Nothing but Crickets!

I don't care who you voted for white liberals/demorcrats are just as racist as republicans. Once again, history proves that white people are the most violent human beings on the earth.

Alright Man we're all very aware of your point of view on this subject through your numerous posts repeating the same claim.
More facts:

Wow, what do you know! A white person that is in denial, dismissive, and unwilling to just admit and accept that America is Racist brings up the very example of that in Fox News. Not surprised at all.
Alright Man we're all very aware of your point of view on this subject through your numerous posts repeating the same claim.
I keep repeating the same factual information because you all keep trying to do what white people always do. Which is to spin and say what about so and so, they are racist too. Or other people owned slaves too.
Wow, what do you know! A white person that is in denial, dismissive, and unwilling to just admit and accept that America is Racist brings up the very example of that in Fox News. Not surprised at all.
9 of 13 colonies abolished slavery either before or just after the constitution was adopted. Why no credit for them?
9 of 13 colonies abolished slavery either before or just after the constitution was adopted. Why no credit for them?
No credit at all! Even when slavery was supposed to have ended white people continued to rape,murder, and torrorize black people to this day. Lynching, burning, bombing, making laws that said black people couldn't eat, drink, live, or even be in the same area as white people. They also had unwritten laws that said you couldn't look a white man in his eyes if you were black. And you couldn't look at white women if you were a black man.

Emmett Till would probably still be alive today if he wasn't murdered for being falsely accused of looking at a white women. These kind of evil things are still being done to black people today. I don't care if you all want to deny it or act like it doesn't exist because history is clearly on my side.
because you all keep trying to do what white people always do

The only racist on this board is you. As a matter of fact a few of your racist comments have to bordering on violating site rules. I doubt you care but if you continue to race bait and make race based derogatory comments we're gonna find out.
The only racist on this board is you. As a matter of fact a few of your racist comments have to bordering on violating site rules. I doubt you care but if you continue to race bait and make race based derogatory comments we're gonna find out.
So, pointing out Racism is Racist? Everything that 'I've said you can look up and read. Everything that I've stated are the hard truths that white people dont want to face. If you think that anything that I've said is racist then you're ultimately making the point for me. Which is that America is the most Racist country in the world.
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So, pointing out Racism is Racist? Everything that 'I've said you can look up and read. Everything that I've stated are the hard truths that white people dont want to face. If you think that anything that I've said is racist then you're ultimately making the point for me. Which is that America is the most Racist country in the world.
You've never been to Japan.
H77, not no reason whatsoever, but I am starting to think dubious reasons.

I'm just curious. What's your rationale on this? First, why shouldn't the US have entered the war? Second, what do you think would have happened had we not entered the war?
I don't care who you voted for white liberals/demorcrats are just as racist as republicans. Once again, history proves that white people are the most violent human beings on the earth.

What does that have to do with me and the fact that my skin is white? You kind of went vertical.
"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion, people must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love. For love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite."

Nelson Mandela
From Dr. King's letter to Southern Clergymen written while he was in jail:

"You speak of our activity in Birmingham as extreme. At first I was rather disappointed that fellow clergymen would see my nonviolent efforts as those of an extremist. I began thinking about the fact that I stand in the middle of two opposing forces in the Negro community. One is a force of complacency, made up in part of Negroes who, as a result of long years of oppression, are so drained of self respect and a sense of "somebodiness" that they have adjusted to segregation; and in part of a few middle-class Negroes who, because of a degree of academic and economic security and because in some ways they profit by segregation, have become insensitive to the problems of the masses. The other force is one of bitterness and hatred, and it comes perilously close to advocating violence. It is expressed in the various black nationalist groups that are springing up across the nation, the largest and best known being Elijah Muhammad's Muslim movement. Nourished by the Negro's frustration over the continued existence of racial discrimination, this movement is made up of people who have lost faith in America, who have absolutely repudiated Christianity, and who have concluded that the white man is an incorrigible "devil."

I have tried to stand between these two forces, saying that we need emulate neither the "do nothingism" of the complacent nor the hatred and despair of the black nationalist. For there is the more excellent way of love and nonviolent protest. I am grateful to God that, through the influence of the Negro church, the way of nonviolence became an integral part of our struggle. If this philosophy had not emerged, by now many streets of the South would, I am convinced, be flowing with blood. And I am further convinced that if our white brothers dismiss as "rabble rousers" and "outside agitators" those of us who employ nonviolent direct action, and if they refuse to support our nonviolent efforts, millions of Negroes will, out of frustration and despair, seek solace and security in black nationalist ideologies--a development that would inevitably lead to a frightening racial nightmare."

I posted this because it seems there is a level of hatred being displayed on this board. I'm not sure where that takes us. I don't know what it means to me. I only know that I've read up on Dr. King's words and I think he was very rational in the sense that protest was vital but at the same time bitterness and hatred was not helpful. He spoke of self-purifying oneself before they engaged in non-violent protests; I think that purification was to ensure that the right kind of person was on the front line; one who had courage but also could not be provoked and had the sense to respond properly if love was present in the room. The idea that a random white person in 2017 is to be seen as evil due to history is not love. It is a stepping-stone to something else. I wonder what that could be.
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Is this where the stand down order to police came from?

This is Wes Bellamy, the vice-mayor of Charlottesville
He was already forced out of a teaching job (what was he teaching?)
And forced off the Board of Education



Deez, granted I am reading/listening to a bit of revisionism, but what I have read is the Colonel House and others like him who were aides to the President at the time had bank and financial interests in England. I don't know that the US any real interest in WW1. Maybe I am wrong, but a few people tied to the government certainly did.

The English owed these guy money to pay back lo ans and knew they wouldn't get it if England lost to Germany. Germany did some bad stuff, but it isn't clear to me if one side was clearly in the wrong. Germany took action first so I get the criticism, but it seems murky to me.

If the US doesn't get involved I don't know what happens. Germany probably wins. I am not sure what their end goals were. I thought part of their goal was just not to get taken over by Russia and France.
If the US doesn't get involved I don't know what happens. Germany probably wins. I am not sure what their end goals were. I thought part of their goal was just not to get taken over by Russia and France.

I think if Woodrow Wilson had gotten his way at the Treay of Versailles and Germany had not been punished for a stupid, costly pointless war everyone in charge in Europe was at fault for, a worldwide depression and the rise of the nazis would have been avoided. World War 2 would either not have occurred, been between the USSR and the west or would have been over something completely different. Maybe Franco loses in Spain, communism takes over there and that leads to showdown between the west and east? It is likely Imperial Japan still invades Manchuria so maybe there is only a pacific war and not a world war. Who knows?

If Germany wins, however, I think everything still plays out badly. I do not think Germany/the Kaiser would have conquered anything (who knows though?) but I think they would have imposed their own unreasonable Treaty of Versailles on France and the UK causing a worldwide depression and possibly a French or English version of Hitler.

For all the hate Woodrow Wilson gets, he was the only one with the vision that tried to prevent a depression and second world war by opposing the unreasonable economic restrictions/requirements France and the UK put on Germany.

Anyway, the US lost a lot of people in the most terrible war in history, the kind George Washington warned us against. My own great grandfather was one of the doughboys that went over, was gassed in the Argonne Forest and suffered from it for the rest of his life. His descriptions of the Battle of the Argonne Forest were quite horrific and the US had 120,000 killed or wounded in that one battle alone. The war and memories of battles like the Argonne Forest caused a strong sense of isolationism that kept us out of the world war we actually needed to be a part of and should have joined sooner.
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Is this where the stand down order to police came from?

This is Wes Bellamy, the vice-mayor of Charlottesville
He was already forced out of a teaching job (what was he teaching?)
And forced off the Board of Education




There's always going to be the bitter crowd. They feel good venting their hang-ups. To hate white people is a no-win proposition. There are people that hate Goldman Sachs and it always seems to be some hipster who likes to think he's in the know about the Illuminati. We know racism exists but to suddenly blame every white person is to become like ISIS and declare that all infidels must die. That is why it is incumbent upon the Left to stand down because white people can't change history. Neither can God.
I think if Woodrow Wilson had gotten his way at the Treay of Versailles and Germany had not been punished for a stupid, costly pointless war everyone in charge in Europe was at fault for, a worldwide depression and the rise of the nazis would have been avoided. World War 2 would either not have occurred, been between the USSR and the west or would have been over something completely different. Maybe Franco loses in Spain, communism takes over there and that leads to showdown between the west and east? It is likely Imperial Japan still invades Manchuria so maybe there is only a pacific war and not a world war. Who knows?

If Germany wins, however, I think everything still plays out badly. I do not think Germany/the Kaiser would have conquered anything (who knows though?) but I think they would have imposed their own unreasonable Treaty of Versailles on France and the UK causing a worldwide depression and possibly a French or English version of Hitler.

For all the hate Woodrow Wilson gets, he was the only one with the vision that tried to prevent a depression and second world war by opposing the unreasonable economic restrictions/requirements France and the UK put on Germany.

Anyway, the US lost a lot of people in the most terrible war in history, the kind George Washington warned us against. My own great grandfather was one of the doughboys that went over, was gassed in the Argonne Forest and suffered from it for the rest of his life. His descriptions of the Battle of the Argonne Forest were quite horrific and the US had 120,000 killed or wounded in that one battle alone. The war and memories of battles like the Argonne Forest caused a strong sense of isolationism that kept us out of the world war we actually needed to be a part of and should have joined sooner.

If you and @Monahorns haven't heard this debate, you should listen to or watch it. It's a few years old, but it's still pretty interesting and discusses whether or not the UK should have entered WWI. I have generally been supportive of WWI, but after listening to this, now I'm not so sure. And of course, if the UK had stayed out, the US surely would have stayed out.

Even when I was more supportive, I considered it tragic in a lot of ways - just a lot of casualties for little accomplishment. I went to Verdun a couple of years ago, and it turned my stomach. About 300,000 people were killed (and over 700,000 total casualties) in that one place, and I looked in the window of the ossuary and saw thousands of human bones just scattered in the cellar. It was one of the grossest things I've ever seen and so very sad - so much death and suffering only to have the war end in a bitter armistice that led to an even bloodier war just two decades later.

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