USC deserves the beating they're getting around the nation but Sanchez is not a rapist, okay I wasn't there, but he was falsely accused IMO and trust me, I'm not saying this just because he's a Trojan. We feel he was the victim in all this and his reputation forever damaged because of claims the girl made that were lies. They brought in a ******* SWAT team to arrest him. Ridiculous.
Oh and if you want to rip someone on our team for bad behavior, not Sanchez, he's a good guy, but focus on our piece of **** bastard Tood McNair, RB coach, ******* *********** ************* ***** dog fighting, dog torturing, dog murdering, ******* who was twice caught doing it, back in the early and mid 90's. I call him dog fighting piece of **** and the SC rah rahs always say "oh it was a long time ago blah blah blah blah" I don't care, he's a BAD guy, can't believe Pete keeps this worthless trash on our staff.
I hate McNair.