Post a photo you took

i took this picture last month while i was atop the Spaceneedle in Seattle. these mountains are part of Olympic National Park.

i cropped out the bottom half of the pic (showed some cargo ships docking in Pugent Sound. i changed it to b/w and darkened the image to help make it sharper.

strangely enough, the water you do see at the bottom of the picture is Dabob Bay

It's so hard to pick just a few that I really like, but I'll try...

Here's a couple I took during the Valley Land Fund photo contest in 2004:



This one I took last year from my room in Jester during one of the many thunderstorms we had throughout the spring semester.

First I want to congratulate hullabelew for that pic of his daughter during (after?) her last game-- you absolutely captured the "athlete walking away" motif perfectly. That photo has a Jordan's last game (before his Wizards stint) quality to it. Nicely done.I'm no photographer so by comparison I'm a bit out of my element here, but here are a few of mine; apologies in advance for the stupid timestamp. These were all taken with a cheap Kodak EasyShare CX7310 I got as a gift from my director about three years ago.
Big Bend 1


Big Bend 2


Big Bend 3


Icicles, from our recent winter storm

From South Texas:

Brown Pelican in Flight:


Yellow Rumped Warbler ... this bird is about four inches long in real life:


Solitary Sandpiper


Coots at Sunrise:


If it's spring, it must be time for Huisache:

Hornius Emeritus, I know it is not the equipment that makes great photographs, but please share with us the camera(s), lenses, and imaging software that you use.

I have two Canon digital camera bodies: a Rebel 350 XT and a 30D.


A Sigma 17-70mm F 2.8 Lens (excellent, in my opinion)

A Canon 70-200mm F 4.0 "L"

A Canon 100-400mm F 4.0-5.6 "L"

A Tamron 75-300mm F 4.0 macro zoom

A Sigma 105mm macro

A Sigma 170-500mm which I rarely use

Of course, I have a flash, a tripod, a monopod etc...

I've come to the conclusion that it's all a plot to economically enslave me.

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