Other Super-Regionals

Florida escapes even more damage.

Big fat homerun by McGillis for the Gamecocks in the top of the 1st. This could be a very interesting series.
If TCU did not contend, how would you describe the Texas “performance” against TCU and for the season?
We contended in every game we played. That doesn’t mean we won em all but contend we did.

TCU was involved in the championship game. I started to say participated, but some may argue they didn’t do that.
Well shucks. So. Carolina grounds it to the pitcher who fires it home, then the catcher fires it to 1st. Double play. Good D by Florida there.

S Car 3
Fla 2
I have lived in each of these states, for 1 year each. They are very different despite their close proximity. I guess I like So. Car. a little bit more, but Florida does have it's positives, and So. Car certainly has its negatives.
Back to back homers for the Zducks in bottom 3. Then 1st and 3rd 1 out.

3-6-1 double play to get out of the inning. Very close at 1st. It was challenged. Out upheld.
Now 8-2.
That’s 3 replays that my feed blurs at the moment of impact. If that’s what they’re seeing, that’s pretty piss poor. And very impactful in this game.
Oregon made an incredible comeback to win game 1 over Oral Roberts. They have a fantastic home field advantage out there.


UVA jumps out to a 3-0 lead over Duke in game 2 (Duke won game 1 by 1 point). 2nd inning.

At times Virginia's pitcher is slobbering all over his throwing hand without much of the requisite "wipe-off" on the jersey or pants. I really don't think today's umps give a flip about spit balls anymore. They have more serious stuff, like Spider Tack, to worry about.
Duke's pouring it on in the 4th. 2 big hits with men on board, makes it 4-3 UVA. Duke just started putting them on and bringing them in.

Now, after 4:



3 run monster homerun to RF!!!
He must have bashed that thing 425+ feet


top off the 5th.

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