Post Moderate looniness here

And you know that is complete BS.
Clearly you don't pay attention to civil litigation. Many agencies are under consent decrees NOT to use hog-tie restraint methods. The moment that one is observed, the whiners and hug-a-thug groups go apoplectic.
Whatever. He was radicalized during the pandemic and posted his 180 page manifesto on 4chan. He was a white nationalist who was fighting against the Great Replacement Theory. I'll allow you to google that and see what groups parrot that ish (see: Carlson, Tucker). It's no one from the Dem party.

If AC (Q-Texas) was here he could deny that 4chan is related to the Qidiots.

"Are you a conservative?
No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it."

So obviously Republican huh?
"Are you a conservative?
No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it."

So obviously Republican huh?
I contend that the far left and the far right meet in some far away place. I'm not saying this guy is a GOP fanboy. He's a white supremacist. Those aren't typically your Chuck Schumer fans. We've gotten people worked up about immigrants and Jewish people. "Jews will not replace us." Tucker and Co. fanning the flames for the base. Division gets the red hat folks to vote.
I contend that the far left and the far right meet in some far away place. I'm not saying this guy is a GOP fanboy. He's a white supremacist. Those aren't typically your Chuck Schumer fans. We've gotten people worked up about immigrants and Jewish people. "Jews will not replace us." Tucker and Co. fanning the flames for the base. Division gets the red hat folks to vote.

I guess you're saying the political spectrum is more of a political circle? Go far enough one direction and you end up on the other side?

I thought division got the Dems to vote. That's why the messages are all Republicans want to force women to be pregnant, hate blacks, and are scared of gays.
Circle. Number line. X-Y Axis/4 quadrants. Whatever.

However you may graph the political spectrum, common-sense pragmatic moderates are the best at running the show.
I guess you're saying the political spectrum is more of a political circle? Go far enough one direction and you end up on the other side?

I thought division got the Dems to vote. That's why the messages are all Republicans want to force women to be pregnant, hate blacks, and are scared of gays.
What was the Rust cole description: time is a flat circle…

far right like proud boys and far left like eco terrorists and antifa are similar. Their motivations differ but they are both violent extremists.
Insurance creates big problems for providers without corresponding benefit for the consumer. Example my employer put me on a DMO this year. Went to one of the few in network dentists for a teeth cleaning..."free" with the plan. The office was whiz bang with gizmos, cameras and sophisticated lookin equipment. Alas a standard cleaning would not suffice but I was asked to come in for a series of deep cleanings instead of a standard cleaning. I got a sales pitch from a foreign born dentist who didn't communicate well in my dialect of Texas English. I pretty much cleared out of there fast as I could. Called my old dentist and paid what had seemed an outrageous $200 for a cleaning and asked if i needed a deep cleaning. I realized it was worth $200 for an expert opinion from a trustworthy source. He explained that a.lot of "corporate" dentists office are really just getting people in to give them a sales pitch and young dentists, needing to pay student loans and take care of their families, have to play along. My teeth were great.. in large measure because of the self care his hygienists taught. He said dentists would love to provide discount dental care to customers who come in without insurance, but the insurance companies and their lobbyists won't have so dentists have to charge everyone what they charge insured patients...even with the slow motion nightmare that providers go through to get paid by the insurance companies.the
Insurance creates big problems for providers without corresponding benefit for the consumer. Example my employer put me on a DMO this year. Went to one of the few in network dentists for a teeth cleaning..."free" with the plan. The office was whiz bang with gizmos, cameras and sophisticated lookin equipment. Alas a standard cleaning would not suffice but I was asked to come in for a series of deep cleanings instead of a standard cleaning. I got a sales pitch from a foreign born dentist who didn't communicate well in my dialect of Texas English. I pretty much cleared out of there fast as I could. Called my old dentist and paid what had seemed an outrageous $200 for a cleaning and asked if i needed a deep cleaning. I realized it was worth $200 for an expert opinion from a trustworthy source. He explained that a.lot of "corporate" dentists office are really just getting people in to give them a sales pitch and young dentists, needing to pay student loans and take care of their families, have to play along. My teeth were great.. in large measure because of the self care his hygienists taught. He said dentists would love to provide discount dental care to customers who come in without insurance, but the insurance companies and their lobbyists won't have so dentists have to charge everyone what they charge insured patients...even with the slow motion nightmare that providers go through to get paid by the insurance companies.the
A dentist is free to charge an uninsured patient any amount the two parties agree on. Insurance carriers couldn’t give a tinkers damn otherwise.
Indeed the Democratic Party has a sordid history of racism. Republican leaders, starting with Goldwater and energetically boosted by Donald Trump started the Red Rover, Red Rover will the racists come over moment and welcomed segregationists, "state's rights' advocates, Confederate flag wavers, Confederate monument removal protesters and the like. I'm not saying Goldwater or Trump were racists...just that they make/made racists feel welcome and comfortable to be Republican. I know white racists, or at least people who were racist when we grew up together. All who post politics on Facebook love Donald Trump and support the Republican platform.
Indeed the Democratic Party has a sordid history of racism. Republican leaders, starting with Goldwater and energetically boosted by Donald Trump started the Red Rover, Red Rover will the racists come over moment and welcomed segregationists, "state's rights' advocates, Confederate flag wavers, Confederate monument removal protesters and the like. I'm not saying Goldwater or Trump were racists...just that they make/made racists feel welcome and comfortable to be Republican. I know white racists, or at least people who were racist when we grew up together. All who post politics on Facebook love Donald Trump and support the Republican platform.
The truth is that all parties have a significant history with racism. Ironically, that's what you learn when you read up a little on CRT. :)

The shifting of the poles (parties) based on the racial divide was historic.

“We have lost the South for a generation”: What Lyndon Johnson said, or would have said if only he had said it

Southern strategy - Wikipedia.

Lee Atwater back when he was saying the quiet stuff out loud:
As civil rights grew more accepted throughout the nation, basing a general election strategy on appeals to "states' rights", which some would have believed opposed civil rights laws, would have resulted in a national backlash. The concept of "states' rights" was considered by some to be subsumed within a broader meaning than simply a reference to civil rights laws.[2][3] States rights became seen as encompassing a type of New Federalism that would return local control of race relations.[58] Republican strategist Lee Atwater discussed the Southern Strategy in a 1981 interview later published in Southern Politics in the 1990s by Alexander P. Lamis.[59][60][61][62]

Atwater: As to the whole Southern strategy that Harry Dent and others put together in 1968, opposition to the Voting Rights Act would have been a central part of keeping the South. Now [Reagan] doesn't have to do that. All you have to do to keep the South is for Reagan to run in place on the issues he's campaigned on since 1964 [...] and that's fiscal conservatism, balancing the budget, cut taxes, you know, the whole cluster...

Questioner: But the fact is, isn't it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps?

Atwater: Y'all don't quote me on this. You start out in 1954 by saying, "N, n, n." By 1968 you can't say "n"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "N, n."
States rights, yo!
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I realized it was worth $200 for an expert opinion from a trustworthy source. He explained that a.lot of "corporate" dentists office are really just getting people in to give them a sales pitch and young dentists, needing to pay student loans and take care of their families, have to play along. My teeth were great.

I discovered this about 15 years ago. Got a new job so new insurance and asked colleagues for a few recommendations. Went to one place, which always had a young, foreign, and different dentist each time. Those dentists "found" cavities each six months. After four cleanings at that place, I tried a new dentist. He's found one cavity in 13 years. And for the record, my brushing and flossing habits have been the same since high school.
"state's rights' advocates

I know you mean well, but I friggin' hate when people lump states rights in with racism, slavery, and segregation. I understand that it was the legal rationale for federal government not to intervene on slavery and segregation, but it's use in those situations has no bearing on the merits of states rights in general. There are perfectly valid reasons to support states rights that have nothing to do with race or slavery.

States rights is why Betsy DeVos couldn't fire every liberal teacher in the United States or rewrite every public school curriculum to reflect her values. States rights is why the Bush Administration couldn't totally nullify every crackpot environmental regulation the State of California wanted to impose. Our union can't survive without states rights. It's the only way a nation as diverse as ours can stay together, and the failure of our people and political players to respect states rights is the biggest reason why our politics are so polarized and screwed up.
Where in Texas does he live? I thought it was near Austin not in district 34.
He doesn’t own a house in Austin last I heard. He stays at a friend’s house. Regardless I don’t know where he is domiciled but it could be boca chica.
Where in Texas does he live? I thought it was near Austin not in district 34.

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