Predict Horns vs Texas Tech Red Raiders

We lost game one and then ran off six straight.

We just lost two straight. Perhaps we will now run off five straight.

(One more loss. One less win. I’d take that.)
If i’m sand aggy and Orlando insists on running the lightening package on defense (which only results in the opposing team lighting up the scoreboard) I just keep it on the ground with quick hitters and mid direction and take my 7-15 yards a play. Wind will likely be a factor. I’m going against my heart and say

sand aggy 43
Horn troopers 38
Ok guys, someone else here is playing the same game as me. I can't pick a winner to save my life so the last win I picked was Maryland...yup we lost.

What happened the last two weeks? I didnt make a pick at all!! Shame on me.

Texas 38
Tech 42
Tonight’s predictions

@Garmel and @YearOfTheSteer got the closest score with 41-31.

The 7 point spread was correctly predicted by:
@Bill in Sinton

Did I miss anything?

#2is#13423Texas by 11
4th_floor5617Texas by 39
AC3735Texas by 2
BabHorn4441Texas by 3
Bayerithe3542Tech by 7
BevoJoe4051Tech by 11
Bill in Sinton3831Texas by 7
blonthang4538Texas by 7
bystander3534Texas by 1
caryhorn5956Texas by 3
Creek3142Tech by 11
Crockett4439Texas by 5
Desperado3731Texas by 6
Dionysus4744Texas by 3
Driver 84927Texas by 22
dukesteer4535Texas by 10
EDT4128Texas by 13
envgeo4441Texas by 3
gahornphan5284Tech by 32
Garmel4131Texas by 10
Giovanni Jones4845Texas by 3
Horn2RunAgain4448Tech by 4
HornDawg19574431Texas by 13
Htown774942Texas by 7
humahuma3538Tech by 3
IvanDiabloHorn2827Texas by 1
LongChuckles4551Tech by 6
LonghornCatholic5231Texas by 21
LonghornDave4817Texas by 31
Matagorda1812Texas by 6
mb2273854Tech by 16
militaryhorn4527Texas by 18
moondog_LFZ4256Tech by 14
Mr Fiesta4530Texas by 15
MudHorn3329Texas by 4
nashhorn3831Texas by 7
Pomspoms3148Tech by 17
Sangre Naranjada3129Texas by 2
ShAArk925655Texas by 1
theiioftx7674Texas by 2
uisge beatha5248Texas by 4
ViperHorn4948Texas by 1
Vol Horn 4 Life3842Tech by 4
Walking Boss3843Tech by 5
WorsterMan4517Texas by 28
YearOfTheSteer4131Texas by 10
zuckercanyon4548Tech by 3
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