Maybe he should have called them fat, dog-faced pony somethings and challenged them to push up contests. Come on, man! THAT is bullying? THAT is condescending? Saying wearing masks is ridiculous? Please go hide in the corner, for chrissakes.
Guess what? IT IS ridiculous!!!! Am I a bully, too? Oh well....
"You do not have to wear those masks, I mean, please take them off. ...if you want to wear them, fine, but this is ridiculous."
Man, that must be the least effective bullying I have ever seen/heard. Says please and tells them they can still wear them. It is subjective, but to me what he is saying is ridiculous tis likely the fact that these kids have been scared in to wearing masks even at an event where the Governor himself is not masked and is talking about how ineffective it is.
Wow, what a bully.
Just like how Trump the Fascist allowed protestors in the Capitol, the constant negative reporting from the WH media, gave impromptu pressers daily to the same media, and on and on. Yeah, what a great fascist he was.