North pole to melt this year?

not going to argue with you uninformed, but using your broader definitions for the common cold, all cases of influenza are technically "bird flu" just not the H5N1 that everyone is jacked up about. So using broader definitions, gadfly's remark is still ********.
Yeah, his comment was BS, but it is more fun to argue with someone who knows what he is talking about. Otherwise, like what occurs with most threads on hornfans, we are just pissin' in the wind.
Day 213
Middle of the pack. 2007 has a big week coming up and my guess is that 2008 will be over 1 million sq km behind after 7-8 more days. 2006 looks in range, but not, I think, 2005.

month day year ice diff
8 1 2002 7.452 -0.08137
8 1 2003 7.617 -0.11484
7 31 2004 7.923 -0.09094
8 1 2005 6.953 -0.09297
8 1 2006 7.094 -0.04938
8 1 2007 6.324 -0.05125
7 31 2008 7.198 -0.07266
Preliminary Unofficial Day 216 Race Report
2008 has a slow day.
8 4 2002 NA NA
8 4 2003 7.350313 -0.108281
8 3 2004 7.693750 -0.061563
8 4 2005 6.776719 -0.090000
8 4 2006 6.879375 -0.087813
8 4 2007 6.001250 -0.108594
8 3 2008 6.909688 -0.086406
Preliminary Unofficial Day 217 Race Report
2008 has a really slow day.
8 5 2002 NA NA
8 5 2003 7.280156 -0.070157
8 4 2004 7.620938 -0.072812
8 5 2005 6.678438 -0.098281
8 5 2006 6.795000 -0.084375
8 5 2007 5.890469 -0.110781
8 4 2008 6.849531 -0.059532
Preliminary Unofficial Day 218 Race Report
2008 has a big day with respect to everything except 2004.
8 6 2002 NA NA
8 6 2003 7.221250 -0.058906
8 5 2004 7.513125 -0.107813
8 6 2005 6.610469 -0.067969
8 6 2006 6.742500 -0.052500
8 6 2007 5.815156 -0.075313
8 5 2008 6.738125 -0.103438
BTW, I am glad you looked up the info. Most on hornfans don't. Wiki is a start, but there are some really good documentaries on the outbreak.
Thanks for the interesting information on the influenza virus. However, y'all are distracting from MOP's daily posting of the level of ice in Inuit martinis. Has anyone else forgotten what the columns refer to?

Interesting topic going on here. I haven't gone through all the pages of this thread because I actually just got back from the Arctic and haven't been on Hornfans for a while...

Spent about 1.5 months up there from what I saw first-hand, there was a little more ice where we were at this year as opposed to last year but about the same amount as 2006. That article from the OP made me chuckle a little bit because the solid ice pack wasn't even close to breaking all the way through.
the new temperatures are out for July from the UAH data (one of the 4 primary global indices).......

if you check it out, we got slightly warmer this month, but still cooler than march and still the 12 month moving average is now down even further. it was also cooler than July of 1980. turns out it was the 13th warmest on record of the 30 years we have on record (satellite data) here.......

which is to say, that while it was slightly warmer, it was still quite modest and average for the 30 years of records we have and the overall trend is still downwards.
RSS (the other satellite feed) tells the same story:

RSS satellite

both the RSS and UAH data feeds show that this July was colder than last July by about .2 degrees celsius (that's about 25% of the total global warming in the past 120 years).
Preliminary Unofficial Day 222 Race Report
2008 has an ordinary day, remaining a bit ahead of 2005.

8 10 2002 6.747969 -0.053281
8 10 2003 6.909688 -0.023125
8 9 2004 7.111875 -0.087969
8 10 2005 6.410000 -0.057344
8 10 2006 6.589219 -0.045781
8 10 2007 5.527813 -0.037500
8 9 2008 6.420781 -0.064219
Preliminary Unofficial Day 223 Race Report
2008 is now ahead of both 2005 and 2006
8 11 2002 6.681875 -0.066094
8 11 2003 6.887031 -0.022657
8 10 2004 7.057813 -0.054062
8 11 2005 6.372969 -0.037031
8 11 2006 6.536250 -0.052969
8 11 2007 5.468594 -0.059219
8 10 2008 6.335938 -0.081718