If you followed Goldwater and the beliefs that he and Buckley brought forth you would understand that it is not that they are or Conservatives are against anyone, it is about giving you as an individual the chance to succeed. They are not about the group, but the individual.
You talk about understanding the black situation or needs, that is not what they are for or against, they are about the individual choice and allowing you that opportunity.
The reason that Goldwater voted against was simple and straightforward, it was about a group not the individual. That vote can directly be attributed to the "Special Interests" groups that we have today. Blacks, Hispanics, Religious Right, Anti Abortionists, Gay and Lesbian, Lobbyists etc.
To even mention Goldwater in the same vein as racism is absurd and shows how little you actually understand the Conservative movements roots and basis. I will be the first to admit that Group Think is far more powerful and easy to follow than Individual Think. Group Think has infected the Republican Party and there are many people out there not happy with it. When I hear Rubio speak, he reminds me of Goldwater, he doesn't think what is best for him or Latino's, he thinks what is best for America.
The idealogical difference here is Group Think mentality vs. Individual Think mentatlity.
That ad did nothing but reaffirm the group think mentality that I believe is wrong with this country.