Point me to some good Chicken Fried Steak

Cafe 290, in Manor -- just off 290 past the Expo Center a ways. You'll thank me.

Threadgill's sucks. Used to be one of our favorite places, but quality went downhill so precipitously that we stopped going about 3-4 years ago.
Can't help with Austin but for chains I'd throw in Cracker Barrel and Cotton Patch Cafe.

Babe's Chicken is right on. I live about 10 minutes from it. Great place!
Forget all the other crap on this thread and head up to Georgetown. Monument Cafe pwn3s anything within an hour radius of Austin. Kobe beef chicken fried steak for like $11. Good gravy. Great sides as well. Probably my favorite restaurant in the Austin area. The chicken fried chicken is also good.

Nice place for breakfast too.

I think I'll eat there tomorrow.
I hit Monument for breakfast for the first time last year on the way up for the Baylor game. Pretty much everyone in the place was road-tripping up to Waco. Damn fine food.
I also am on board with M&M in Ft. Worth. Chicken Fried Steak with just the right amount of garlic. A couple of times when I have been eating there the cook has cois me to the table to ask how the food is... both times she had a big fat chew in. Babe's in Garland, Roenoke, and Carrollton is pretty good too. If you like average Chicken Fried Steak with good scenery go to Hubbard's Cubbard in Garland. You won't be disappointed with the service...I mean the view.
When I first got to Austin years ago, I went to Huts and had a fantastic CFS. It was as big as your plate, good meat, breading, buttery corn, mashed potatoes and texas toast. Went there a couple of months ago and it was an abomination. Some pressed, premade patty that you'd expect to get from Sonic. Really, really sucked.
Went to Threadgill's and it was a lot better, but still disappointing. Meat and breading were tasty but it was small and the meat was thin. I'll be trying Hoover's next time.
I'll get lambasted for this but a few years ago, I tried a CFS at one of those chain places (?chilis or applebees maybe) and it was pretty tasty. Real piece of steak, not the preformed patty. For a chain it was pretty good. Wish I could remember where it was. I remember that I liked the chicken fried chicken at Chilis.
I had one from Threadgills today and wow what a disappointment
was reading this thread right before dinner so it made me hungry for some CFS. never tried that babe's chicken in dallas, will have to do that. ended up at mattido's and wouldn't ya know it, they have CFS on the menu! i got it "cowboy style" with chile con carne on top, sounded weird but tasted great. the waiter said next time i could get it with verde sauce instead, which is how he likes it. maybe that ain't CFS but i wasn't complaining.
My dad used to take me to The Stallion. He bought a booth at their auction when they closed down. It was in our kitchen as a breakfast nook growing up. He still has it.

I barely remember eating there, but I do remember that they cut up a whole fresh potato for each order of fries, and they were good.
I remember the Stallion. We used to go there in high school. I can't vouch for the quality of the food. I like good tasting food of course, but food is just food unless it's absolutely awful.

I eat to keep myself alive, other than that I really don't care that much; but I do like chicken fried steak.
Punt on First Down's last line sums it up for a lot of folks- for sure not me, but I know people like that up here in Idaho.... They eat to live. I think I will start a new Horn Depot thread on CFS, with a slightly different tack.
i heard that tony's southern comfort had a really good CFS, but i haven't made it over there yet. hyde park, the bluebonnet (marble falls), hoover's, and hill's are all good. hill's is my favorite of the bunch. hoover's is good, but pricey for what it is.