Spreckels school district in Commiefornia making the news over trying to convert a teenaged girl into believing she was needing to 'change sex' to be a boy. Litigation pending...
Ironically enough, it was apparently once remote learning was put into place and she was outside of the direct influence of the groomers that she was happy being a girl.
This is doubly significant given the loony left and their push on the Left Coast to allow 'gender affirming' procedures to commence without consent or even knowledge of the parents.
Why are so many groomer 'activists' flocking to teaching and harming the younger generation? What is worse is why don't they try to fix the environment that leads young girls to think life will be better if only they didn't have to put up with the issues in the workforce and life that females have been putting up with for years?
The 'transing' of the youth HAS to stop. Period. Full stop.
Ironically enough, it was apparently once remote learning was put into place and she was outside of the direct influence of the groomers that she was happy being a girl.
This is doubly significant given the loony left and their push on the Left Coast to allow 'gender affirming' procedures to commence without consent or even knowledge of the parents.
Why are so many groomer 'activists' flocking to teaching and harming the younger generation? What is worse is why don't they try to fix the environment that leads young girls to think life will be better if only they didn't have to put up with the issues in the workforce and life that females have been putting up with for years?
The 'transing' of the youth HAS to stop. Period. Full stop.