How did Texas lose to Georgia in the CCG? Stockton was NOT good. Defense was NOT good.

It was like watching Texas in a Q3 but for an entire game.

ND had moments but does not concern me like the nuts do...
All of the remaining teams are 2-0. All the first round byes are 0-1 (better known as one and done). That suggests to me that the Committee should take a look at how they seed the final 12 next year.
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Ok, so: ND vs. State Penn.....

gawd what a choice for a potential opponent. I loathe them both. Any way they could both lose?

If, if the Horns get past the bucks, not sure who we match up better against. ND? Their D is pretty nasty but their O would be handled well by our D - IMHO.

I know far less about JoePa U.
Welp. Looks like the superiority of Northern college football has been established. We’re the only team from South of the Mason Dixon line. Outside of mighty Texas, College football power lies squarely in the “Rust Belt” of the North.
State Pen and The Vatican will be a bitter, hard hitting, 21 - 17 CTE fest. It should be played in the bitter cold of Gary, Indiana or Pittsburg or somewhere. I think Texas matches up pretty well against both of them.
Gotta admit I almost never pull for the Irish and I am a cradle Catholic so it has nothing to do with religion I just grew up hating the Irish. But today I was pulling for them. The SEC hates Texas and will for a while because we don’t bow down to their superiority like aggy did and drink the cool aide. I accept the business arrangement we have but as the video from yesterday showed of the Georgia watch party cheering for ASU no one in the SEC is cheering for Texas just because we are SEC and except for when it benefits Texas I am taking the same attitude about them. There will be times we should cheer for our SEC mates just like there were times it was in Texas’ interest to cheer for other Big XII teams but it isn’t a reflexive always cheer for the SEC team. Glad that Texas is the last SEC team standing.
Gotta admit I almost never pull for the Irish and I am a cradle Catholic so it has nothing to do with religion I just grew up hating the Irish. But today I was pulling for them. The SEC hates Texas and will for a while because we don’t bow down to their superiority like aggy did and drink the cool aide. I accept the business arrangement we have but as the video from yesterday showed of the Georgia watch party cheering for ASU no one in the SEC is cheering for Texas just because we are SEC and except for when it benefits Texas I am taking the same attitude about them. There will be times we should cheer for our SEC mates just like there were times it was in Texas’ interest to cheer for other Big XII teams but it isn’t a reflexive always cheer for the SEC team. Glad that Texas is the last SEC team standing.
100% - winners/champions typically pickup an inordinate amount of haters, typically based on jealousy. The Yankees, Cowboys (of the 70’s, 8o’s & 90’s), Patriots, Bama….the list goes on into every sport (and business, too). That we’re universally despised means we’ve accomplished a level beyond that of the haters. It drives them nuts, and their downward spiral continues.

An old Raiders saying, “Just win, baby”, applies here in an appropriate way. Win against whomever we’re playing, and “…it’s goodbye to all the rest”.
Gotta admit I almost never pull for the Irish and I am a cradle Catholic so it has nothing to do with religion I just grew up hating the Irish. But today I was pulling for them. The SEC hates Texas and will for a while because we don’t bow down to their superiority like aggy did and drink the cool aide. I accept the business arrangement we have but as the video from yesterday showed of the Georgia watch party cheering for ASU no one in the SEC is cheering for Texas just because we are SEC and except for when it benefits Texas I am taking the same attitude about them. There will be times we should cheer for our SEC mates just like there were times it was in Texas’ interest to cheer for other Big XII teams but it isn’t a reflexive always cheer for the SEC team. Glad that Texas is the last SEC team standing.
Yapping dawgs go home, while the Horns are still playing. Karma, bitche$!


You're welcome!
Welp. Looks like the superiority of Northern college football has been established. We’re the only team from South of the Mason Dixon line. Outside of mighty Texas, College football power lies squarely in the “Rust Belt” of the North.
If you’re a great player from the Midwest or Northeast and want to stay relatively close to home, then there are only 3 viable teams from which to choose. Can anyone guess the three that get all the best players from such a vast demographic?

ND, Ohio State and JoePU then recruit south to get their speedy skill players.
Kirby can spin it any which way he wishes. Bottom line is they weren’t prepared for that situation. He should’ve called a time out.
I don't think a timeout would have been the smart move, as he needed them (2) to score twice, TDs. I was telling my wife, "Why is Georgia in a panic"? The refs would have allowed them time to also sub and lineup defensively, or ND would have been forced to use a TO of there own, if not take the delay of game penalty. The Dawgs could have trotted out there slowly to milk the clock. Other teams have countered the late subs by taking their sweet time getting on the field. And it works...the offense either has to call a TO or take a delay of game.

Kirby just panicked. I think they had like 17 seconds when they ran back to line up, but Kirby was rushing them to get out there, then ND got 'em with the hard count.

Good call by ND. Kirby got suckered.
Let’s just say I am a certified Longhorn pagan. I hate the bailer baptists way more than ND. And I only favor the Irish unless they play atm, ousucks, georgie, or bailer. lol
It’s a sin to root for ND in all cases. Especially for us Geezer Horns. But then again, you are a Bishop, so what should we expect, your Eminence?
All he had to do was pull a Gundy and walk his players into the field until the clock got down to 1 sec and they would have to call the time out. There was no need to run onto the field since they had substituted.

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