Accuratehorn, there is a big difference between the Obama birth certificate fiasco and 911 truthers.
I consider myself a mainstream/moderate truther. I know that planes hit the buildings.
However, the planes bringing down the buildings isnt even the main point in my book (although I do have my doubts they were the SOLE cause). The complete and utter failure of the intelligence of this country, the looking the other way time after time when people were on the trail of the highjackers, the back dealing prior to the attacks, the shoddy investigation that was actually done on 911 and afterwards...
I believe that our government knew 911 was going to happen and may even have been complicit in allowing or making sure it would happen. Our entire foreign and domestic way of life has changed dramatically as a result of 911. We are engaged in a never ending war on terror against an enemy that is an ideology, not a country specific group of peoples.
The actual details of the planes, the pentagon or the airphone calls are not the issue. There are absolutely questions regarding those events and the people in charge of investigating them and overseeing them, but they are periphery to the main point. I believe Bush and Cheney allowed 911 to occur.
For people to think that our leaders could never do such a thing, I ask you to look at Hitler, Stalin, Saddam and any other corrupt leaders and ask how they could be responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of their own people.
I consider myself a mainstream/moderate truther. I know that planes hit the buildings.
However, the planes bringing down the buildings isnt even the main point in my book (although I do have my doubts they were the SOLE cause). The complete and utter failure of the intelligence of this country, the looking the other way time after time when people were on the trail of the highjackers, the back dealing prior to the attacks, the shoddy investigation that was actually done on 911 and afterwards...
I believe that our government knew 911 was going to happen and may even have been complicit in allowing or making sure it would happen. Our entire foreign and domestic way of life has changed dramatically as a result of 911. We are engaged in a never ending war on terror against an enemy that is an ideology, not a country specific group of peoples.
The actual details of the planes, the pentagon or the airphone calls are not the issue. There are absolutely questions regarding those events and the people in charge of investigating them and overseeing them, but they are periphery to the main point. I believe Bush and Cheney allowed 911 to occur.
For people to think that our leaders could never do such a thing, I ask you to look at Hitler, Stalin, Saddam and any other corrupt leaders and ask how they could be responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of their own people.