag or two and hopefully avoid a big one. The one thing that really scares me over the next few years is if the student debt bubble pops. It could have a terrible effect on our economy like the housing bubble did. Trump will get the blame for the bad economy even though he didn't do anything wrong.
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Other than an economy that is continuing the trend set for the last 6 years by the last guy and sweet tax write offs for private jet owners and golf course owners, can you summarize all of these positives? The 2017 trends mirror those of 2016, yet Obama was "horrible". The value of the dollar is not doing well.
Simple, Trump has gotten government off people’s backs. Business owners, reporters, Americans of all stripes have less to worry that government will come down on them for ideological reasons.
Simple, Trump has gotten government off people’s backs. Business owners, reporters, Americans of all stripes have less to worry that government will come down on them for ideological reasons.
It's funny that you think reporters are "less worried" about someone coming down on them. We've taken a turn toward totalitarianism. Will we self correct? I don't know. We'll see.
I guess if you want to get specific, 2017 has trailed multiple quarters in 2014 but who's counting? I'm shocked we hit a quarterly GDP growth north of 4% for 2 consecutive quarters with so many regulations.

What this chart really shows is that crooning about Trump's economy at this point is risky. We are in a good economic cycle right now which is good but as you can see from the chart below things can change quickly, pretty dramatically.
GDP growth 5 years.PNG

When you measure GDP growth as a percentage of the previous quarter, you're muddying the waters a little IMO. When the economy is in the tank it's pretty easy to get a larger increase. If your GDP growth is only 1 percent, versus if it's 3 percent, then yes, your improvements will be a higher percentage. So no, that stat doesn't mean a lot to me. It requires a lot more context.
It's funny that you think reporters are "less worried" about someone coming down on them. We've taken a turn toward totalitarianism.

How many reporters has Trump spied on? Is he the first president to declare war on a network?
Criticism of Mr. Obama’s stance on press freedom, government transparency and secrecy is hotly disputed by the White House, but many journalism groups say the record is clear. Over the past eight years, the administration has prosecuted nine cases involving whistle-blowers and leakers, compared with only three by all previous administrations combined. It has repeatedly used the Espionage Act, a relic of World War I-era red-baiting, not to prosecute spies but to go after government officials who talked to journalists.

Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.

I experienced this pressure firsthand when the administration tried to compel me to testify to reveal my confidential sources in a criminal leak investigation. The Justice Department finally relented — even though it had already won a seven-year court battle that went all the way to the Supreme Court to force me to testify — most likely because they feared the negative publicity that would come from sending a New York Times reporter to jail.

Of course, the logic you've been consistent with so far is "it's OK if it's being done by liberals, since they're right." So I don't expect this will change your view on anything.
This is true. Since December numbers aren't out lets compare job growth numbers. Afterall, how often does Trump tout the labor statistics report of job growth? That's second only to the stock market as far as can tell. Maybe 3rd to his latest schoolyard insult but let's not digress.

From Jan to Nov of this year the economy has added 1.9M jobs. That's very good. During the same period in 2016? 2.1M jobs were added. Shift the numbers to Feb. to November to be more kind to Trump since he was inaugurated until late January and the difference is +296k for Obama. Both numbers are very good for all of us.

You are always attempting to play with the numbers (OUbubba as well even though I'm not sure he understands what he's saying).

How in the world can Obama Admin spend or sign off on $10 trillion to stimulate the economy which is more than all the other Presidents put together and never get the GDP over 3%? He's the only President in an 8 year period since the GDP started getting track to not reach that. He had so much more money he spent to get things rolling and it had very little effect. I'll tell you why. The money went toward government jobs for the most part that don't reproduce more jobs. The Government is the last people we need investing our money. I'll go back to the Black bird Study that spent $6 mil. How does that produce new jobs. Then when they attempted to invest in something they thought would actually product new jobs they went with companies like Solyndra. Have you ever pissed in the wind SH? If so, did you learn to face a different direction? Because that's exactly what Obama did with spending that much money to stimulate the economy only to regulate it to harm growth. Obama to this day would still be pissing against the wind if he were still president.

I use to laugh about Obama bragging about lowering the deficit. Bush would sign off on $400 billion spending one year and then spend $400 billion a second year with no cut to the deficit. Obama would sign off on $1.2 trillion one year and then lower spending to $1.1 trillion the next to brag about how he made the largest cut to the deficit in American History.
How many reporters has Trump spied on? Is he the first president to declare war on a network?

Spying on reporters is abhorrent and the criticisms of the Obama admin are valid. Are they any less abhorrent to direct threats? Keep in mind, some journalists have required law enforcement protection after Trump juiced the crowds against them. He's threatened access and sought to discredit them (with provable lies in many cases).

How do you think the average reporter would respond to whether they feel the previous or current admin is a greater threat to their profession.
You are always attempting to play with the numbers (OUbubba as well even though I'm not sure he understands what he's saying).

How in the world can Obama Admin spend or sign off on $10 trillion to stimulate the economy which is more than all the other Presidents put together and never get the GDP over 3%? He's the only President in an 8 year period since the GDP started getting track to not reach that. He had so much more money he spent to get things rolling and it had very little effect. I'll tell you why. The money went toward government jobs for the most part that don't reproduce more jobs. The Government is the last people we need investing our money. I'll go back to the Black bird Study that spent $6 mil. How does that produce new jobs. Then when they attempted to invest in something they thought would actually product new jobs they went with companies like Solyndra. Have you ever pissed in the wind SH? If so, did you learn to face a different direction? Because that's exactly what Obama did with spending that much money to stimulate the economy only to regulate it to harm growth. Obama to this day would still be pissing against the wind if he were still president.

I use to laugh about Obama bragging about lowering the deficit. Bush would sign off on $400 billion spending one year and then spend $400 billion a second year with no cut to the deficit. Obama would sign off on $1.2 trillion one year and then lower spending to $1.1 trillion the next to brag about how he made the largest cut to the deficit in American History.

Acknowledged that you posted. Making a decision not to respond since there are more fruitful discussions and posters to have a conversation with.
It's funny that you think reporters are "less worried" about someone coming down on them. We've taken a turn toward totalitarianism. Will we self correct? I don't know. We'll see.
Obama investigated reporters and spied on them. Funny you’ve forgotten that. The leftist is the true authoritarian.
When you measure GDP growth as a percentage of the previous quarter, you're muddying the waters a little IMO.
I had similar thought but wasn't certain how to refute. I think year over year is more fair and indicative, no? But no I am not going to do the research.
I had similar thought but wasn't certain how to refute. I think year over year is more fair and indicative, no? But no I am not going to do the research.
Annual GDP growth in US is defined as average GDP of the year’s 4 quarters versus the previous year. Obama’s annual gdp growth rate of 2.2-2.5% is pretty abysmal anyway you look at it.
Keep in mind, some journalists have required law enforcement protection after Trump juiced the crowds against them.

Yes, and nothing Obama said ever caused severe public backlash, protests, violent acts, or threats of a personal nature.

How do you think the average reporter would respond to whether they feel the previous or current admin is a greater threat to their profession.

Considering that journalists are overwhelmingly progressive/liberal, I think we both know not only the answer, but that it's a ridiculous comparison.

Again, how you "feel" about something irrelevant. You guys have created such a monster at this point that we're basically all living in gulags with blacks and gays being a step away from being deported. That's not an exaggeration. There are people who literally are in fear that Trump is going to finger them for deportation and send ICE to their home with guns to haul them away. (Hey... I think another president did that, didn't he? Who was that again...) It doesn't matter whether you "feel threatened." You're not threatened. There's no indication you're GOING to be threatened. But it's much more useful to call Trump out for things he hasn't actually done, because you have a lot more latitude to smear that way and drum up voters, which is what this is all about.

I am now reading tweets from activists that claim that if Net Neutrality is revoked (after what, two years in existence?) then all of a sudden, all information on where to get an abortion will be gone from the Internet. All free speech on the internet will be removed. The BLM website will be blocked and no longer available. Mind you... this is an argument being made FOR government regulation - "we have to have government regulate the internet so that the government won't regulate the internet."

That's the level of "unhingement" we're seeing based on how people "feel" about things.
Jiminy Christmas. You really are a dick.

If I didn't acknowledge it, I'd get accused of "running and hiding" so it was acknowledged. Debating with I35 hasn't resolved anything as they've NEVER brought forward any evidence to support their claims and inevitably go to their base instinct, Obama is the worst president ever and every problem is the fault of liberals, especially when confronted with facts.
Obama is the worst president ever and every problem is the fault of liberals, especially when confronted with facts.

How are you any better? Have you listened to some of your rants on Trump? Dude, you created a thread about how stupid Trump is for looking directly at the eclipse. Good grief.

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