Official: Harbaugh Suspended

Apparently Michigan isn’t understanding that the walls are closing in. They would be wise to cut their losses, come clean, and take their medicine. This situation will not get better.

I know it's been awhile but it didn't "taint" OU, and neither Barry nor Larry were punished.
Perhaps I am mistaken, but I believe this to be a very different time. It all has to do with social media, and the light speed with which information is now transmitted.
SMU was far worse, but crossed the line when they were the first to buy a new house for a recruits mother after they got her a new job.

Not defending SMU, but other schools got away with no penalty. SMU did deserve punishment, but they were the whipping boy for the NCAA and got a severe whipping. "See, we are doing something."
This is the only time in my life I would like to be in Happy Valley. The two armies meet tomorrow morning to discuss how much weight a Michigan TRO holds in Pennsylvania. Watching that will be far better than the game.
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Sabre, not to sure why you want to disagree on my SMU opinion. A&M, OU and others got away, scot-free. Please elaborate.

SMU was far worse, but crossed the line when they were the first to buy a new house for a recruits mother after they got her a new job. The kid never wanted to go to SMU and didn't last a year there. Great kid. We put Meyer & Collins on notice that if "mom" lost her job or home or didn't get annual raises, "say hello to the front page of DMN, Washington Post, NY Times, and say goodbye to any black athletes in the future". So mom got a free house, better job, bigger paycheck, and SMU got zilch.

If you're gonna cheat, cover your *** and your bases. Bunch of amateurs

Stepanovich? Is this the recruit you referenced? Bad knee(s), couldn't play. Even Pitt backed away from him from what i heard / read. Pre season HS all American that was damaged goods
While I don't know details about Stepanovich, I do know from multiple reports that SMU cheated. I think we was on the Pony Excess show on ESPN. You can't change that. My point was that while SMU deserved a penalty, other schools did the same or worse.
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Hard to explain other than the arrogance of flaunting what they were doing. Did others buy cars? Sure, as a matter of fact I would submit that the most investigated auto in NCAA history was Jerry Gray's BMW. It was "clean". SMU had either 32 or 38 Nissan Z cars on an 85 player roster. All from Warren Bankston Nissan.

A&M was a disaster with cars. Dickerson's was legendary. An SMU alum swears he had two suitcases full of cash put in the backend and delivered with the car. That's ******** because Aggies delivered the car - Leo Jarnigan Pontiac IIRC. That's not the only car that got away from A&M. There was a Cutlass parked in back of Moore Hill for four years that they paid for.

Summer jobs were frequently abused but never punished until the Aggies sacrificed Rod, which was a travesty. Did they cheat, yes, but the NCAA investigation was so faulty is became a joke.

OU had the "million dollar walk", but Barry went crazy telling Bosworth to drive the Corvette and keep the Jag convertible in the garage. Bosworth didn't listen

The free house was "crossing the line", but worse was the way Meyer flaunted it daring anyone to do anything about it. They were totally out of control and getting worse every day. Schools didn't "tell" on other schools, but the Aggies got SMU.

It was a different time with unwritten rules, but Meyer wouldn't play nice and he encouraged rather than organizing and controlling the alumni. Everyone knew who was cheating, what they were doing, and how they were doing it.

I think the two biggest concerns were SMU's house and UNC making Ron Curry the first six figure man.
I believe that Stepanovich was the OL from Pennsylvania, who went public about what he got. Other rumors flew around about a certain coach (known for having trouble telling the truth) promised him he could transfer, then not honoring that promise. He did not get a house.
The master spreadsheet is proof of organized cheating. I thought Michigan was a smart school, but they refuse to do anything (like the Sandusky cover up at Pedo State).
I guess winning a Big 10 championship has been so rare at Michigan that they all have starry eyes over there.
What is the policy for students who cheat on tests at Michigan?
Embarrassing if you have a Michigan degree right now. This all feels very Baylol.
The evidence about Michigan, despite it's denials, is unassailable. Michigan had a guy on the payroll that was violating the rules. There is no doubt this is true. Did Harbaugh know? Did Harbaugh orchestrate it? We'll likely never know. I'm curious as to what UM thinks an appropriate disciplinary action would be here?
The evidence about Michigan, despite it's denials, is unassailable. Michigan had a guy on the payroll that was violating the rules. There is no doubt this is true. Did Harbaugh know? Did Harbaugh orchestrate it? We'll likely never know. I'm curious as to what UM thinks an appropriate disciplinary action would be here?
I think UM is claiming that JH didn’t know. I don’t think they have claimed anything else.
Not defending SMU, but other schools got away with no penalty. SMU did deserve punishment, but they were the whipping boy for the NCAA and got a severe whipping. "See, we are doing something."
Absolutely! NCAA exercised the Death Penalty once just to show that they could - and SMU was in the crosshairs (deservedly so). OU got away with shootings and rape in the dorms and a player selling drugs - sure sounds like "Lack of institutional control" to me. Then there was the Big Red Sports and Imports fiasco - again, sounds a lot like "lack of institutional control." But OU once again skated - the NCAA was afraid to take on one of the "Big Boys." And the history of A&M is similar.
The bottom line: NCAA had to exercise the Death Penalty once just to show that they could - and SMU was the object.
I just read a more detailed synopsis of UM”s lawsuit, expecting it to be meritless. I was wrong.

The Big Ten rules say that the conference can impose interim discipline against an institution while an NCAA investigation is ongoing, but that discipline against an individual player or coach must wait until the investigation is complete. Acknowledging this, the Big Ten announced that it was not suspending JH, but rather was barring the institution from having its head coach (whoever that may be) on the sideline.

So, if UM appointed someone else as head coach and demoted JH to assistant head coach, JH could be on the sidelines.
OU got away with all they did throughout the decades because the NCAA wanted OU to challenge UT...IMHO and without inside knowledge.
Not defending SMU, but other schools got away with no penalty. SMU did deserve punishment, but they were the whipping boy for the NCAA and got a severe whipping. "See, we are doing something."
SMU's downfall was getting a preliminary list of violations from the NCAA, reviewing them, realizing that they were doing things the NCAA had not discovered, and making the decision to keep doing the things that hadn't been uncovered. There were documents that confirmed the internal discussions when that decision was made.
not a real significant punishment.
now if Harbaugh called the plays like Sark does, then it could a significant setback.

That can only mean one thing - Michigan is guilty of more than publicized which equates to monumental punishment for Directional Michigan. It's the NCAA at its finest.

Don't know who this clown is, but he's full of **** as a Christmas turkey. If they are offering immunity, they don't have anything and are on a fishing expedition. Besides, they aren't likely to honor the immunity deal, which we be voided for some "technicality".

Michigan needs to "lawyer up" all the players, then tell the NCAA "approach a player without his lawyer and we will ***** slap your stupid asses back to the War of Northern Aggression".
That's an impressive outfit, starting with the CEO's photo wearing a shirt two sizes too small standing behind his pressboard desk, which says two things, nobody would loan or lease them enough money to get real furniture. My experience has been this is type outfit the NCAA hires to investigate possible problems - again no subpoena, not authority, hoping to scare you. Only thing scary is you might die laughing at these clowns.