Predict Horns vs Texas Tech Red Raiders

If Bowman is still in the hospital on Monday he will NOT be playing a game this Sat.

Therefore I will change my prediction to:

T E X A S 45
Tech 17
tech 50-60 orlan_o has been exposed
Texas 35-45 just not quit enough offense to keep up ... tech will get a stop or two
Given the history of making surprise starters look like world-beater Heisman candidates, I expect that the inability to play defense will result in Tceh racking up AT LEAST 40 points. This defense has shown absolutely no ability to be humbled by previous poor showings and I have no reason to believe this week will be any different.

Tceh has been inconsistent on the defensive side of the ball...some weeks they seem to actually know what a stop is and others, they do a good ole impression and look like just as much of a sieve as the Texas defense.

Sadly, this becomes loss number three of the four on the season.

'horns - 38
tortilla tossers - 54
I predict Jett has his best game of career, just a hunch. I think he’s the ‘better’ runner of the two so...........
Hoping to be wrong.
If you want to participate in the prediction contest I need one score to post, thx.
Just out of curiosity...why can't we do a conditional selection? The opponent's starter at QB is something that has a material impact on expectations. It is no different than betting a game, whether baseball, hockey or football, where the starter at a key position is taken into account as to whether action will be had or not.
45-30 UT wins. I can't believe they would let Bowman play so soon but then again....

Last Sat. was 2nd time the lung collapsed and he was just released from hospital on Tues. - no way he plays Sat. IMO. In fact he might be out for several games or the rest of the regular season.
Just out of curiosity...why can't we do a conditional selection?
Because I just post scores in a table, along with the spread, and see who comes closest.

I suppose a conditional thing could be done but it would be more work for me which I don’t need right now.