Osama Death Picture


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I honestly can't remember what program I was watching or news site I was reading, but I read on Sunday night that Osama's death picture was shown on Pakistani tv. I google imaged it, and sure enough there is one photo of Osama dead. It appears to be exactly what has been verbally described by the WH, but not released.
It seems WIDELY available on-line, so why won't the WH release it? It has been released. Unless, it is a fake. It looks real to me, so I don't understand why there is a debate about it at all.
What is the point in releasing it? I'm not sure I understand that. Do you think we really dumped his body in the ocean?
Oilfield, my point is the death picture is public knowledge. There is no need to debate whether the WH releases it or not... it is released. I have NO idea why no media outlets in the US have shown it.

As far as the funeral video/pictures. That seems like a legitimate debate about whether that will cause more ire on the part of Muslims or not.
Are you talking about this faked one?
The Link

Can't believe that the usual right-wing media types/bloggers are clamoring for the photo to be released because they don't believe that it happened. Are the people in the muslim world even doubting that it happened?
We might have to release the pictures if the public starts to go birther or truther on the death of bin Laden, but there would be consequences-some Muslims would riot and blow stuff up over the images being released, and nut cases would make tee-shirts with the images, etc. There are pros and cons to releasing the pictures.
It is like the issue of what to do with the body. No country wanted to host a burial site which would have become a shrine for radicals.
The bottom line is we don't want to pour gasoline on a fire by flaunting these photos.
yep.. that is the one. Sorry about being snookered like that. I saw it Sunday night before there was any debate, and because it was stated to have been released on Pakistani tv, I thought it was real.

For the record I am not particularly interested in seeing a photo, and I believe that he is dead.
I have seen links saying some in the Muslim world doubt his death, others mourn it, and I would assume the majority are relieved he is dead. A mixed bag of beliefs, just like the US.

Of course, when you get photo shopped stuff like that, it makes it even harder to believe anything these days.
Are the people in the muslim world even doubting that it happened?

of course they are. you do not know muich about the middle east do you?
as far as fakes, it would be hard to convincingly fake in my opinion. When was the last time OBL was photographed or seen? 8 years maybe? Didn't he have a kidney ailment? Wouldn't his hair be grayer?

Think about the Uday and Qusay Hussein death photos. Dead faces take on a very ghastly distorted appearance, not easily faked by using a picture from when that person was alive.
You people would believe anything and everything coming out of Barry's lying mouth, just so you can continue the chant, Obama, Obama, Obama.
The chant goes more like this: Yes he did!, yes he did!, yes he did!
And remember how many look-a-likes Uday's Daddy had working for him.

Take one of those look-a-likes of Osama, shoot him between the eyes, part his hair with his brains. Take picture of it, a picture mind you which we haven't even seen and Barry gets more credit than the man who shot Liberty Vallance.

Then let's say, not prove DNA, just say DNA matches. What the hell is wrong with you people? No chance for anyone other than all the President's men to check said DNA.

Then finally, lets rush this look-a-like with the shark chum leaking out of his head off to the nearest waters never to be seen or heard from again.

You people aren't gullible, you're stupid to believe such Hollywood Hussein scripts. Wake up America, you elected the biggest lair known to man, but you're gonna take his word for it.........,...... again.

Wonder how Barry knew no one would question him? You're a racist if you do. Of course I shot the badest of all bad men, and you're gonna question me? You're a racist.
I think the picture is important. A lot of folks will want a nice print for their office or den.
Release the pictures or don't release the pictures there will always be those that believe Elvis is alive and that the moon landing was in a sound stage in Hollywood, and there will always be those that believe OBL is either alive or he dies years ago.

Personally I find it much easier to believe that OBL died years ago and GWB decided he didn't need it to beat Kerry and thus gave to BHO to use as he needed.
You people aren't gullible, you're stupid to believe such Hollywood Hussein scripts. Wake up America, you elected the biggest lair known to man, but you're gonna take his word for it.........,...... again.

Wonder how Barry knew no one would question him? You're a racist if you do. Of course I shot the badest of all bad men, and you're gonna question me? You're a racist.
It kills you to know that Obama done good, doesn't it
Well, this took a turn for the worse. Anyway, I just don't see the point of releasing it. I'd make it available for 9/11 survivors if any of them wanted to see it. Beyond that, why bother? If Al Queda has any organization left to it at all, they will know he's dead.
A death photo would help quite a bit. I resent Obama putting muslim sensibilities and feelings ahead of the $300-$3000 I paid to have that photo taken. Its mine and I want to see it dammit!

Also it is far better to be a deather/birther than a sander, which is where so many people's heads seem to be deeply buried right now.
I am fully supportive of the President on whatever his decision is.

With that said, does anyone really believe that some person is sitting out there on the brink of hating us just waiting on the release to act?
Honestly, when I started this thread I did NOT anticipate the partisan vitriol it has produced.
Honestly, I don't really care if they release any photos or not. I do trust that what Obama has said is true. That Osama is dead. I do believe this without any photos. Whatever the WH decides with regards to the release of any photos will be condemned by roughly one half of the US population, and the world. They are in a no win situation.
I am no fan of Obama's policies, but give him credit for his role in this, and find no fault with him at all.

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