Poor Sanchez

gotta agree, nice work stanhin.

after a nice unexpected loss we don't throw stuff, we decide to play our younger and more talented players.
i'd throw **** around too after a loss like that. he's a competitor.

vince young goes to the sideline and slams his helmet into the ground after a mistake or loss. does that make him a ***** too? **** no! he's Vince Young
Sanchez was visting with the Beaver QB after the game in a show of good sportsmanship. I'm not holding that against him when he thought he was in private (but still caught by the camera).

I watched the whole thing because I enjoyed seeing them get upset, but I think bagging on the kid for that incident isn't really called for.
Getting upset is one thing. Violently throwing things is not an acceptable form of venting in my book. If Vince threw his helment and has emotional problems. Maybe a connection?

Like a guy I once knew. Only hit is wife a little bit. Is now doing time.
I have no love for USC, but I like Sanchez. He seemed like a good kid when we recruited him and he seems like a good kid in his interviews today. I also thought that he was a good sport when he was congratulating the OSU qb after the game. He didn't have to do that. It looked to me like it was a wristband that threw against the wall. Big deal.
Agree with all who view Sanchez as a fierce competitor and a good kid.

Down 13 points, he drove the Trojans to a touchdown. Game over after the failed on-sides kick and he was pissed.

Nothing wrong with showing emotion after a tough, tough loss.
anyone saying sanchez is a bad kid for throwing something is just flat out an idiot especially since these people would be first in line defending a horn for doing the exact same thing.

he's a good kid, he's a competitor and he lost...and i'm happy about that because i cheer against his team.
We are getting off topic, I just want to see the vid. I don't care if he is a great person or a bad person it made me laugh and I'd like to see it again.
Throwing a wrist band, that son of a *****. This is a travishamocracy. If it was a mouthpiece, god have mercy on his soul!!!

P.S. Wife beater
Sanchez may have a rocket arm but cannot throw a wristband against a wall and have it bounce off the wall from that distance. When I saw it I thought it was a cellphone.
The P.E.T.W. people are up in arms today. I hear they are going to boycott USC games. The P.E.T.C.P. were quiet so I think its safe to say it was a wristband.

(People for the Ethical Treatment of Wristbands)
USC deserves the beating they're getting around the nation but Sanchez is not a rapist, okay I wasn't there, but he was falsely accused IMO and trust me, I'm not saying this just because he's a Trojan. We feel he was the victim in all this and his reputation forever damaged because of claims the girl made that were lies. They brought in a ******* SWAT team to arrest him. Ridiculous.

Oh and if you want to rip someone on our team for bad behavior, not Sanchez, he's a good guy, but focus on our piece of **** bastard Tood McNair, RB coach, ******* *********** ************* ***** dog fighting, dog torturing, dog murdering, ******* who was twice caught doing it, back in the early and mid 90's. I call him dog fighting piece of **** and the SC rah rahs always say "oh it was a long time ago blah blah blah blah" I don't care, he's a BAD guy, can't believe Pete keeps this worthless trash on our staff.

I hate McNair.
I saw the postgame too, and I was impressed that Sanchez sought out the OSU quarterback to congratulate him on the field.

Seems like a good kid, and it's certainly not his fault that ESPN treats USC with a completely different set of rules when talking about their faults/stumbles.

If you're looking for postgame douchebaggery by a QB, look no further than Graham Harrell 2007.