Post Moderate looniness here

Being in the porn industry feels like one of those things worth mentioning before getting too far into a relationship, but maybe she didn't.

What do you do for a living: Oh just lay around on my back, on my front, swing from a trapeze.

What's your favorite jewelry: Handcuffs

What's your favorite hobby: I like to play with toys

Do you like physical activity: Oh Yes!

Are you still close to your parents: My mom not so much, but I've got a lot of daddies

What's your favorite movie: I don't really "watch" movies, per se

If you had a dog, what would you name it: Rough

What about a cat: Oh, you know, the obvious

What do you do in your free time: My time is never free

Do you prefer alone time, one on one, small intimate groups, or large raucous groups: Yes

Do you like to drive: I'd rather be driven

Beach or mountains: The beach may sound fun, but sand is a killer

What do you look for in a man: The lengths he'll go to please me
"A former Oklahoma cheerleading coach was allegedly "manipulative and controlling" and forced a sophomore to have sex with her several times a week for about five years, according to a probable cause affidavit."

Let's see - five years means it stopped when he was a junior in college (age wise), probably didn't attend college being Okies and all. Once he hit 18, didn't he have ability to consent?

Oklahoma cheerleader coach who had sex with student 300 times was 'manipulative and controlling': cops
NOW? He feels guilty remorseful?

Wouldn't you be remorseful?
FA, wife and I have had the same”what’s wrong with these folks” discussion around bill paying obligations. We have kids and grandkids that separate billing. Just don’t get it.
Anybody else find this weird? It seems like there's an underlying me vs you that's just assumed in this poll. My wife and I never treated our earnings as separate. We just deposited the money in a shared checking account and paid the bills out of there. This whole you pay X and I'll pay Y is foreign to me.

Gen Z Has a Different Idea About Who Should Pay the Bills (


Typical Gen Z - creating confusion where none should exist. Same crap with "gender."
If Elon Musk Jeff Bezos and 998 others are calling for a pause in AI development to research all ramifications, good enough for me.

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