NY Times on the Recruiting Battle for Scott

If that is true, that has to be the most retarded thing I've ever heard of. Major was running an entire SEC offense, he knows WTF he's doing when it comes to RB's and other offensive positions. Not only could he have helped him with his RB skills, but given him help with being able to understand other positions i.e. QB and OL and how they could help him become a better player by knowing how they work and how to utilize what they do to increase his productivity.
Man, that was tough to read.
Maybe better stated, I do not think Mack makes the move with Rucker/Applewhite THE WAY he did if he knew it would cost him DS. Hindsight is 20/20, but we could have easily brought in Applewhite AND Scott. Why would it have to be one or the other? Let Rucker double in the new role or find Applewhite a slightly different role. The guy isn't going to be the RB's coach for long anyway. Of course this all could just be DS finding a reason, and would have come up with something different...

Mack has stated several times that he was surprised that Ken was interested in that new job.

You are finding bogeymen where there are none. Questioning Mack's integrity is like saying that ou is a good academic school (108th out of 125 national universities in the USN&WR 2008 rankings).

The facts simply don't support it. Take some valium.


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Well written piece without prejudice or tone injected. Good reporting. Informative, unpretentious. Where does the Times get all these writers/reporters?

That said, I have no idea who the running backs coach is at CU, or even if there is a stellar RB coach in the Big 12.

Major might surprise a lot of people. Remember this: he was first trained as an offensive line coach. A very important understanding necessary in coaching a running back. I predict Major will work well with the other offensive coaches to give the running game it's best productivity.
Not the best day for the Orangeblood Staff.

Letting the rumors run wild and even fanning them. Right after using words like 'strangehold' to describe the lock Texas had on the kid.

And now, instead of coming clean, nope, only more hinting at impropriety by Scott and Colorado.

Overall, I can't say it looks good from where I'm sitting.
The position coach thing is garbage.

A 3 year assistant with 1 year of RB coaching vs.
A 2 year offensive coordinator....

Now if what they are actually saying is that Scott was comfortable being coached by a black coach and didn't feel comfortable being coached by a white coach. I could find that believable. Provided the colorado coach is black.

But the idea that Major's coaching ability was the defining reason here is a joke.

I am not saying anything improper went on, I just think the scotts are trying to do this without hurting anyones feelings more or less.
That was a great article. If it's accurate, we can all wish DS good luck, except when the Buffs plays us, since he had a very tough decision to make. It hurts that he didn't choose us over the Buffs but we should be fine with our current and future RBs.

As for anyone who prefer to have DS over the Major, (IMHO) you need to have your head examined. Even if DS is as good or better than Adrian Peterson in college, DS will not mean didly squat to me unless the buffs and DS win at least 1 MNC more than our program. As we all know, the Major has given our program great wins and memories in the past. I have all the belief and trust in the world that the Major, Coach Mack and the rest of our coaching staff will give our program great wins and memories in the near future. The Major has done pretty well as a coach and a coordinator so far, and I'm sure that he will help to lead us to more greatness in the future. See you in Boulder later this Fall, DS. You'll see how much fun and yardage you could have had as a Horn.
Looks like it was a 50/50 choice, and Scott was looking for something to help with the decision. The reassignment of Rucker was unfortunate timing for this one player's choice.
I wish Scott the best, but I think we will all be happy with the hiring of Major Applewhite over the long haul.
From the moment that Rucker took the new position, I thought it was rather strange.
I love the fact that Applewhite is here, but all the publicity that was given to Rucker as a RB coach contributed to his ability recruiting HS RBs. The whole story contributing Jamal Charles 2nd half of the season surge to Ken Rucker returning to the team was national news. If one of the main positives of attending Texas was having Rucker as his RB coach, maybe him not being there was enough to tip the scale back to CU.
I thought that when the new position was created that Bruce Chambers would be a good fit. I am not sure Applewhite still could have come back, but if he did that would be a hard to beat staff upgrade. I love what Ruck has done as a RB coach and would have loved to see what adding Applewhite to the mix would have done.
I agree with overmaars. Rucker moving is a copout. Its okay, not mad or anything, just looking for something to hang his hat on. So be it.

Thanks very much for that article.


Re-reading that article convinced me that Scott's decision came down to one about relationships:

When his mom talked about UCLA, Darrell's response was:

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Sounds to me like he chose Colorado for a legitimate reason (being close to family) and then gave the NYT a story to write. For some reason I doubt this is the rationale used to come to this decision
Everything I have ever read about Rucker--as a recruiter, position coach and person--makes his departure a pefectly understandable reason for Scott's change of heart. Scott had obviously developed a bond with Rucker as undoubtedly he had with Hagans. Scott had never even heard of Major Applewhite according to statements he made after Major was hired. Scott's decision to sign with Colorado based on Rucker leaving sounds very plausible and hardly a cop-out , garbage or retarded.
never had a good feeling about the scott situation and played out just like i thought. we get the same stuff from all these out of state recruits how they love everything about texas, silent commits, and everything is great but when it comes to it they don't sign. mack and staff are great recruiters and have a knack for early commitments but someone needs to step up as a closer a seal the deal on the recruits in the end of recruiting as well.
Something about that article just doesn't ring true. He's "solid" for Texas, then Kennedy announces Rucker won't be his coach, and wham! all of a sudden Scott does a 180 & commits to CU?

Sorry, it's a good piece, but I think it was much more complicated than that. He made his decision based on a variety of factors, but the NYT had to have a good story to tell. That's my impression, anyway.
Colt is talking to recruits now? Didn't Florida just get in the news for having Tim Tebow do the same thing?

I can see a high school teammate talking to him but the star qb? Not sure about that.
So when the former DB he has as a coach fails him, CU never wins more than 5-6 games in a season and Texas thumps him 2 or 3 times will he be happy? I am sure AD wishes he had picked Texas.
This thread is ignoring the elephant in the room. Kennedy/UT came across pretty poorly. I know every recruiter behaves like that, but this is the first time one did it with a reporter listening in.
I'm 42 and feel really old that most of you don't know who Darian Hagen is. Scary. He preceded Kordell Stewart. Ever heard of him?

I wonder if Mr,. Hagen is still with Bill McCartney's daughter ... and for you nimrods, Bill McCartney was not a Beatle.
I don't follow recruiting, so no, Ketch has never "pissed in my cheerios". I couldn't give a crap who we sign -- Mack signs good players. They'll work out more often than not if he signs them.
But I have heard Ketch on the radio a lot, and he strikes me as a bit of a creep. His job doesn't help that image. Sorry, but I think those that pay more attention to recruiting than they do the actual game -- and there are a LOT
of you out there who are dangerously close to fitting that description to a "T" -- are misguided, if not downright sick in the head.

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