Post Left Wing looniness here

But most of those useless plans could be weeded out by simply having students focus on the core curriculum during freshman and sophomore years.

After that, I lack sympathy for those too stupid to research their chosen field before diving headlong into the debt.
Fair enough. I can't argue with that.
While you're not necessarily wrong, the system is taking advantage. Tuition spikes nationwide have coincided with the student loan growth. It's kind of like what I predict will happen when Oklahoma passes school vouchers. The voucher will be for $4,500 to apply to a private school. In turn, private school tuition will increase by approximately $4,500.

Coach, I can't speak for the Mobilhoma legislation, but the Texas voucher legislation I used to track for my old bosses required schools that accept the voucher to accept it as full and final payment to keep that from happening.
I disagree that it was done to 'screw students.'

The PROBLEM is students taking far more than they need to attend college to get a four-year degree. There are plenty of combinations of a JC and four-year school that come in around $100K for four years. Loans of that amount are not needed since one SHOULD have a lick of sense that was good enough to qualify for some manner of scholarships and grants BEFORE seeking out loans.

But even if we presume $100K in loans, there is no reason for those to even require a decade to pay in full. FFS, my last good size vehicle note was ~$64K and was paid in less than four years. I admit I have been slacking on the current note (~18K) and may actually take a year and a half before it is burned...

Yes, our 18-year-olds should show better judgement in their choices. I don't deny that. However, we structure K-12 education to heavily favor going to college rather than teaching marketable skills and crap on learning a trade, and of course our economy is structured around college being a necessity for most jobs that pay enough to support a family. Our school counselors drive the point home and push kids in that direction. We also largely don't explain to kids the consequences of their choices and what their alternatives are. Who's telling these kids that the $200K Swahili literature degree is the road to financial ruin? Nobody. So yes, the kids should be smarter about this, but the adults around them who are paid to help them should do a better job, and their parents who are the taxpayers should do a better job holding those adults and other public institutions to account.

Is $100K reasonable for a bachelor's degree that's partially earned from a JC? I went to college in the mid to late '90s (almost entirely at the university). My entire degree cost about $14K. Even accounting for inflation, that would only be about $25K today. Is 4x the rate of inflation really acceptable without starting to question what the hell's going on in a system that very easy for powerful people to exploit to get extremely rich at the expense of kids and young adults?

You might be able to afford a $64K note in 4 years, but I'm guessing that you're in a different financial position than your average 22 year old getting out of college. Good chance you make a lot more. Good chance you own your house free and clear or at least started you mortgage when housing was a lot cheaper. Pretty unfair to compare.
I have a daughter who’s a senior. Her friend group has a bunch off boys. Her second mom is one of the boys’ moms. She is a counselor at a Vo-tech. She has helped about 6-8 of these boys into the vo-tech system. They will be so much better off than going to college and drinking beer and skipping class.
I have a daughter who’s a senior. Her friend group has a bunch off boys. Her second mom is one of the boys’ moms. She is a counselor at a Vo-tech. She has helped about 6-8 of these boys into the vo-tech system. They will be so much better off than going to college and drinking beer and skipping class.

Personally, I think it's possible to drink beer and still attend class, but not everybody has my talent.

(By the way, I just saw the "I am Ray Epps" thing for the first time. That's funny as hell.)
However, we structure K-12 education to heavily favor going to college rather than teaching marketable skills and crap on learning a trade, and of course our economy is structured around college being a necessity for most jobs that pay enough to support a family.
Very true, Mr. Deez. And unfortunately the counselors are giving them bad info - it's very possible to make a decent living in a trade. It takes time to learn the trade and establish credentials - but that's also true for college graduates. Guys who are well established in the skilled trades - HVAC, electrical, plumbing, auto mechanics, and so on - make very good money.
Of course, and again, my point being that to continually rant against libtiles but then to say you would not vote for the alternative due to the perception of him being a bully is a bit tiresome.

I understand. I'm not happy about things that occur on the right. I understand how it is contradictory. I just have a feeling about things and the ideal candidate. I don't like DeSantis and that's what it comes down to.

I'm not in favor of mandatory masks and the like.

I'll check the video or whatever is out there on his comments.
Ok, here it is.

I stand by my comments about his bullying. He walks right up to them and acts disgusted and say's, "this is ridiculous."

Even if it's true, what did he accomplish? He walked up to young people who are not mentally equipped to deal with him.

Not impressed.
He could have accomplished the same thing by saying "hey guys, don't feel like you need to wear the mask. It's a pandemic, we're mostly vaccinated and healthy and this is a large space. So, do as you choose." He chose being a condescending prick. Conservatives love that ****.

I would even listen to "look, we are trying to portray a positive, we're moving forward image, so, please remove them if you're going to be on stage."
Ok, here it is.

I stand by my comments about his bullying. He walks right up to them and acts disgusted and say's, "this is ridiculous."

Even if it's true, what did he accomplish? He walked up to young people who are not mentally equipped to deal with him.

Not impressed.

Many of them kept their masks on so I don't see how they were bullied or intimidated. He gave them a choice unlike what society has given them.
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Maybe he should have called them fat, dog-faced pony somethings and challenged them to push up contests. Come on, man! THAT is bullying? THAT is condescending? Saying wearing masks is ridiculous? Please go hide in the corner, for chrissakes.

Guess what? IT IS ridiculous!!!! Am I a bully, too? Oh well....

"You do not have to wear those masks, I mean, please take them off. ...if you want to wear them, fine, but this is ridiculous."

Man, that must be the least effective bullying I have ever seen/heard. Says please and tells them they can still wear them. It is subjective, but to me what he is saying is ridiculous is likely the fact that these kids have been scared in to wearing masks even at an event where the Governor himself is not masked and is talking about how ineffective it is.

Wow, what a bully.

Just like how Trump the Fascist allowed protestors in the Capitol, the constant negative reporting from the WH media, gave impromptu pressers daily to the same media, and on and on. Yeah, what a great fascist he was.

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Maybe he should have called them fat, dog-faced pony somethings and challenged them to push up contests. Come on, man! THAT is bullying? THAT is condescending? Saying wearing masks is ridiculous? Please go hide in the corner, for chrissakes.

Guess what? IT IS ridiculous!!!! Am I a bully, too? Oh well....

"You do not have to wear those masks, I mean, please take them off. ...if you want to wear them, fine, but this is ridiculous."

Man, that must be the least effective bullying I have ever seen/heard. Says please and tells them they can still wear them. It is subjective, but to me what he is saying is ridiculous tis likely the fact that these kids have been scared in to wearing masks even at an event where the Governor himself is not masked and is talking about how ineffective it is.

Wow, what a bully.

Just like how Trump the Fascist allowed protestors in the Capitol, the constant negative reporting from the WH media, gave impromptu pressers daily to the same media, and on and on. Yeah, what a great fascist he was.


I can't help you. If you think that's appropriate then that's your affair.

He is the governor. He ridiculed them. He basically doesn't care if they catch COVID or not. It's obvious. So, why does it matter to him that they wear masks? He's a blowhard making a political point at their expense. I'd love to see him talk to my Oncologists about the matter. But he'd just raise his voice and ridicule them too.
I can't help you. If you think that's appropriate then that's your affair.

He is the governor. He ridiculed them. He basically doesn't care if they catch COVID or not. It's obvious. So, why does it matter to him that they wear masks? He's a blowhard making a political point at their expense. I'd love to see him talk to my Oncologists about the matter. But he'd just raise his voice and ridicule them too.
I'm not asking for your help. How very pompous of you to think I was. And, I'm not trying to convince you either. Just keep railing about liberalism but then ignore to and vote for the dem running against The Bully.

Is $100K reasonable for a bachelor's degree that's partially earned from a JC? I went to college in the mid to late '90s (almost entirely at the university). My entire degree cost about $14K. Even accounting for inflation, that would only be about $25K today. Is 4x the rate of inflation really acceptable without starting to question what the hell's going on in a system that very easy for powerful people to exploit to get extremely rich at the expense of kids and young adults?

I kept the $100K benchmark to account for housing costs since that is factored in on the total annual costs at some schools.

Personally, I have looked at enough schools to know that the student who goes to school to BE a student can get their degree done for less. They seek out scholarships and grants. By doing so, they reduce what has to be borrowed.

I ALSO have no sympathy in this day and age for students who choose useless degrees. They literally GREW UP with the internet. No typical student today is entering college without having had access, in any capacity, to the internet. It was in wide use even before they were born. And by having access to the internet, they ALSO had access to a wealth of information about careers and salaries...which means ZERO excuse exists for choosing a useless degree.

And, let's face it...that same group has been aware of the claims about student loans and STILL they go and load up on unnecessary debt. This isn't 1990 where some of the information was hard to access and MAYBE you could almost feel sorry for someone who entered into a legally-binding Agreement without fully understanding the impact of interest going forward and what it meant to make no payments on a note while in school...
Ok, here it is.

I stand by my comments about his bullying. He walks right up to them and acts disgusted and say's, "this is ridiculous."

Even if it's true, what did he accomplish? He walked up to young people who are not mentally equipped to deal with him.

Not impressed.

What did he accomplish? He reminded students that they don't have to accept the crap being foisted upon them by control freaks.

That was NOT bullying. Not even close. But then again, people who whine about 'mean tweets' don't tend to know what bullying actually consists of because the media has led them to believe things that make them soft. If he had wanted to bully some kids, he would have had the ones who kept masks on removed from the stage instead of telling them they could keep them on if they really wanted to...
I kept the $100K benchmark to account for housing costs since that is factored in on the total annual costs at some schools.

Personally, I have looked at enough schools to know that the student who goes to school to BE a student can get their degree done for less. They seek out scholarships and grants. By doing so, they reduce what has to be borrowed.

I ALSO have no sympathy in this day and age for students who choose useless degrees. They literally GREW UP with the internet. No typical student today is entering college without having had access, in any capacity, to the internet. It was in wide use even before they were born. And by having access to the internet, they ALSO had access to a wealth of information about careers and salaries...which means ZERO excuse exists for choosing a useless degree.

And, let's face it...that same group has been aware of the claims about student loans and STILL they go and load up on unnecessary debt. This isn't 1990 where some of the information was hard to access and MAYBE you could almost feel sorry for someone who entered into a legally-binding Agreement without fully understanding the impact of interest going forward and what it meant to make no payments on a note while in school...
I agree. Damn, this is becoming awkward.

I also think you can get a very good education from a lot of places if the student applies themselves. And, you can get a weak education from a variety of places if the student does NOT apply themselves.
I agree. Damn, this is becoming awkward.

I also think you can get a very good education from a lot of places if the student applies themselves. And, you can get a weak education from a variety of places if the student does NOT apply themselves.
See what happens when you don't ignore people...

However, it should go without saying that it is 10:59AM and OU Still Sucks! :ousucksnana:

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