Post Left Wing looniness here

Manager in charge of wokifying Roald Dahl books is "non-binary, asexual, polyamorous relationship anarchist" who uses "they/them" pronouns | Not the Bee

Of course, but only when talking to people who don't understand how to use pronouns. And mchammer uses pronouns in mchammer's posts. When Deez reads mchammer's posts, Deez often sees pronouns. Deez thinks mchammer generally uses pronouns well.
Talking in the 3rd person is weird and sign of sexual repression and mental instability.

Of course, but only when talking to people who don't understand how to use pronouns. And mchammer uses pronouns in mchammer's posts. When Deez reads mchammer's posts, Deez often sees pronouns. Deez thinks mchammer generally uses pronouns well.
George likes it hot!
Apparently the difference between 2nd party and 3rd party pronouns are beyond your comprehension. When 2 people are speaking about each other, it’s rather obvious (e.g., you, me, I, etc.). The pronouns that are abused by gender advocates are 3rd party pronouns (she, he, they, them).

I did pass the Bar Exam on my first try. That's trickier and more complicated than pronouns, so I don't think it's beyond my comprehension - at least for now. In 10 years, who knows? We may have screwed up our language so badly by then that the Bar might be easier than understanding pronoun usage.

But either way, completely avoiding 3rd party pronouns is also awkward. For example, "why does Garmel like hookers and orgies so much? Garmel should know the health risks associated with hookers and orgies particularly in Garmel's hometown of Temple, Texas. But despite this, Garmel continues to leave Garmel's house each night, and pick up new hookers with whom Garmel can engage in orgies. I wonder how long Garmel can continue to enjoy hookers and orgies before the hookers and orgies start to impact Garmel's health." Maybe a little less awkward than avoiding first party pronouns but still pretty awkward.
@Mr. Deez, I'm sure we are all impressed at your passing of the Bar Exam on your first try, and while I realize it is to make a point of your superior comprehension abilities, no one likes a braggart. In fact, no one dislikes a braggart better than I.

I did pass the Bar Exam on my first try. That's trickier and more complicated than pronouns, so I don't think it's beyond my comprehension - at least for now. In 10 years, who knows? We may have screwed up our language so badly by then that the Bar might be easier than understanding pronoun usage.

But either way, completely avoiding 3rd party pronouns is also awkward. For example, "why does Garmel like hookers and orgies so much? Garmel should know the health risks associated with hookers and orgies particularly in Garmel's hometown of Temple, Texas. But despite this, Garmel continues to leave Garmel's house each night, and pick up new hookers with whom Garmel can engage in orgies. I wonder how long Garmel can continue to enjoy hookers and orgies before the hookers and orgies start to impact Garmel's health." Maybe a little less awkward than avoiding first party pronouns but still pretty awkward.
You seem to think I would have an extended conversation with these nuts. I should clarify: avoid the use of their preferred 3rd party pronouns and these individuals as well.
I did pass the Bar Exam on my first try. That's trickier and more complicated than pronouns, so I don't think it's beyond my comprehension - at least for now. In 10 years, who knows? We may have screwed up our language so badly by then that the Bar might be easier than understanding pronoun usage.

But either way, completely avoiding 3rd party pronouns is also awkward. For example, "why does Garmel like hookers and orgies so much? Garmel should know the health risks associated with hookers and orgies particularly in Garmel's hometown of Temple, Texas. But despite this, Garmel continues to leave Garmel's house each night, and pick up new hookers with whom Garmel can engage in orgies. I wonder how long Garmel can continue to enjoy hookers and orgies before the hookers and orgies start to impact Garmel's health." Maybe a little less awkward than avoiding first party pronouns but still pretty awkward.

Pfft! I wish.
@Mr. Deez, I'm sure we are all impressed at your passing of the Bar Exam on your first try, and while I realize it is to make a point of your superior comprehension abilities, no one likes a braggart. In fact, no one dislikes a braggart better than I.


I'm not bragging. Plenty of people pass the Bar. I only brought it up to illustrate that I likely to do understand pronouns after someone said that I didn't.
Hmmm, hic thought hic indicated that in hic's post.

Not really. You said I did it to show my "superior comprehension abilities." It was more to show that my comprehension abilities weren't so bad that they didn't understand what pronouns were. If that constitutes superiority, our standards are pretty low.
Not really. You said I did it to show my "superior comprehension abilities." It was more to show that my comprehension abilities weren't so bad that they didn't understand what pronouns were. If that constitutes superiority, our standards are pretty low.
Hmmm, hic also said, "Banana", which indicated sarcasm.

You need a stiff drink, it appears.

Few people have fallen further in the Left's esteem than Richard Dawkins. When he spent most of his time bashing Christians, they loved the guy. Now that he doesn't go along with their goofy anti-intellect garbage, they don't like him so much.

Douglas Murray and Richard Dawkins get what they deserve. Enemies of Christ and therefore enemies of truth. They both have participated in the fall of the West.
Douglas Murray and Richard Dawkins get what they deserve. Enemies of Christ and therefore enemies of truth. They both have participated in the fall of the West.

I don't put them in the same camp. They're both atheists, so obviously I have major religious differences with both of them. However, Dawkins was much worse. He basically became famous for no reason other than vitriolic demonization of Christians and made it his crusade for several years. If he hadn't done that, he'd be known in some academic and scientific circles, but the general population would have no idea who he was. He may have thought he was promoting scientific inquiry, but all he really did was help empower the hard left, who never cared about science. So though I welcome him being red-pilled years after the damage was done, he is getting what he deserves and actively helped to enable. I wouldn't say the same about Murray.
I did pass the Bar Exam on my first try. That's trickier and more complicated than pronouns, so I don't think it's beyond my comprehension - at least for now. In 10 years, who knows? We may have screwed up our language so badly by then that the Bar might be easier than understanding pronoun usage.

But either way, completely avoiding 3rd party pronouns is also awkward. For example, "why does Garmel like hookers and orgies so much? Garmel should know the health risks associated with hookers and orgies particularly in Garmel's hometown of Temple, Texas. But despite this, Garmel continues to leave Garmel's house each night, and pick up new hookers with whom Garmel can engage in orgies. I wonder how long Garmel can continue to enjoy hookers and orgies before the hookers and orgies start to impact Garmel's health." Maybe a little less awkward than avoiding first party pronouns but still pretty awkward.

Pfft! I wish.

I didn't realize @Garmel was French!

A French photographer offers an unexpected view of the United States — through its many strip clubs

I do, but I guess I'm not "many." Had a long post in the America is lost thread about local elementary schools ditching grades and how it's moving to middle schools soon with high schools to follow. Schools already have dozens of valedictorians to cover the different categories of race, gender, etc.

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