Post Left Wing looniness here

You're not applying principles of equity to bathroom usage. Urinals enable men to wait less time to use the bathroom than women do, because guys who are pissing don't have to wait for those taking a dump. That isn't true of women, I mean "people assigned female at birth." Getting rid of urinals ends that inequity.
People with vaginas.
You're not applying principles of equity to bathroom usage. Urinals enable men to wait less time to use the bathroom than women do, because guys who are pissing don't have to wait for those taking a dump. That isn't true of women, I mean "people assigned female at birth." Getting rid of urinals ends that inequity.

So just use the sink. Duh!
So just use the sink. Duh!

If you've had a drunk in your house enough times, it has happened before.

I went to BB Rovers (a dumpy place but had awesome beer) with some friends of mine back in the mid-2000s. One got slobbering drunk and went to the bathroom. After he went, I went and he had clearly gone in the garbage can - and for no reason at all. The toilet was available and working. When I got back to the table, I confronted him about it and asked him why he did it. His response was, "because it's cool." I still don't know why that's cool, but if a drunk will piss in the trash can (which is much worse), he'll definitely piss in the sink.
You're not applying principles of equity to bathroom usage. Urinals enable men to wait less time to use the bathroom than women do, because guys who are pissing don't have to wait for those taking a dump. That isn't true of women, I mean "people assigned female at birth." Getting rid of urinals ends that inequity.

We can't we start dumping in urinals in the name of equality?

"There are 12 non-detainable offenses where the new law would end cash bail. The law includes second-degree murder..."

Uh, what??
New Orleans mayor Cantrell (Dem, obviously) has to fly first class. Why? Let her explain herself:

“Anyone who wants to question how I protect myself just doesn’t understand the world Black women walk in. My travel accommodations are a matter of safety, not of luxury. As all women know, our health and safety are often disregarded, and we are left to navigate alone."

You'd probably guess her security person would be seated next to her in first class; however the "mayor’s July flight to France to attend events to promote New Orleans totaled $17,854.57 for her airfare alone. On the same flight, Cantrell’s security person and two other staffers flew economy."

How can he protect you from economy section!?!

All this is against city policy, which requires employees - of which the mayor is - to "purchase the lowest airfare available. Employees who choose an upgrade from coach, economy or business class flights are solely responsible for the difference in cost.”

Cantrell owes the city $30,000 for her upgraded flights, but she said, "All expenses incurred doing business on behalf of the city of New Orleans will not be reimbursed to the city of New Orleans. One thing is clear; I do my job and I will continue to do it with distinction and integrity every step of the way.”


New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell under fire for first class travel she says is for her safety as a Black woman - CNN
New Orleans mayor Cantrell (Dem, obviously) has to fly first class. Why? Let her explain herself:

“Anyone who wants to question how I protect myself just doesn’t understand the world Black women walk in. My travel accommodations are a matter of safety, not of luxury. As all women know, our health and safety are often disregarded, and we are left to navigate alone."

You'd probably guess her security person would be seated next to her in first class; however the "mayor’s July flight to France to attend events to promote New Orleans totaled $17,854.57 for her airfare alone. On the same flight, Cantrell’s security person and two other staffers flew economy."

How can he protect you from economy section!?!

All this is against city policy, which requires employees - of which the mayor is - to "purchase the lowest airfare available. Employees who choose an upgrade from coach, economy or business class flights are solely responsible for the difference in cost.”

Cantrell owes the city $30,000 for her upgraded flights, but she said, "All expenses incurred doing business on behalf of the city of New Orleans will not be reimbursed to the city of New Orleans. One thing is clear; I do my job and I will continue to do it with distinction and integrity every step of the way.”


New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell under fire for first class travel she says is for her safety as a Black woman - CNN

This is absolutely comical. I can't speak for the City of New Orleans travel regulations, but I'm familiar with the Joint Travel Regulations (for federal government travel). It's not impossible to secure first class travel (or more accurately "other than economy/coach class"), but it's a *****, as well it should be. It has to be preauthorized, and you have to have a doctor certify that you have a medical disability/special need that requires it. Furthermore, there has to be no other way to accommodate your condition, which will almost never be the case. "I need special security because I'm a black woman" isn't gonna cut it. lol The travel officer will laugh at you, and you'll get stuck with $30,000.
This is absolutely comical. I can't speak for the City of New Orleans travel regulations, but I'm familiar with the Joint Travel Regulations (for federal government travel). It's not impossible to secure first class travel (or more accurately "other than economy/coach class"), but it's a *****, as well it should be. It has to be preauthorized, and you have to have a doctor certify that you have a medical disability/special need that requires it. Furthermore, there has to be no other way to accommodate your condition, which will almost never be the case. "I need special security because I'm a black woman" isn't gonna cut it. lol The travel officer will laugh at you, and you'll get stuck with $30,000.
Some folks are more equal than others. She should have argued for the exception as a black transvestite under going gender confusion, thus the need for space.
Some folks are more equal than others. She should have argued for the exception as a black transvestite under going gender confusion, thus the need for space.

At least under the JTR, even if you could seriously make the claim for additional space, they wouldn't put you in first class. They'd either give you a second seat or upgrade you to a seat that gives more legroom (premium economy, etc.), depending on the specifics of the need. About the only scenario in which I could see one getting approved for first class is if you had the medical need, economy was full (meaning you couldn't get the second seat), and there was a reason why you had to be on that flight. It's going to be a freak thing - dumb luck.

Interestingly, I've looked at Mrs. Deez's travel vouchers, and there was even an option for a private plane, and of course, the government has many Learjets, Gulfstreams, etc. I can't imagine what it would take to hustle something like that.
some pigs are more equal than others.

after all, consider all the mistreatment the Frenchies dealt out to the folks in Haiti and elsewhere. It is only fair. I realize the Frenchies were not paying but, you know, there is a sort of pixie dust fairness for the pride of new orleans. Who has suffered so much for so long.

I would like to see here food bills and hotel bills. France can be real economical if you do it like I did for some months but if somebody else is paying, well, it can get a little over the top.

God bless her anyway.
Yeah, this has been "challenged" like the earth being round is "challenged."

If you want proof that women are physically equal or stronger than men, look at all the rosters full of ladies in the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB. Oops

This is absolutely comical. I can't speak for the City of New Orleans travel regulations, but I'm familiar with the Joint Travel Regulations (for federal government travel). It's not impossible to secure first class travel (or more accurately "other than economy/coach class"), but it's a *****, as well it should be. It has to be preauthorized, and you have to have a doctor certify that you have a medical disability/special need that requires it. Furthermore, there has to be no other way to accommodate your condition, which will almost never be the case. "I need special security because I'm a black woman" isn't gonna cut it. lol The travel officer will laugh at you, and you'll get stuck with $30,000.

Mayor Cantrell has used the covid excuse now too. Apparently you can't catch covid in first class but you can in economy. So shouldn't she upgrade her staff to first class too?

All I have is what the article states:

Dillard University public policy professor Robert Collins said the mayor has violated city policy.

“She draws a salary from the city. The president of the United States is an employee of the federal government. The governor of Louisiana is an employee of state government. The fact that they are elected officials does not mean they are not employees. We have looked at the policy backward and forward; there is no exception,” Collins said. “It is standard policy in every agency that I have been affiliated with, that I have been contracted by, that I have studied.”

But nobody mentions what the penalty is for not paying back the city. Ridiculous that she didn't have to pay it out of pocket and get reimbursed.

some pigs are more equal than others.

Indeed they are...
Mayor Cantrell has used the covid excuse now too. Apparently you can't catch covid in first class but you can in economy. So shouldn't she upgrade her staff to first class too?

All I have is what the article states:

Dillard University public policy professor Robert Collins said the mayor has violated city policy.

“She draws a salary from the city. The president of the United States is an employee of the federal government. The governor of Louisiana is an employee of state government. The fact that they are elected officials does not mean they are not employees. We have looked at the policy backward and forward; there is no exception,” Collins said. “It is standard policy in every agency that I have been affiliated with, that I have been contracted by, that I have studied.”

But nobody mentions what the penalty is for not paying back the city. Ridiculous that she didn't have to pay it out of pocket and get reimbursed.

The city probably doesn't have a written ordinance for how to go after her, because they probably assume that no authorizing official would sign off on approving a first class flight for no reason. (For federal travel, the employee would get a debt letter, and the government would garnish the employee's wages.)

Nevertheless, the lack of a policy doesn't mean the City has no remedy. It does. They can sue her for violating city laws, and it wouldn't be pointless. It's not like suing a driver who causes a wreck and has no insurance. The city would be a government creditor, which means it has strong remedies - can garnish wages, foreclose on your house, etc. Hell, I'd represent the city for free just for the entertainment value and fun of deposing the mayor.
Cantrell seems to have conveniently ignored that a predecessor of color, specifically Ray Nagin, went to federal prison. And that was just within the past decade...

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