There is nothing preventing those kids from getting an education and getting out of the said area if they so choose. I am sure they have family outside of that area, if not they could easily go their pastor and discuss the situation.
In the hallways of my HS in Houston there was a shooting, stabbing, and I was attacked with no warning and for no reason other than saying hello in the hallway to a girl I sat next to in Chemistry. Fractured half my face and spent 10 days in the hospital.
I continued to go to school graduate HS, go to the Texas, pay for my own education and get a job.
So yes, I would say that my life growing up in questionable areas of Chicago, Mesa Arizona, New Orleans and Houston Texas was not much different then their life.
Would an organization like a church or Big Brothers and Big Sisters help, hell yes. The kids need to know they have alternatives and it is not up to society to point it out to them, they have to know to go find it. Their church might be a good alternative. By the way, why don't you just pick the most extreme of all circumstances possible? The people that live in that area elect criminals to office and the same members of the House of Representatives year after year, why don't they start there and elect somebody that would actually get something done? The crime rate is a direct reflection on the elected officials, don't tell me they can't do anything about it.....
Kids that want out can get out and or do something about it.
As far as the question about the Civil Rights Laws, after studying LBJ, which is hindsight, I would not have supported anything or very little that he stood for, I should have used the word hindsight. The New Deal, The Great Society, and Hope and Change were three extreme liberal movements that are proving to be the biggest hijacks of the American people in the history of the United States, sorry story for another time....
I will also say, that if I could go back in time and put my self at my age today or younger, I could see the benfits and need for some of the Civil Rights Legislation.
I don't believe that kids were given an equal opportunity, education wise until you start getting to the kids born around 1970, give or take 5 years or so for some other areas but in today's world there is no excuse or very few excuseable ones. I will give you kids that born with issues, or that have accidents or victims of extreme behavior but for kids within two Standard Deviations, there is not excuse, it is about you and what you want out of life. If your family and or surroundings don't motivate you, something needs too and that something is yourself.