Photoshop Fran

There's a new movie coming out called Pinocchio... it's with Roberto Benigni (Life is Beautiful). Surely someone can work some magic with something from that movie.
It was great while it lasted, I checked this thread every day just to see how imaginative some of you guys are. Thanks for all the laughs!
this was a PM that i-h8-a&m got.. the only things he has ever posted were here in this thread. stupid women

You say that you hate A&M BUT you are the idiot who chose to make a career here--- you sit there and say crap about the Aggies but go live there-- go back to t.u. and start slinging your crap from there!!!
I wanted to offer my big thanks and lots of appreciation for all of y'all for contributing such funny 'shopped pics. I saved a lot of 'em myself... 10 years from now, I'll still be laughing...
Thanks to all who did a fine photoshop pictoral...absolutely hillarious. It even got the aggies in my office laughing their asses off.
Can someone post Fran as the spokesperson for Yellow stripe beer a la Red Stripe? And what about Fran on the sidelines during the game with a bubble cloud negotiating his contract instead of calling plays or ordering a pizza through his headphones?
I've already downloaded this ENTIRE thread to my HDD in the event of a catastrophic server failure. [knocks on desk]
Man this thread just doesnt seem to go away. If someone can come up with some more creative situations to put Fran in, then I'm all for it.