Thanks, Macanudo. Regarding the rail cars, I was TRYING to make it look like they were sort of "exploding into the scene." For some reason, the Rolling Stones tongue is the image I was thinking about when I took the train shot. And I was trying to use the second rail (on the far right) to lead the eye into the scene. Not sure how successful I was on either of those accounts, but it's okay.
This is the high altar in a Catholic church up the road. Normally, the church is locked during the day because they had a problem with kids and homeless people coming in and harassing parishioners. I lucked out and happened to be there while some kids were practicing for their First Communion. After convincing the usher who was there that I had no desire to take pictures of the kids, I took a few shots. I was only inside for a few minutes because I didn't want to interfere with the kids.