OU 2008 is NOT OU 2007

Please clarify recent years. You mean post-Bomared or pre-Bomared? Somewhat selective in our examples aren't we?

How do those games have relevance to a discussion about performance against a common opponent?

In front of the world, for all the marbles, we beat the next-to the Greatest Team of All Time (no longer greatest since replaced by this years version) and your team got *****-slapped by the next-to the, next-to the Greatest Team of All Time.

Now using some logic on this string, the team we beat in 2005 was the improved version of the one that *****-slapped your team the year before..........and none of this makes a sXXt this year.
I agree with the previous post about the difference in this year's OU team and the 2007 team. Last year's team would have gone to Seattle, fidgeted and stumbled for 3 1/2 quarters, and eked out a late 7 to 10 point win. This year, OU put the game away in the first quarter, stepped on their throat and never let up. This is the first time since 2004 that OU has gone out and dominated a game on the road from start to finish.
ou fans are getting as bad as aggie in their need for validity from ut fans. i'll reserve judgments on both teams until our oct 11.

that being said, usc would hang 90 on ou... and us as well. neither of us should want a part of them right now.
Agree with that previous post. OUE I didn't think you had this in you.

Seriously, 3 mudholes vs. 3 subpar opponents. Washington 0-3 is the suck. Just b/c they are from a BCS conference and you stomped them doesn't mean much. I know we all get excited about our programs but damned the Sooner fever is running high right now.
if not winning the rrr means you have nothing , then it must really suck to be a texas fan. 1 nc and 5 big 12s is plenty to be proud of., We dont to excited about holiday trophies.

This OU team is not the 2007 team. It is obvious to say that, I know, but based on what I've seen of the 2008 team, the difference is stark. It just "feels" different -- and in a positive way, too...


It might be fun to see OU get back to the MNC game again and get their teeth kicked in by USC. The last "great" OU team got hit in the mouth by USC and folded. That was the year before UT beat USC in the JNC game. Remember OUEngineer?
OU is in the same position the Cowboys and Mavericks are in. The regular season doesn't mean jack if you can't finish. The pressure will mount and we'll have to wait and see how they handle it. They do look very good right now. Other thing is injuries. Bradford has to stay healthy as Stoops never develops a 2nd string QB.
Look at the Aggies this year... They have to break in all kinds of things, including a new Oline and coaching. They return what many publications and experts consider to be one of the top backfields in the Big 12.

What does that all mean? They are really struggling to do much but get depantsed by a Sun Belt team and scrape by UNM.

OU seems to be an elite team this year, and I think with the way they are playing they deserve their ranking. Also other teams aren't blowing me away, except for USC. This season will be theirs to lose regarding how the Big 12 falls, but I think Texas could beat OU. I think turnovers will decide this years RRR.

As far as next year, see aggy this season, but without a major coaching overhaul. Bradford is going to be good but wont get the time to go through his reads.

2008 is your year and possibly ours, 2009 it's all us. Even Mack said so

Thanks for the thoughtful post and adding some discussion to our online forum.
I'm not overly impressed. Washington, like WSU, is probably worse than Baylor. But just because OU simply hasn't really had a chance to impress isn't a knock on them either. There are plenty of other good teams who've played similarly weak schedules and ended up with embarassingly close wins. Outside of about 20 minutes of defensive play against Cincinnati, OU's done everything they could have been reasonably expected to do so far.

The comment about Stoops and backup QBs is just as silly as the similar comments that get made about Mack Brown on this board.

In reply to:

Stat, as I said, I never claimed the competition level was anything to write home about. My original point had very little to do with WHO we're playing and a lot more to do with HOW we're playing.

As someone pointed out, we laid out opponents in '07 much in the same way as we've now done in '08. Big deal, right? Our respective programs SHOULD be doing this, given our overwhelming talent advantage compared to programs like UW, UTEP and UNT. What has me as excited as I've been since '03 is the WAY this team is gelling this early in the season.

Many of us who've followed this program closely have felt the team was playing like a bunch of moving parts, who by sheer talent alone, were winning a majority of their ballgames. The chemistry of this team is such that the guys are behaving like an actual team and not merely a collection of individual stars, most of which were simply looking for a way to improve their draft stock. I'm not sure this is very apparent to those of you on the outside. That makes sense. While you folks have a passing interest in the program, you aren't going to have the same perspective as someone who seeks out every nugget of inside information they can get their grubby little hands on (that would be yours truly).

I may be totally off on all of this. We may fall apart at the end just as we've done in the recent past. If so, feel free to call me out at that time. It wouldn't be the first time I've shown my *** on this forum, that's for sure.
Au contraire, crimson kool-aid breath. My analysis of the past four years, based on statistics, recruiting, season records, bowl games, rankings, fung shui, astrology and haiku finds that in 2005, OU sucked, in 2006, OU sucked, in 2007, OU sucked, and in 2008, OU will suck. Same as it ever was.
oueng....I was at the game and UW is not a good team at all...they would struggle against SMU...they are down and out and lost a game they shouldn't the week before...UW sucks!
that being said...ou looked poised and balanced...if that is what you are encouraged by....have at it...we would have beat'n UW by a similar score...
I hope we all come to Dallas unblemished....we'll be ready...
Yeah OU eng., all we hear everywhere is how great OU is this year and all, but one good TCU hit on Bradford's ugly head, and it is lights out. Not wishin, just sayin.
OUE is far too reasonable for a Sooner fan and he hurts my stereotpye of a typical toothless hilljack. Consequently, I will ignore all of his posts from now until after the RRS.

Stupid engineers and their "rational" thoughts...
see now they are just ******* with you tx.

as i said in another post, hardly anyone on this board will acknowledge the difference in this team (if there is any) until after OU/texas. TCU and Baylor will only further add to this useless discussion.

the only problem is that after OU/Texas we will not be able to read the posts from UT fans because this board will be crashed.