What about the damn jewelry that was found in Trayvon's backpack??? Who has it? Why hasn't this been followed up to tie in to a buglary??? And then, where did the burglary occur and when?
I keep waiting for something to show up in the news, but nothing. Why?
Someone was convicted of murder???

I would like to see if the jewelry was the result of a burglary in addition to when and where the burglary occurred. Who has possession of the jewelry?
All this **** about jewelry hasn't really come into play because it is wholly irrelevant. Having an empty baggy, presumably for some pot, and some jewelry does not really establish that the kid did something wrong or that some theft on his part means he would go from trying to avoid Zimmerman to attacking him in a life threatening way while saying, as Zimmerman's father suggests, 'I'm going to kill you.'

By the way, the words Zimmerman's father has sought to put in Martin's mouth seem outlandish to me. It sounds like ready made smear. I really need some fill-in background to the situation that is not before us at present to believe the kid went from going to get Skittles and Iced Tea, or whatever, and trying to avoid Zimmerman, to attacking and saying something like 'You are going to die tonight.' That's sounds like some serious tailor-made CYA.
Buckhorn, it is not irrelevant at all. The national media would have you believe that Zimmerman was tracking down a young innocent boy with a bag of skittles. However, some more digging would tell you that the young man may very well have been a thief and thus Zimmerman's stated intuition from the 911 call could actually have been spot on. The fact is we do not know.
The jewelry can't help this case along at all, though it may give you reason to think the kid might be a burglar. It is not proof or violent tendencies, or anything else, for that matter. Even if it was proven that he had used a screwdriver on a B&E somewhere else such would have no bearing on the case or the investigation. As it stands, it does not appear that the kid was at all involved in illegal activity when Zimmerman decided to pursue him and it does not appear that Zimmerman or the police thought about the jewelry or the empty baggy or the alleged swing at a bus driver when they took their respective courses of action.

The jewelry issue speaks to the way the media has handled this, but not to relevance within the case itself. The media did bring the jewelry into view but it is not being closely followed up on because it doesn't matter.
Satchel, you should take a long walk. I would never use the 'N' word, but guess what, that is what the kid called himself! Take the blinders off, man. It is a unspeakably terrible tragedy that this young man is dead. That said, there were a lot of signs that he was headed down a very dark path in his life as short as it was.
The police should care about the jewelry and the tox/screen of the autopsy for the validity of Zimmermans story and probably to the chagrin of those on this board that blindly accept that Trayvon was ONLY followed because he was profiled as black.
If Trayvon actually was a burglar/thief(jewels found in back back) casing houses and high( on suspension for dope), then the initial description by Zimmerman becomes more believable and accurate. What if these jewels were matched to a burglary in the gated community? The police should get ahead of the curve rather than find out in court.
'93 is right. I mean, what kids don't carry a pile of women's jewelry and a screwdriver at school, along with their graffiti paint. This is perfectly normal.
Especially since Trayvon honestly said they belonged to a "friend" and of course he then honestly refused to name the friend.
It's all good, my bad.

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