On this issue, I have to agree with MOP. When a statement like 50 million climate refugees is thrown out there, it is rightly taken very, very seriously. If they had missed the estimate by 10% or 20% or even 50% that is debatable. But when it misses absolutely completely, then that is just ********. Maybe it is not the fault of the scientists, but these predictions are then politicized and used to make policy decisions. Lots and lots of money can change hands as a result. 50 million people is a drastic dire prediction. The actual was ZERO.
Obviously this is only a prediction and not all of the science behind GW. However, in any field known to man, if someone's science/models/predicitons missed this badly, we would be absolutely foolish not to seriously question the underlying science that generated the prediction.
This goes along with your back and forth with MOP on sea level rising. Surely you will not question that the AGW camp predicted much more rapid sea level rising than was occuring in pre-industrial time. This was all over the place. The latest studies say that rate of the sea level rise is not accelerating, but is actually decreasing. This goes against every model/prediction made with regards to the rate of sea level rising. Like the above example, not only have the seas not risen any faster than they were rising in the pre-industrial time but they are rising slower now. Complete bust by the predicitions/models.
There is off by a little but generally true and there is off by a lot but maybe true and there is off by a whole lot so maybe not true and then there is off by so much the predictions look like lunacy. We have lunacy levels on a lot of these predictions.