Obama Reelection Ad

Well spoken white man = out of touch with the real world.

Well spoken black man - presidential material, regardless of experience.

Buckhorn, you write a nice essay that may have been applicable in the 60's.
As we have seen, one can be an inarticulate white man with unfortunate academic and business histories and be elected president. Tell the whole picture, Shiner.
OK, so we elected an articulate black man with an unknown academic history and zero business background. Is that more positive?
Unknown academic history?

Maybe to you. It's well known to others that he attended, and graduated from, HLS.

But people here tend to create their own meanings for words. Just what is your meaning for "unknown academic history"?
Any ideas about his grades, his activities in school, the papers he wrote, anything? If I hire someone for a professional position I verify that stuff. Anyway, Satchel brought us academic record of GWB. I just thought it was ironic. I'm sure Obama wrote some great papers and made great grades. Right?
Shiner's right. I was so impressed with the fact that Obama was a Cum Laude graduate from Harvard Law School after graduating from Columbia and was recruited to the faculty the University of Chicago that I simply assumed he was well educated and a good student. Give me a couple of impressive credentials and the fact that the faculty at the University of Chicago, stacked with Nobel Prize Winners, recruited him hard I just assumed the guy is academically gifted and a hard worker to boot. Damn, I'm just like the liberal media -- just skim through the resume and completely ignore the possibility that maybe Obama was a disinterested student in middle school or had a hard time coloring in the lines or making seven green trees as a first grader.
He smokes, plays golf and drinks beer very well. I haven't seen him do anything as President better than those three activities.
'All that need be understood is that conservatism has never been a particularly vocal or active ally of African American interests, and has often stood in the way of black progress, whether said interference came from Democrats or Republicans."

Explain what you see as conservative principals that stood in the way of black progress.
Conservatives sat out the entire Civil Right Movement and only got involved when a church needed to be bombed, somebody needed to lynched or schools and lunch counters needed to be protected from integration.

Again, this is not about political philosophy, it is about political actors. There has been opposition to virtually every move made by the government to push back against progressions made on behalf of blacks. I would consider those actions aimed at maintaining the prior inequities as conservative, whether from racism or a desire to see that the feds stay out of local issues or whatever. I note that one party/political tradition in re race issues sought to capitalize on the discontents of the southern whites when progressions were still hot in memory. The way the nation handled changes regarding Jim Crow went along way toward influencing the way a base was developed by the GOP during the post civil rights era. I am also referring to the way blacks view their interests and the way the GOP, while in its modern American conservative phase, has spoken of, ignored, or addressed those issues.
You say it but you don't explain it.
In what way have ' conservatives" opposed every move to benefit blacks?
if you think this you should be able to say who and what was done
What did conservatives do vis a vis Jim Crow laws that make you think Dems were black people's friends and conservatives were not? IIRC the south was hugely and predominantly Democrats during the entire time Jim Crow laws were enforced in the south.
And you never answered.
have you researched how the congress vcoted on the civil rights act of 1964??

I am asking for examples and names of conservatives who you say acted against black interests.
If one studies history one would see it was the Dems. primarily southern dems who acted against black interests.
and i can give you names and actions.
The white southern democrats voted for Johnson in 1964, Nixon in 1968 and became white southern republicans in the mid 1970's. Exception being old white yellow dog democrats and young white idiot liberals.

Being old and raised in the 50's & 60's affords me the hindsight to just chuckle when people actually try to compare real racism of the 50s & 60s and some sort of imaginary racism existing today. Don't compare being forced go to a segregated school with being offended when someone uses a racial epithet . Ludicrous. No person born after 1980 has anyone to blame for their failing except themselves and that's why the ad is racist and self serving.
But, I am not offended because I can not find any law constitutional or not that says I have right "To not be offended".
If you followed Goldwater and the beliefs that he and Buckley brought forth you would understand that it is not that they are or Conservatives are against anyone, it is about giving you as an individual the chance to succeed. They are not about the group, but the individual.

You talk about understanding the black situation or needs, that is not what they are for or against, they are about the individual choice and allowing you that opportunity.

The reason that Goldwater voted against was simple and straightforward, it was about a group not the individual. That vote can directly be attributed to the "Special Interests" groups that we have today. Blacks, Hispanics, Religious Right, Anti Abortionists, Gay and Lesbian, Lobbyists etc.

To even mention Goldwater in the same vein as racism is absurd and shows how little you actually understand the Conservative movements roots and basis. I will be the first to admit that Group Think is far more powerful and easy to follow than Individual Think. Group Think has infected the Republican Party and there are many people out there not happy with it. When I hear Rubio speak, he reminds me of Goldwater, he doesn't think what is best for him or Latino's, he thinks what is best for America.

The idealogical difference here is Group Think mentality vs. Individual Think mentatlity.

That ad did nothing but reaffirm the group think mentality that I believe is wrong with this country.
It is quite obvious you know nothing about Barry Goldwater, please don't continue to make yourself look foolish.

That man single handlidly did more for American Indians, Mexican Americans, Mexicans than almost any other man in history combined. Do a little more than read the rhetoric that was spewed by the LBJ machine.

The ******** that LBJ threw out about Barry Goldwater was so much crap and that it still exists 60 years later tells you how absurdly powerful the media was then and is now.

There are many books about Goldwater, and all that have been written since the early 1970's have said that non of the protrayals of Goldwater from that election and demonization of him was even remotely accurate.

Please don't continue to make yourself look foolish, especially to someone that knows a little something about Barry Goldwater.
Then you just don't get, you are a Group Think person. I am not a Group Think person.

I am an individual first and foremost, I vote for what is best for me not for what group I fit into.

I don't understand how that concept is so hard to understand.

That is what Goldwater was about, making the most in life about yourself. If you think I am racist or my thoughts are racist, hey that is issue.

My goals in life are what is best for:

1.) Me
2.) My family
3.) United States

Not what is best for:
1.) Me
2.) Irish
3.) Catholics
4.) My Family
5.) United States of America

I am sorry you have a problem and you label me a racist because I put bettering myself and family above your political concerns.

Demonizing Goldwater from the NYT in 2012 because some racist jackasses jumped on his bandwagon does not mean one is a racist or should even be charaterized in such a way. Do a little more research on Goldwater then one quote you pulled out of the NYT. Why don't you read what Kennedy wrote about him? How about what Dr. King said about him?

Again, you just spout **** off the top of your head that you have not clue about.

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