I have to agree that we are overextended. I disagree that there's an imperial policy to blame. Our military operations are supposedly to combat terrorism (the middle east) or to protect allies (Europe / Korea). We didn't conquer these allies and put troops in their midst to keep them in line. The troops are there to keep attempted conquerors from coming back.
Having said that, I think we need to bring our troops home from Europe and maybe South Korea. These areas can take care of themselves. We can sell them arms if necessary. But it's past time for us to leave.
I don't know what to do about the middle east. With Obama reversing most of what Bush did, I'm not sure if we can sustain an effort to keep Al Queda / ISIS / next group of scum in check. But I don't like the alternative of allowing ISIS to grow a strong base from which to export terrorism globally.
Your hero, Putin, does seem to have an imperial appetite. He seems bent on rebuilding the USSR and putting in an empire in the middle east whereever he can.