it really is exhausting having to repeat myself ad nauseum. i have never questioned the long term trend. but the awkward fact for those of you who like to trump the trend (particularly the global temperature trend) is that it has been more or less steady for 170 years. I merely point out that in the middle of mankind's greatest contribution of CO2 to the atmosphere, the global temperature trend is flat for 17 years. Not only is this surprising to me, it is surprising to the 73 primarily climate models as well. not one of them predicted this. That is a problem. Furthermore, the Arctic ice has been steadily trending downward since we put satellites in space, but there is good evidence that it is cyclical. we happened to put the satellites up right as we were ending about 35 years of flat to cooling temperatures, then we subsequently began warming rather rapidly for 18 years. it is not surprising that the arctic ice has trended downward. what will be interesting to see is what comes next.